
  • Personnel

  • Document No.

Instructor / Course Information

  • Client / Site

  • Class/Course/Module

Observation Information

  • Audit Title

  • Conducted on

  • Number of students present

Observer Information

  • Prepared by

  • Observer Title


  • The classroom environment is welcoming.

Class Preparation

  • Arrived 10 min before class.

  • Greeted each student by name

  • Informed students of objectives for class

  • Started on time and well prepared

  • NOTES:


  • Presented the lesson in a logical manner

  • Used examples to clarify or emphasize

  • Example:

  • Periodically restated objectives

  • Explained key terminology

  • Interspersed with student-centered learning activities

  • Followed curriculum

  • NOTES:

Instructor Response

  • Please provide your comments, questions, or concerns here on this page off the printout.


Guided Practice

  • Periodically checked for understanding

  • Asked questions of all students

  • Evaluated degree of understanding and reviewed, if necessary

  • Number of questions by instructor

  • Number of questions by students

  • NOTES:

Instructional Strategies

  • Used good questioning techniques

  • Stimulated student participation

  • Included all students in the lesson

  • Evidence of thorough planning & prep

  • Addressing varied learning styles

  • Applied student-centered learning activities

  • Connected content to Career Application

  • Maintained interest of the class

  • NOTES:


Classroom Management

  • Arranged room so students can see, hear, & participate

  • Draw room layout

  • Instructor moved about the room

  • Used class time wisely

  • Used motivation techniques

  • Created a positive, supportive, learning environment

  • NOTES:

Presentation Skills

  • Displayed enthusiasm

  • Used appropriate voice quality<br>(tone & quality)

  • Demonstrated a professional manner

  • Spoke at an appropriate rate of speech

  • NOTES:


Closure & Follow-up

  • Summarized key points of lesson

  • Related follow-up activities to lesson

  • Asked relevant review questions

  • NOTES:

Modes of Instruction

  • Check any used in this lesson

  • Other instructional mode used:


  • End of observation

  • Overall Rating of the Lesson

  • Observer comments:

  • Name of Observer:

Instructor Response

  • Please provide your comments, questions, or concerns here on this page off the printout.


Instructor agrees

  • This was a scheduled/planned observation.

  • All students were present.

  • How many students absent?

  • I feel the observed lesson

  • I would improve this lesson's

  • My highlight from today

  • I will....

  • Review the emailed observation

  • Schedule a time to sit down with my observer

  • Name of Instructor

  • This page is your immediate confirmation of the observation evaluation. You will receive a PDF copy of this evaluation. You are encouraged to make comments on your printout.

Instructor Response

  • Please provide your comments, questions, or concerns here on this page off the printout.

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