Title page

  • Name of the TSF

  • Operator of the TSF

  • Inspection by:

  • Location of the TSF
  • Date of inspection

  • Summary of the inspection

Information before the inspection

General information

  • All required permits/approvals available?

  • Missing permits/approvals are:

  • Tailings discharge volume per day/month/year

  • Raising rate of the TSF per year if constructed with lifts

  • Remaining service life of the TSF

Tailings composition

  • Mineral composition of the tailings

  • Sulfide minerals containing in the tailings

  • Density of the tailings as slurry

  • Density of consolidated tailings

Geometrical aspects of TSF

  • Surface area of each TSF (in ha)

  • Altitude of TSF crest

  • Height of TSF crest above toe

  • Embankment upstream/downstream slopes and width

  • Total length of embankment

  • Volume of TSF (filling level in%)

Water management of the TSF

  • Amount of water used in the plant

  • Amount of water carried in the tailings

  • Is there an available water recycling system?

  • Amount of recycled water to the plant

  • Amount of treated water outflow

  • Amount of estimated seepage

  • Amount of estimated water evaporation

Monitoring and control systems

  • Emergency management by means of

  • Are there monitoring and control systems for

  • SOPs for

  • Are there soil erosion control measures for the tailings?

  • Is there a map of all tailings with their respective residual grades?

  • Are there grievances or complaints of the surrounding population/third parties?

Physical and environmental stability

  • Assessment of the physical stability

  • The key factors for the classification as "compromised" or "at risk" are

  • Assessment of the environmental stability

  • The key factors for the classification as "compromised" or "at risk" are

Observations during the inspection

General information about the TSF

  • What is the tailings producing process

  • TSF layout

  • Number of TSF

  • Operation procedures if more than 1 TSF

  • Types of TSF construction

  • Construction method

  • Compaction method

  • Zonation of the dam

  • Deposition type

  • Tailings consistency

  • Photos/Videos of the TSF

  • Impermeabilization and liner system

  • Description of the system

Tailings discharge

  • Location of tailings discharge

  • Type of discharge

  • Foto of discharge


  • Drain type

  • Foto of the drain

Water treatment system

  • Used system

  • Foto of the treatment system

Auxiliary elements

  • Which auxiliary elements exist for Tailings management

  • Fotos of auxiliary elements used for Tailings management

Surrounding area of the TSF

  • Catchment area conditions

  • Diversion ditches

  • Embankment conditions

  • Spillway condition

Decant installation of TSF

  • Type of decant system

  • Segregation efficiency

  • Beach slope and form

  • Decant installation

  • Freeboards (operational/emergency)

  • Pipelines for water recycling

  • Liners

  • Drainage

  • Color of decant water

  • Turbidity of decant water

  • Smell of decant water

  • pH of decant water

  • Temperature of decant water

  • Oxygen in decant water

  • EC/TC of decant water

  • TDS of decant water

Water discharge to the environment

  • Conditions

  • Smell

  • Turbidity

  • Color

  • pH

  • Temperature

  • Oxygen content

  • EC/TC

  • TDS

Downstream water quality

  • Condition

  • Color

  • Smell

  • Turbidity

  • pH

  • Temperatire

  • Oxygen

  • EC/TC

  • TDS

Environmental influences through the TSF

  • Condition

  • Environmental influences of the TSF to the environment

  • Effects of animals on TSF

  • Effects of TSF on animals

  • Effects of plants on TSF

  • Effects of TSF on plants

  • What kind of erosion control is used

Settling ponds

  • Do waste water settling/polishing ponds exist?

  • How many waste water settling ponds exist?

  • Are the settlement ponds of stable structure and maintained?

Measurements of the tailings

  • Moisture of consolidated tailings

  • Particle size distribution (slime,sand,gravel)

  • Acid generation potential

  • Chemicals from the plant

  • Metals and salts

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