Title Page
Opportunity Nummer
Opportunity Name
Erstellt am
Erstellt von
Name and address of end customer
OEM customer contact for installation planning
Contact details
Telephone number
Mobile number
Contact person of the Domino service technician<br>As above
Contact details
Telephone number
Mobile number
Adresse der Vor-Inbetriebnahme
Contact person for installation planning Name
Contact details
Telephone number
Mobile number
Contact person of the Domino service technician<br>As above
Contact details
Telephone number
Mobile number
Abweichende Anschrift des Installationsortes
Address of the installation site
Task description
Complexity of the order
Level of integration
- 1 - standard product
- 2 - Level 1 incl. standard software
- 3 - Level 2 including QD-Datalink or QD Client-Server installation
- 4 - Solution products and/or QD unit/simple special software
- 5 - Complex order
Erläuterung zu den Integrationsleveln anzeigen
Level 1
Only Domino standard products are included in this order
E.g. simple tape installation with inkjet
- VKAD is fully responsible for the ILC preparation
- Support from the PcT was and is not required
- The integration or installation can be carried out by a "simply" trained technician
Level 2
This order includes only Domino standard products including Domino standard software (QD Lite or Standard)
For example, a Domino printer must be installed in conjunction with QuickDesign (Lite or Standard)
- VKAD is fully responsible for the ILC preparation
- Support from the PcT was and is not required
- The integration or installation can be carried out by a trained technician who has basic knowledge of the printer technology and software
Level 3
This order includes Domino standard products including Domino standard software which requires a database connection and more (Datalink or OD standard as client-server installation)
For example, a Domino printer must be connected to a complex database in conjunction with QuickDesign (Datalink or QD Standard as client-server installation)
- This order includes Domino standard products including more complex I/O or data connection to third party systems (e.g. Cable and Wire, Eier, Weihenstephan, ...)
For example, a Domino printer must communicate with a MOBA
- VKAD is fully responsible for the ILC preparation
- A product support by the PcT was and is required, the product supporter must be stored in the ILC
- The integration or installation can be carried out by a trained technician who has basic knowledge of the printer technology and software.
- If necessary, support must be provided by the PcT
- The support costs (on-site, remote, ...) must be clarified in advance by VKAD with the PcT.
- Possible external suppliers must be taken into account
- The planner arranges appointments with the product supporter and possible suppliers
Level 4
In this order are only Domino-Solution-Products and/or QD Units/ simple special software
E.g. a Domino Solution printer and/or QD Unite must be requested/edited from DPA or DLG or special software must be programmed for the application
- VKAD is fully responsible for the ILC creation and can hand over to a product specialist
- Support from the PcT is required and a product specialist is appointed
- The product specialist must be stored in the ILC
- Support by the product specialist during the entire IBN process
- The integration or installation can be carried out by a trained technician, the planning is done in coordination with the product specialist
- The necessary qualification of the technician and the support effort (on-site, remote, ...) by the PcT is coordinated between product specialist and THD/RSL
- PcT starts the arrangement with THD/RSL during the order check
- Possible external suppliers must be taken into account
- The final appointments with the customer, technicians, product support and possibly suppliers are made by the planner
Level 5
(All level 5 must be approved by THG)
In this order, more complex interrelationships of the order are to be considered
E.g. external suppliers (e.g. order volume larger than domino share) have to be considered, very high order volume where IBN planning is running over a long period of time (multiple locations and/or multiple technologies)
- VKAD is fully responsible for the creation of the ILC and can hand it over to a project manager
- A project manager from the PcT is appointed
- The integration or installation can be carried out by a trained technician, the planning is done in coordination with the project manager
- Responsibility for the whole IBN process is with the project manager
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***
Environmental conditions
Ambient temperature
- Ax-Serie, MJ2: 5 bis 45°C
- C-, F-Serie: 5 bis 35°C
- D-, M-, V-Serie: 5 bis 40°C
- G-Serie: 0 bis 50°C
- < 0°C, 5°C
- > 35°C, 40°C, 45°C
The selected ambient temperature is outside the technical machine specification. Please specify ambient temperature in °C
Ambient conditions
Please indicate relative humidity in %.
Power supply
Marking parameters
Production: maximum ... Hours / ... Shifts
Production location / line description / -part
Plant and process description
Installation location
Marking of
Composition of the marking
Position of the marking
Condition of the product during marking
Picture of a labelled product
Task description and solution proposal
Is it a trial installation
General condition for the trial
Agreed objective of the trial
Sampling in sample department createt
SF Sample Number and/or SF Sample Link
Peripheral equipment
Product movement
Product movement
Maximum speed of line
Encoder pulses
Maximale Geschwindigkeit der Linie
Drehgeber wird bereitgestellt durch
Montage mit
- Reibrad federgelagert
- Reibrad starr
- RS008 - Flex(K-)Kupplung 10mm x 10mm an Welle
- 13403 - Wellenkupplung für Drehimpulsgeber 10mm x 10mm
- DIG Dummy
- Regelgetriebe
Foto der Montageposition des Drehgebers
Drehgeber wird installiert durch
Stillstandszeit des Produktes zur Kennzeichnung (in Sek.)
Note on installation of the encoder or product movement
Product detection
Print trigger
- Light barrier (with reflector)
- Light sensor (without reflector)
- Initiator inductive
- Initiator Capacitive
- Potential-free contact
- Pushbutton/ switch
- Z-Pulse Encoder
- Internal, e.g. Continuous Printing Pack, PLC
- Communication protocol
Photo of mounting position of print trigger
Note on Installing of print trigger or product detection
Data connection and layout creation
Integration of the printer into a network
Art der Datenkommunikation
Software zur Layouterstellung
Signal connection
Line stop in case of alarm messages or other signal exchange
Plug systems
Provision of connector system, e.g. for backup system or connection to several lines
Marking system
Selection of marking system
- Ax-Serie
- C-Serie
- G-Serie
- Laser
- M-Serie
- Macrojet 2
- V-Serie
Type of printer
- V120i (32mm - without cassette - no compressed air required)
- V230i (32mm - mit Kassette - kein Druckluft nötig)
- V230i (53mm - mit Kassette - kein Druckluft nötig)
- V320i (53mm - mit Kassette - Druckluft nötig)
- V320i (128mm - mit Kassette - Druckluft nötig)
- V320i auf Verfahrachse
Use of an existing bracket
Adapter plates for
Existing printer type
Rahmen benötigt
- OM
- Window Bracket
- Web Positioning System
- IM
- L Bracket
- Sonderbracket
Druckluft 6-8 bar (trocken+ölfrei) verfügbar
Provision of the ribbon by
- kein
- Touchpanel (gross)
- Touchpad (klein)
- Netzteil Touchpad (z.B. bei V320)
Cabling of TouchPanel longer than 3 m (max 7 meters) ?
Distance touch screen - printer (m)
Distance touch screen - machine (m)
Photo of installation location of printing unit
Type of machine (tubular bags, labelers etc.)
Camera processing
Special features of the readability and adhesion
Possible marking positions
Marking position
Height adjustable aggregate
Labelling direction
- Right turning
- Left turning
- Heineken curve
Hersteller der Maschine
Regelgetriebe mit freier Aufnahme für Drehgeber des Kennzeichnungssystems vorhanden
Geschw. Palette
Zeigt Datierfeld nach aussen
Datenanbindung (Serial Conditional Printing)
Photo of the position of the print head
Performance bottle/hour
Label material
Coding field size
Print direction
- parallel (horizontal)
- 90° to running direction (vertical)
Bottle types (glass, PET, disposable, reusable, plantbottle)
Laser wavelength
Coding position on bottle
Datenanbindung (Serial Conditional Printing)
Foto der Position des Druckkopfes
Leitstung FL/Stunde
- parallel (horizontal)
- 90° to running direction (vertical)
Flaschensorten (Glas, PET, Einweg, Mehrweg, Plantbottle)
Laser Wellenlänge
Datierposition auf der Flasche
Conduit length (between scan head and controller)
Conduit length between scan head and controller
Photo of installation location of control
Supply of compressed air
- 4-7 bar tech. Compressed air by customers
- Montage Air Chiller
Extraction unit is provided by
- Domino
- Customer
- Not required
Suction chamber [Include in scope of delivery]
- L015356ATO - suction chamber for 10mm scan head with 80mm optics
- L015357ATO - suction chamber for 10mm scan head with 100mm optics
- L015358ATO - suction chamber for 10mm scan head with 120mm optics
- L015359ATO -suction chamber for 10mm scan head with 150mm optics
- L015360ATO - Suction chamber for 10mm scan head with 200mm optics
- Other
Details of the suction chamber
Installation of the suction chamber by
Photo of the installation site of the suction unit/suction chamber
Installation of the suction chamber by
Foto des Installationsortes der Absaugung/Absaugkammer
Planning and supply of laser safety enclosure by
Interlock version in the machine
Notes on the interlock connection
Installation of laser safety enclosure by
Laser protection classification class 1, according to BGV B2/OStrV, per device, incl. complete documentation and certificate by Domino
Water cooler required
Installation of water cooling by
Photo of the chiller installation site
Nozzle size
Conduit length
Ax-Serie - Weitere Informationen
Cleaning with high pressure cleaner
Multiple printers on one touch panel?
Cable length between touch panel and printer
Kabellänge zwischen Touch Panel und Drucker
Ink type
Photo of printhead installation location
Domino Cloud Interface (DCI)
Domino Cloud Interface
Type of installation
Connected: Several printers connected via a DCI with DCI as network participant to switch and/or printer or to QuickDesign. Cloud over 3G or customer LAN.<br><br>Stand Alone: One DCI per printer, no networking or QuickDesign connection. Cloud over 3G or customer LAN.
- EPT022075 Comms Pack for Printer
- EPT041081 Port in printer
Order separately:
- EPT028998 - DCI (Rev.2) E.U. SIM, incl. EPT040473
- EPT028420 DCI housing IP66
If data connection desired:
Order for any printer:
- EPT028315 Ethernet cable Printer 5m
If necessary, a switch with accessories for networking at the customer's, if not provided by the customer!
All required parts are listed in the scope of delivery (QQ)] -
Drucker enthält:
- EPT022075 Comms-Pack für Drucker
- EPT041081 Port im Drucker
Zusätzlich bestellen:
- 1x EPT028998 - DCI (Rev.2) E.U. SIM, inkl. EPT040473
- 1x EPT042202 DCI Netzteil
- 1x RS003 RJ45 Kabel Standard 1m
- 1x EPT028420 DCI-Gehäuse IP66
Für jeden Drucker bestellen:
- EPT028315 Ethernet-Kabel Drucker 5m
Ggf. noch Switch mit Zubehör für Vernetzung beim Kunden, wenn nicht bauseits zur Verfügung gestellt!
[Alle benötigten Teile im Lieferumfang aufführen] -
Vernetzt. Rev. 1 empfohlen<br>Mehrere Drucker über ein DCI mit DCI als Netzwerkteilnehmer an Switch und/oder Drucker vernetzt bzw. an QuickDesign. Cloud über 3G oder Kunden-LAN.<br><br>Stand Alone (Rev. 2 empfohlen)<br>Ein DCI je Drucker, keine Vernetzung oder QuickDesign-Anbindung. Cloud über 3G oder Kunden-LAN.
Einmalig bestellen:
1x EPT028998 - DCI (Rev.2) E.U. SIM, inkl. EPT040473
1x EPT028420 DCI-Gehäuse IP66
1x EPT042202 DCI Netzteil
1x RS003 RJ45 Kabel Standard 1m
Für jeden Drucker bestellen:
- EPT022075 Comms-Pack für Drucker
- EPT028315 Ethernet-Kabel Drucker 5m
Ggf. noch Switch mit Zubehör für Vernetzung beim Kunden, wenn nicht bauseits zur Verfügung gestellt!
[Alle benötigten Teile im Lieferumfang aufführen] -
Für jeden Drucker bestellen:
- EPT028998 - DCI (Rev.2) E.U. SIM, inkl. EPT040473
- EPT028420 DCI-Gehäuse IP66
- EPT041081SP Port im Drucker
Falls Datenanbindung gewünscht:
Für jeden Drucker bestellen:
- EPT028315 Ethernet-Kabel Drucker 5m
Ggf. noch Switch mit Zubehör für
Vernetzung beim Kunden, wenn nicht bauseits zur Verfügung gestellt!
[Alle benötigten Teile im Lieferumfang aufführen] -
Rev. 2 zu Rev. 1<br>Z.B. nachträglich mehrere Drucker über ein DCI oder Vernetzung bzw. QuickDesign Anbindung.<br>Cloud über 3G oder Kunden-LAN.<br><br>Rev. 1 zu Rev. 2<br>Z.B. Netzteil nicht erwünscht, Auflistung für ein DCI je Drucker, keine Vernetzung oder QuickDesign-Anbindung. Cloud über 3G oder Kunden-LAN.
Einmalig bestellen:
1x EPT042202 DCI Netzteil
1x RS003 RJ45 Kabel Standard 1m
Für jeden Drucker bestellen:
- EPT022075ATO Comms-Pack für Drucker
- EPT028315 Ethernet-Kabel Drucker 5m
Ggf. noch Switch mit Zubehör für Vernetzung beim Kunden, wenn nicht bauseits zur Verfügung gestellt!
[Alle benötigten Teile im Lieferumfang aufführen] -
Für jeden Drucker bestellen:
- EPT040473 Kabel
- EPT041081SP Port im Drucker
Falls Datenanbindung gewünscht:
Für jeden Drucker bestellen:
- EPT028315 Ethernet-Kabel Drucker 5m
Ggf. noch Switch mit Zubehör für Vernetzung beim Kunden, wenn nicht bauseits zur Verfügung gestellt!
[Alle benötigten Teile im Lieferumfang aufführen]
Labeller type
Type of product
- Keg
- Bottle
- Carton
- Can
- Pallet
- Shrink wrap
- Other
Specify the product
Minimum weight of product (kg)
Surface finish of the product
- Dry
- Frozen
- Dusty
- Warm
- Wet
- Other
Specify the surface finish of the product
Dimension of the product (width x depth x height in mm, in running direction)
Product variation
- Standard white rectangular paper label
- No Standard
If not standard white rectangular paper label on opaque carrier material
Type of label
Type of label material
Type of label material
Shape of label
Shape of label
Color of label
Colour of carrier material
Label gap detection
- Black stamp
- Gap
- Notch
- Transparent
- Transparent/Black stamp
- Other
Label gap detection
Type of information to be printed
Select image
- 1 - Inside
- 2 - Inside
- 3 - Inside
- 4 - Inside
- 5 - Outside
- 6 - Outside
- 7 - Outside
- 8 - Outside
Label roll pattern
Notes on the sample label roll
Send barcode data to
- EAN 13
- Code 39
- Code 128
- GS1 128
- 2of5 Interleaved
- DataMatrix
- QR Code
- PDF417
Barcode alignment on the label
Barcode Resolution
- 0.1mm (4mils)
- 0.2mm (8 mils)
- 0.3mm (12 mils)
- 0.4mm (16 mils)
- 0.5mm (20 mils)
- 0.6mm (24 mils)
- 0.7mm (28 mils)
- 0.8mm (32 mils)
- 0.9mm (36 mils)
- 1.0mm (40 mils)
Label roll
WR = Roller diameter (mm)
WC = core diameter (mm) if not 76 mm
G = Distance between labels
Label size(s) in mm (width (WL), length (LL), width (WB))
Supply of labels by
Supply of ribbon by
Placement of labels
Desired label positions on the product
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
- 6.
- 7.
- 8.
- 9.
- 10.
- 11.
- 12.
- 13.
- 14.
Alignment of the applied labels on the product
Maximum number of products/min
Maximum number of labels per product
Number of stops for applying labels
Minimum distance between products (mm)
Minimum cycle time (sec.)
Type of conveyor belt
Specify type of conveyor belt
Conveyor speed (meter/min.)
Pitch (°) if not 0
Redundancy (Master-Slave)
Remarks - Label Placement / Performance
M-Series Installation Location, Operator Side, and Product Position
Type of installation of the machine
Installation location of the machine
Version of the M-Series
Applikator Type
Product position
Hint! Labelling machine on the left side of the picture. -
H = Max. Distance from the conveyor side to the product (mm)
I = Minimum distance from the side to the next edge of the label (mm)
J = Height from bottom to bottom of label (mm)
K = Height above conveyor floor (mm)
L = Total width of the conveyor (mm)
Photo of the installation site
Apply Signal Source
Describe the signal source of the application
Pusher signal source (if separate pusher)
Describe the Pusher Signal Source
Safety interface input
Integrierter Checkscanner
Optionen [Alle benötigten Teile im Lieferumfang aufführen]
- MT38248 - Funktion zur Etikettenprüfung
- MT40580 - Integriertes Touchpanel Aluminium
- MT40581- Integriertes Touchpanel Edelstahl
- MT39998 - Zweikreisige Not-Aus-Option
Weitere Wünsche oder Bedürfnisse
Gesondertes, komplettes SRS notwendig
Distance between print head positions (cable length)
Print height at the particular print position
Number of print head groups
More than 2 print head groups require G320i unlock code
Ink type
Photo of the installation location of the controller
Photo of possible printhead installation locations
Printer design
Print head 1
Ink system size
Print head type
- C1000
- C1000x
- C3000
- C3000x
- C6000
- C6000i
- C6000MF
- C6000V
Conduit length
Anzahl Druckköpfe
Druckkopf 1
- C1000
- C1000x
- C3000
- C3000x
- C6000
- C6000i
- C6000MF
- C6000V
Druckkopf 1
- C1000
- C1000x
- C3000
- C3000x
- C6000
- C6000i
- C6000MF
- C6000V
Druckkopf 2
- C1000
- C1000x
- C3000
- C3000x
- C6000
- C6000i
- C6000MF
- C6000V
Druckkopf 1
- C1000
- C1000x
- C3000
- C3000x
- C6000
- C6000i
- C6000MF
- C6000V
Druckkopf 1
- C1000
- C1000x
- C3000
- C3000x
- C6000
- C6000i
- C6000MF
- C6000V
Druckkopf 2
- C1000
- C1000x
- C3000
- C3000x
- C6000
- C6000i
- C6000MF
- C6000V
Druckkopf 1
- C1000
- C1000x
- C3000
- C3000x
- C6000
- C6000i
- C6000MF
- C6000V
Druckkopf 2
- C1000
- C1000x
- C3000
- C3000x
- C6000
- C6000i
- C6000MF
- C6000V
Druckkopf 3
- C1000
- C1000x
- C3000
- C3000x
- C6000
- C6000i
- C6000MF
- C6000V
Druckkopf 1
- C1000
- C1000x
- C3000
- C3000x
- C6000
- C6000i
- C6000MF
- C6000V
Druckkopf 2
- C1000
- C1000x
- C3000
- C3000x
- C6000
- C6000i
- C6000MF
- C6000V
Druckkopf 3
- C1000
- C1000x
- C3000
- C3000x
- C6000
- C6000i
- C6000MF
- C6000V
Druckkopf 4
- C1000
- C1000x
- C3000
- C3000x
- C6000
- C6000i
- C6000MF
- C6000V
Ink type
- 952BK black, Mineral oil free ink
- 901BKS black, oil based printing ink
- 902RD red, oil based ink
- 903GR green, oil based ink
- 904BL blue, oil based printing ink
- TCN Ink
Version mains cable
- Europa 230V
- Europa 110V
- UK
- Ohne Stecker
Manual Language
- Deutsch
- Englisch
- Argentinian (Spanish)
- Br-Portuguese
- Chinese Simple
- Niederländisch
- Französisch
- Italienisch
- Koreanisch
- Polnisch
- Japan
- Spanisch
- Russisch
Starter Pack
Photo of the printhead installation location
Macrojet 2
Print head 1
Conduit length
Print height
2 Druckköpfe
Druckkopf Konfiguration
Druckkopf 1
Düse: 7 Tropfen
Druckkopf 2
Düse: 7 Tropfen
Druckkopf 1
Düse: 16 Tropfen
Druckkopf 2
Düse: 7 Tropfen
3 Druckköpfe
Druckkopf Konfiguration
Druckkopf 1
Düse: 7 Tropfen
Druckkopf 2
Düse: 7 Tropfen
Druckkopf 3
Düse: 7 Tropfen
Druckkopf 1
Düse: 16 Tropfen
Druckkopf 2
Düse: 7 Tropfen
Druckkopf 3
Düse: 7 Tropfen
4 Druckköpfe
Druckkopf Konfiguration: 4 x 7 Tropfen
Druckkopf 1
Düse: 7 Tropfen
Druckkopf 2
Düse: 7 Tropfen
Druckkopf 3
Düse: 7 Tropfen
Druckkopf 4
Düse: 7 Tropfen
Ink type
- BK8201
- BL8302
- RD8303
- CL8510
- BK8601
- YL8805
- BK8101
- RD8103
- BL8402
- BK8001
- GR8004
- BK8701
- BL8702
- GR8304
- BK8981
- Drytest
- Washtest - MEK
- Washtest - Ethanol
- Washtest - Water
- 50 texts/40 characters (51081)
- 40 texts/200 characters (51082)
Charakter Satz 1 [In der Regel: 41943]
- Standard 16x10 & 7x5 (41943)
- Deutsch 16x10 & 7x5 (42546)
- Standard 12x10 & 5x5 (43672)
- Arabisch (43671)
- Dänisch, Norwegisch 16x10 & 7x5 (43650)
- Standard 5x5 C1/2, 6, 9 Changed (43606)
Character Set 1 [Usually: 41943]
- Standard 16x10 & 7x5 (41943)
- Deutsch 16x10 & 7x5 (42546)
- Standard 12x10 & 5x5 (43672)
- Arabisch (43671)
- Dänisch, Norwegisch 16x10 & 7x5 (43650)
- Standard 5x5 C1/2, 6, 9 Changed (43606)
Power supply
Power cord design
Language Pocket Guide
Language Maintenance manual
- Englisch
- Chinesisch
- Dänisch
- Französisch
- Italienisch
- Russisch
- Spanisch
Language PT64 manual
- German
- Englisch
- French
- Dutch
- Spanisch
- Italien
Starter Pack
Other information
Other information that may affect the order and the installation.
Installation work, training and production support
Installation work
To ensure a smooth and effective installation, the Domino service technician requires unrestricted access to the production line and installation site.
Access to production line and installation site
Details on restrictions during installation and notes for scheduling
Mechanical installation of the brackets for the marking components (print head, controller, etc.) by
Mechanical installation of the marking components (print head, laser head, controller, etc.) on the appropriate bracket by means of
Cable installation between the marking components through
Cable installation for signal exchange with the customer's machine and connection of the signals by means of
The signal interface to customer machine can only be established in cooperation with the customer!
Notes on the installation work
Support of service technician by customer's personnel during installation
Nature of support
- Elektriker
- Mechaniker
- Maschinenführer
- Helfer
Scope of assistance
Notes on customer support
Training and production support
Training, beyond the instruction of the unit, desired
Type of training [Please specify in scope of delivery]
- Bediener-Schulung, 1 Tag im Schulungscenter
- Techniker-Schulung, 2 Tage im Schulungscenter
- Bediener-Schulung, 1 Tag beim Kunden
- Techiker-Schulung, 2 Tage beim Kunden
Production support by a Domino service technician
Number of days of production support [Please specify in scope of delivery]
Agreements on the subject of maintenance or SafeGuard contracts
- Ja, SafeGuard im Auftrag enthalten
- Ja, SafeGuard wird gesondert bestellt
- Ja, Wartungsvertrag im Auftrag enthalten
- Ja, Wartungsvertrag wird gesondert bestellt
- Ja, noch keine Entscheidung
- Nein
Soll das Thema durch das Aftersales-Team weiter verfolgt werden
Name des Ansprechpartners beim Kunden