Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Client Details
Title and full name of client
Date of Birth
Property Address
Home Telephone Number
Mobile Telephone Number
Work Telephone Number
Email Address
Is the Claimant the homeowner of the above address ?
Does the Claimant live at the above address ?
If the Claimant does not live at the above address, please provide the Claimants home address for all correspondence
How long has the Claimant lived at the property?
When did the Claimant notice the damage to the property?
Has any remeial or rectification work been done to the property to address these issues?
Was the Claimant made aware of any issues with the Cavity Wall Insulation at the time they purchased the property?
Date and Time of the cavity wall assessment.
Property Details
Property Type?
How many bedrooms does the property have?
When was the property built?
Number of storeys to the property?
What is the construction type of the property? inner and outer leaf walls, roof etc?
What is the main fuel type to the property?
Please specify whether the property has solid or suspended floors to the ground floor level
If Suspended floors, are the sub floor vents sleeved or clear of insulant ?
Are all the walls vents above the suspended floor, not sub floor vents Correctly sealed ?
Are the External walls to the property less than 12 metres in height ?
Is the Damp Proof course not continuous, compromised or breached in any way on the elevations to the property?
Please provide photos of the DPC compromised or breached in any way
Is the Damp Proof course a Minimum of 150mm above the ground level?
If not, please provide photo evidence
Is there evidence of sub standard brickwork or render to the property that was apparent on the day of cavity wall insulation taking place?
If so, please provide photos as evidence
Has Cavity Wall Barriers been installed by the contractor?
Are there any omitted areas where no insulation took place?
If so, are the omitted areas protected by a Cavity Wall Barriers?
Regarding omitted areas,did the installer explain that these areas would be left uninsulated, and there would also be a likelihood of cold bridging that could lead to higher levels of condensation?
External photos to the property . Please provide as many images as possible relating to the questions above
Brief Background and History
Enter details of alleged problems to the property such as Damp, Mould or condensation , external issues since the Cavity wall Insualtion took place
Please provide photos of evidence of all alleged issues to the property
Please provide damp meter reading results and what rooms they were taken in on all alleged issues to the property since CWI took place
Notes to any issues since CWI took place
Which rooms are affected by Damp, Mould or condensation since the introduction of CWI
Provide landscape and close up pictures of rooms affected regarding any alleged issues to the property
Are there any rooms affected by high condensation levels since CWI took place ?
Please provide room humidity results to any rooms affected by condensation
If so, what rooms are affected ?
Has there been any Building alterations, improvements or repairs to the property since the install of CWI?
If so, what works has been carried out since the install of CWI?
Provide images of any works, alterations or repairs since the introduction of CWI
When did the client first notice the issues of Damp, Mould , Condensation or external wall issues?
Are there any residents living in the property suffering with ill health or aggravated issues such as breathing difficulties as a result of the CWI?
If so, what health issues are they suffering with?
Provide images of any prescriptions, doctors or hospital letters relating to their health issues as a result of the CWI
Was the central heating system active on the day of inspection/ assessment of the property?
Please state the outside weather conditions on the day of inspection
Visual Internal Inspection
Internal leaf material to the property
Please provide photos of internal leaf construction of the Property
For properties with Damp, Mould or Condensation, could life style choices be a contributory factor in any of their alleged issues since CWI took place?
Where is the Ventilation coming from for the Property? Air Bricks, Natural Ventilation, Trickle Vents, Sub Floor Vents?
What exposure zone is the Property located in? 1 to 4?
Please provide photos of the surrounding area to where the property is situated
Borescope images of the elevations to the Property and all findings to the relevant elevations
Borescope images of all elevations relating to the Property
Note all your findings to all elevations Borescoped
Are the Cavity Walls free of significant Debris or Rubble?
If not, please explain.
Total Wall Measurements m2 equals Width x Height minus Windows, Doors, or any opening.
Total m3, Cubic Meterage of Insulant within the cavity walls. m2 X depth of cavity walls.
What Insulation was used by the installer to insulate the Property?
Is the Cavity Wall Drill Pattern in line with relevant BBA Agrement Certfications for the insulant used?
External rain water Goods, DPC, Wall Ties and Access Equipment
Are the Rain water goods in a good condition? No leaks or blockages that could result in Penetrating Damp issues to the Property?
Provide photos of the Rain Water Goods
Is there Concrete Fin Lock Guttering present on the Property?
Was the Concrete Fin Lock Gutters suitably lined prior to Cavity Wall Insulation taking Place?
Does the Claimant have a copy of any Concrete Fin Lock Gutter lining Guarantee?
Please provide photos of Concrete Fin Lock Guttering and any Concrete Gutter Lining Guarantees that the Claimant may hold in their possession
Is the Damp Proof Course compromised or breached by any external finish to the property?
Please provide photos if applicable
Notes of any DPC issues
Is there any evidence of Wall Tie replacement works carried out?
Is Scaffolding required for the Property?
Summary and Overview of the Cavity Wall Report
Please provide a detailed report of your investigation
Severity Rating of the Property
CIGA, REIGA, or any cavity wall guarantee, Contractors Details.
Does the Claimant have a relevant Cavity wall Guarantee?
Please Provide photos of the relevant Cavity Wall Guarantee
Is the relevant Cavity Wall Guarantee in the Claimants name?
If no relevant Cavity Wall Guarantee, does the Claimant have documentation of the actual installer of the CWI, invoice, survey sheet, letters etc?
If the Claimant has no Cavity Wall Guarantee, does the Claimant have the name of the installer, the date of Install and the relevant Guarantee Ref No
Add photos of any relevant Installer documentation
Assessors Approval
Add all relevant photos from the property. Send ID, POA, CIGA cert and CFA as separate attachments along with a copy of this report.