
  • Document No.

  • Site and Description of Work

  • Conducted on

  • Person Carrying Out Inspection

  • Manager Responsible for Project

  • Supervisor Responsible for Project

Modular 1 Types, Uses & Risks of ACMs

  • Has the supervisor understanding of the type of material and fibres of the asbestos he is working with and the need for control.

Modular 2 Health Hazards of Asbestos

  • Has the supervisor understanding of how fibres cause disease, asbestos related diseases and how related to exposure.

  • Has the supervisor sufficient knowledge of what medical and at what duration it lasts under CAWR.

  • Does the supervisor and operatives know the health effects of smoking and taking home contaminated equipment/clothing etc.

  • Does the supervisor and operatives know the need for dust suppression to control exposure

  • Does the supervisor and operatives know the need for correct use/maintenance of RPE & PPE

Modular 3 Legislation

  • Has the supervisor understanding of relevant legislation (L143, HSG247 & Waste Regulations minimum) responsibilities of this company and the control limits for asbestos.

Modular 4 Site set up

  • Were any work areas seen set up as per Plan of Work

  • Was drawing/sketch seen set up as per Plan of Work

  • Was the Plan of Work acceptable? If No has amendments been made and recorded by the supervisor.

  • If amendments have been made and recorded by the supervisor has management been notified?

  • Was the site setup satisfactory? If No what improvements could be made

Modular 5 controlled removal techniques

  • Is removal being undertaken as per Plan of Work

Modular 6 RPE

  • Was the correct RPE being worn for tasks being undertaken

  • Was RPE being used or stored correctly

Modular 7 PPE

  • Was the correct PPE being worn for tasks being undertaken

Modular 8 Decontamination

  • Was the DCU set up and fully operational

  • Was the unit clean / tidy

  • Was the transit route clean and signage present

Modular 9 Cleaning / Air testing

  • Is air testing been undertaken as per plan of work

Modular 10 Plant

  • Was all plant being used in good working order

  • Was all plant not being used stored correctly / safely

  • Has a spot check been carried on plant certification?

Modular 11 waste

  • Was waste being dealt with as per plan of work

  • Is the storage location for waste adequate in good condition and secure

  • Is the work area/ enclosure free from waste (not allowed to accumulate).

Modular 12 Emergency Procedures

  • Are emergency procedures in place as per plan of work & Standard Procedures

Modular 13 Non- Asbestos Hazards

  • Have risk assessments been carried out for the hazards on site

  • Have COSHH assessments been carried out for the hazardous substances on site

Modular 14 Fault Finding

  • Have Enclosure inspection records been completed and upto date.

  • Have Plant & equipment been inspected and records completed and upto date.

Modular 15 Roles & Responsibilities

  • Has everyone read and understood the Plan of Work/ Risk Assessments

  • Has daily inspections been carried as company policy and procedures, are they up to date

Modular 16 Record keeping

  • Number of Employees on site

  • Names of Employees

  • Had all RPE checks been undertaken / recorded

  • Are all personal files on site for the number of employees

  • Has a spot check been carried on a personal file and on whom if carried out

  • Had all Plant checks been undertaken / recorded

  • Had all Enclosure checks been undertaken / recorded

  • Had the daily dairy been filled into a reasonable standard

Modular 17 Management Systems and Monitoring

  • Are barriers and signs in place

  • Has enclosure been tested, smoke and air movement

Modular 18 RAs and PoWs

  • Are the Plan of Work and Risk Assessments sufficient for site and site conditions and the work being carried out

  • If amendments have been made and recorded by the supervisor has management been notified?

Modular 19 Information, instruction and training

  • Is TNA in place and being carried out on site


  • Comments of site etc if applicable

  • Supervisor responsible for site

  • Manager Carrying Out Inspection

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.