Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Clause 4.1 Understanding the organisation and its context

  • Has Kingspan determined external and internal issues relevant to the purpose of Kingspan i.e. maximising construction efficiency while delivering superior lifetime performance and fire protection with complete building envelope solutions? (evidence could include group annual report, SWOT or PESTLE analysis)

  • Has Kingspan determined external and internal issues relevant to the intended outcomes of the Integrated Management System (IMS) i.e. improvement in H&S, Quality and Environmental performance? (evidence could include group annual report, SWOT or PESTLE analysis)

Clause 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

  • Has Kingspan determined interested parties and their relevant needs and expectations? (evidence could include group annual report, stakeholder analysis)

  • Has Kingspan considered workers needs and expectations? (evidence could include group annual report, stakeholder analysis, worker representatives/union feedback)

Clause 4.3 Determining the scope of the integrated management system

  • Has Kingspan defined the scope and boundaries of the Integrated Management System (IMS)? (evidence could include IMS manual/s, certificates)

  • Are outsourced processes considered within the scope of the IMS? (evidence could include IMS manual/s, certificates)

  • Has Kingspan deemed what (if any) clauses are not applicable with suitable justification/s? (evidence could include IMS manual/s with reference to clauses in ISO standards)

Clause 4.4 Integrated management system

  • Has Kingspan determined the intended outcomes of the Integrated Management System (IMS) (evidence could include IMS manual/s, management meeting minutes)?

  • Has Kingspan established, implemented and/or maintained the IMS? (evidence could include IMS manual/s, internal audits, management review meetings)

  • Has Kingspan determined what documented information is necessary for the effective operation of its processes? (evidence could include IMS manual/s, Q Pulse)

Clause 5.1 Leadership and commitment

  • Are top management taking accountability for the Integrated Management System (IMS), the resources required and its overall effectiveness? (evidence could include internal audits, management review meetings)

  • Are top management establishing policy and objectives that are compatible with the strategic direction of the business? (evidence could include policy statements, management review meetings)

  • Are top management communicating the importance of the management system obligations? (evidence could include internal newsletters, noticeboards)

  • Are top management directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the IMS? (evidence could include job roles and responsibilities, management review meetings)

  • Are top management promoting continual improvement? (evidence could include internal newsletters, noticeboards, management review meetings)

  • Are top management promoting a health and safety minded culture; potentially through supporting the formation/function of H&S committees? (evidence could include internal newsletters, noticeboards, worker representatives/committees)

  • Are top management ensuring that legal/compliance obligations are determined, understood and met? (evidence could include an legal register, internal audits, management review meetings)

  • Are top management keeping a focus on customer satisfaction? (evidence could include customer satisfaction surveys, management review meetings)

Clause 5.2 Integrated Quality, H&S & Environmental policy statements

  • Is the integrated Quality, H&S and Environmental policy/policies retained as documented information? (evidence could include policy statements)

  • Does the policy include a commitment to the protection of the environment, including prevention of pollution? (evidence could include policy statements)

  • Does the policy include a commitment to a commitment to fulfil legal requirements and compliance obligations? (evidence could include policy statements)

  • Does the policy include a commitment to satisfy applicable quality requirements? (evidence could include policy statements)

  • Does the policy include a commitment to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health? (evidence could include policy statements)

  • Does the policy include a commitment to eliminate hazards and reduce health and safety risks? (evidence could include policy statements)

  • Does the policy include a commitment to consult with and include workers/workers’ representatives? (evidence could include policy statements)

  • Does the policy address the framework for setting and reviewing objectives? (evidence could include policy statements)

  • Does the policy include a commitment to continual improvement of performance and the Integrated Management System (IMS)? (evidence could include policy statements)

  • Is the policy made available to interested parties and/or communicated internally? (evidence could include policy statements)

Clause 5.3 Organisation roles, responsibilities and authorities

  • Has top management ensured that responsibilities and authorities are assigned and communicated? (evidence could include job roles and responsibilities, management review meetings)

  • Has top management ensured someone is responsible for ensuring the IMS conforms to the ISO standards’ requirements? (evidence could include job roles and responsibilities, internal audits, management review meetings)

  • Is someone responsible for reporting on the performance of the Integrated Management System (IMS) to top management? (evidence could include job roles and responsibilities, internal audits, management review meetings)

Clause 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities

  • Has Kingspan considered their context in the establishment of the Integrated Management System (IMS)? (evidence could include IMS risks and opportunities identified)

  • Does the IMS address the full scope as determined by Kingspan? (evidence could include IMS manual/s, risks and opportunities identified)

  • Has Kingspan determined the risks and opportunities that need to be addressed (at a higher level than hazard related risk assessment)? (evidence could include IMS risks and opportunities identified)

  • Has Kingspan determined potential emergency situations and/or potential undesirable events? (evidence could include emergency procedures)

  • Has Kingspan got a criteria and methodology for identification and significance evaluation of the environmental aspects? (evidence could include aspects/impacts register)

  • Has Kingspan assessed its environmental aspects and impacts considering a life cycle perspective? (evidence could include aspects/impacts register)

  • Has Kingspan got a criteria and methodology for H&S hazard identification and risk assessment? (evidence could include risk assessments)

  • Does this include consideration of routine and non-routine activities, human factors arising, external hazards, design of process/work area and how equipment/materials are to be used? (evidence could include risk assessments)

  • Has Kingspan considered their compliance obligations as well as legal and other requirements? (evidence could include a legal register)

  • Have Kingspan maintained their compliance and legal obligations as documented information? (evidence could include a legal register, evaluation of compliance, internal audits)

  • Does Kingspan have planned actions in place to address their risks and opportunities? (evidence could include IMS risks and opportunities identified, action plans, objectives)

  • Does Kingspan have planned actions are in place to address their compliance obligations (evidence could include a legal register, evaluation of compliance, internal audits)

  • Do planned actions to address risk and opportunities consider future developments, abnormal and emergency situations? (evidence could include IMS risks and opportunities identified, action plans, objectives, business continuity plans)

  • Has Kingspan considered use of best available techniques (BAT) in planned actions? (evidence could include SOPs, work instructions, action plans, objectives)

  • Has Kingspan evaluated the effectiveness of their planned actions? (evidence could include internal audits, management review meeting minutes)

  • Has Kingspan integrated their IMS actions into their business processes where possible and appropriate? (evidence could include management review meeting minutes, action plans, objectives)

Clause 6.2 Objectives and planning to achieve them

  • Are specific objectives with measurable targets established and documented? (evidence could include action plans, objectives, targets, KPIs)

  • Are objectives communicated to Kingspan workers? (evidence could include newsletters, noticeboards)

  • Are the objectives and targets consistent with the policy? (evidence could include action plans, objectives, targets, KPIs, policy statements)

  • Is someone responsible for achieving the objectives and targets at each relevant function and level within Kingspan? (evidence could include action plans, objectives, targets, KPIs)

  • Does the planned action include the "how" (e.g. financial, physical or human resources) by which Kingspan shall achieve its objectives and targets? (evidence could include action plans, objectives, targets, KPIs)

  • Does the planned action have a clear timeframe which identifies what will be done or achieved by when? (evidence could include action plans, objectives, targets, KPIs)

  • Does the planned action describe the methods for evaluating success or failure? (evidence could include action plans, objectives, targets, internal audits)

  • Is the planned action amended, where relevant, so it applies to new/modified activities, products or services? (evidence could include action plans, objectives, targets, KPIs)

Clause 6.3 Planning of changes

  • Are changes planned to maintain the integrity of the quality elements of the Integrated Management System (IMS)? (evidence could include management review meetings)

Clause 7.1 Resources

  • Has Kingspan determined the resources necessary for the effective operation of the Integrated Management System (IMS)? (evidence could include management review meetings, documented roles and responsibilities)

  • Has Kingspan determined the infrastructure necessary for the effective operation of the IMS? (evidence could include management review meetings, maintenance work orders, photos of suitable infrastructure)

  • Has Kingspan determined the work environment necessary for the effective operation of the IMS? (evidence could include management review meetings, maintenance work orders, photos of suitable work environment)

  • Has Kingspan determined the monitoring and measuring resources needed to verify product and service conformity to requirements? (evidence could include quality checks, competence/training of individuals who sign-off)

  • Has Kingspan identified any equipment which does not need traceability to national standards/calibration? Are these devices identified and checked for fitness? (evidence could include calibration register/s or fitness for purpose checks, steel traceability records)

  • Has Kingspan identified any equipment that is used for inspection, testing and verification, then ensured that calibration has occurred/been recorded? (evidence could include calibration register/s or fitness for purpose checks)

  • If equipment fails or is found out of calibration does Kingspan management take action? (evidence could include calibration register/s or fitness for purpose checks)

  • Has Kingspan determined the organisational knowledge necessary for the effective operation of the IMS? (evidence could include succession planning, roles and responsibilities, annual appraisals/performance reviews)

Clause 7.2 Competence

  • Are all H&S, Quality and Environmental related training needs identified? (evidence could include training/skills matrix, roles and responsibilities, annual appraisals/performance reviews)

  • Have any persons whose work may create a significant impact upon Kingspan’s H&S, Quality or Environmental performance been deemed competent at their tasks (including sub-contractors and part time workers)? (evidence could include contractor assessments, permits to work)

Clause 7.3 Awareness

  • Are all employees made aware of their potential to impact the environment through their work activities? (evidence could include training/skills matrix, documented roles and responsibilities, staff/site inductions, noticeboards, newsletters)

  • Are all employees made aware of their potential to impact their H&S through their work activities? (evidence could include training/skills matrix, documented roles and responsibilities, staff/site inductions, noticeboards, newsletters)

  • Are lessons learned from incidents communicated to workers? (evidence could include training/skills matrix, toolbox talks, staff/site inductions, noticeboards, newsletters)

  • Are workers informed of their authority to remove themselves from dangerous situations (as well as their protection from consequence for doing so)? (evidence could include training/skills matrix, toolbox talks, staff/site inductions, noticeboards, newsletters)

  • Do processes exist to ensure that all employees are aware of the potential consequences of departure from specified operating procedures designed to maintain performance? (evidence could include training/skills matrix, toolbox talks, staff/site inductions, noticeboards, newsletters)

  • Are all employees made aware of the integrated policy statements and the Quality, H&S and Environmental objectives? (evidence could include training/skills matrix, toolbox talks, staff/site inductions, noticeboards, newsletters)

Clause 7.4 Communication

  • Are there processes covering how Kingspan communicates both internally and externally? (evidence could include procedures, training/skills matrix, toolbox talks, staff/site inductions, noticeboards, newsletters)

  • Has Kingspan considered diversity (e.g. gender, language, culture, literacy, disability) within their communication processes? (evidence could include HR policy, toolbox talks, staff/site inductions, noticeboards, newsletters)

  • Have there been any recent relevant communications internally or externally? (evidence could include training/skills matrix, toolbox talks, staff/site inductions, noticeboards, newsletters, emails/letters/memos)

  • What external communications have occurred due to requirements from legal and/or compliance obligations? (evidence could include emails, letters, legal register)

Clause 7.5 Documented information

  • Has Kingspan documented the Integrated Management System (IMS)? (evidence could include IMS manual/s, Q Pulse)

  • Are changes and issue statuses controlled? (evidence could include Q Pulse)

  • Is key documentation reviewed on a regular basis? (evidence could include document control logs, Q Pulse)

  • Have provisions been made to protect distribution/access, manage storage/preservation and ensure retention/disposition is controlled? (evidence could include Q Pulse)

Clause 8.1 Operational planning and control

  • Have documented procedures been established for all relevant H&S, Quality and Environmental operations and activities, including maintenance, stipulating operating criteria? (evidence could include SOPs, work instructions)

  • Has Kingspan adapted work to the workers’ H&S needs? (evidence could include RAs, SOPs, work instructions, H&S committee meeting minutes)

  • Have procedures have been communicated to relevant suppliers and subcontractors? (evidence could include contractor assessments, supplier assessments, permits to work, site inductions)

  • Has transportation, end of life treatment and disposal been considered for Kingspan’s products and services? (evidence could include aspects/impacts register, WTNs, despatch/delivery notes)

  • If required/applicable does Kingspan co-ordinate with other employers at multi-employer workplaces? (evidence could include RAs)

  • Has the ‘hierarchy of control’ been utilised to eliminate hazards and reduce H&S risks? (evidence could include RAs)

  • Are unintended changes reviewed to mitigate impact on performance i.e. change control? (evidence could include RAs, SOPs, quality checks)

  • Are outsourced processes suitably controlled/influenced? (evidence could include contractor assessments, supplier assessments, supplier audits, internal audits)

Clause 8.2 Emergency preparedness

  • Has Kingspan identified and planned procedures to address potential Environmental and H&S accidents? (evidence could include RAs, SOPs, emergency procedures, business continuity plans)

  • Have these procedures been tested or drilled recently? (evidence could include fire alarm tests, fire drills/evacuations, spill drills, first aid training/incidents)

  • Have these procedures been reviewed recently? (evidence could include RAs, SOPs, emergency procedures, Q Pulse)

  • Has training has been put into place around these procedures? (evidence could include training/skills matrix, roles and responsibilities, training records)

Clause 8.2 Requirements for products and services

  • Are customer requirements determined and defined? (evidence could include emails, meetings, specifications, estimates, POs)

  • Are there any legal requirements for products/services? (evidence could include emails, meetings, specifications, estimates, POs, legal register)

  • Is customer feedback (including complaints) obtained during external communication? (evidence could include complaints logs/reports, emails, customer satisfaction surveys, contract review meetings)

  • Is there a communication channel for dealing with changes to orders? (evidence could include emails, meetings, specifications, estimates, POs)

  • Do Kingspan ensure that they can meet product/service claims or requirements? (evidence could include emails, meetings, product specifications, estimates, POs)

Clause 8.3 Design and development of products and services

  • Has Kingspan considered how they may design or develop internal processes/materials that are needed for the subsequent provision of products and services? (evidence could include emails, meetings, design specifications, lab R&D output, estimates, POs)

  • Does Kingspan address organizational interfaces, product/service review, verification and validation during the design and development planning phase? (evidence could include emails, meetings, product specifications, estimates, POs)

  • Is design input controlled? (evidence could include emails, meetings, design specifications, SLAs, estimates, POs)

  • Is design review planned and undertaken with evidence documented? (evidence could include emails, meetings, design specifications, estimates, POs)

  • Is design verification planned and undertaken with evidence documented? (evidence could include emails, meetings, design specifications, estimates, POs)

  • Is ensured that design outputs meet required design inputs? (evidence could include emails, meetings, design specifications, estimates, POs)

  • Is an ‘acceptance criteria’ specified for design outputs? (evidence could include emails, meetings, design specifications, estimates, POs)

  • Are there any special requirements for product safety and use? (evidence could include emails, meetings, specifications, estimates, POs, legal register, RAs)

  • Does someone have authority to review and approve design changes? (evidence could include emails, meetings, design specifications, training records, roles and responsibilities)

  • Is documented information retained on the actions and results coming out of design changes? (evidence could include emails, meetings, design specifications, estimates, POs)

Clause 8.4 Control of externally provided processes, products and services

  • Are external providers selected, evaluated and then re-evaluated over time? (evidence could include contractor assessments, supplier assessments, supplier/contractor register/s, internal audits, nonconformity reports/complaints)

  • Is the effectiveness of this evaluation process reviewed? (evidence could include contractor assessments, supplier assessments, supplier/contractor register/s, internal audits, nonconformity reports/complaints)

  • Are products and services to be externally procured fully specified? (evidence could include emails, meetings, specifications, estimates, POs)

  • Is inspection or other activity in place to ensure purchased product conforms to specified requirements? (evidence could include goods in quality checks, despatch notes, delivery notes, POs)

  • Are products ever released direct from a third-party premises? Note how they are checked, verified, controlled and reported upon. (evidence could include emails, despatch notes, complaints, POs)

  • Are the interactions between Kingspan and contractors used assessed for hazards and risks? (evidence could include RAs, SOPs, work instructions, permits to work)

  • Is the level of H&S control defined within the Integrated Management System (IMS)? (evidence could include RAs, SOPs, work instructions, permits to work)

Clause 8.5 Products and service provision

  • Is production and service delivery planned? (evidence could include SOPs, production orders, work instructions)

  • Are there work instructions? (evidence could include SOPs, work instructions)

  • Are competence/qualifications required identified? (evidence could include training records, training/skills matrix)

  • Is a system is in place for measuring and monitoring product? (evidence could include quality checks production orders, work instructions)

  • Are actions are in place to minimise the risk of human error? (evidence could include SOPs, production orders, work instructions, quality checks)

  • Is there a system for release, delivery and post-delivery of product? (evidence could include quality checks, despatch notes, POs, delivery notes, invoices, warranties)

  • Are processes controlled? (evidence could include SOPs, production orders, work instructions, quality checks)

  • Are the processes reviewed, approved and re-validated? (evidence could include SOPs, production orders, work instructions, quality checks)

  • Is traceability a customer requirement? (evidence could include production orders, POs, desptach notes, delivery notes)

  • Is product identifiable throughout production or service provision? (evidence could include production orders, quality checks)

  • Is there any customer property? Note how is it checked, verified, controlled and reported upon. (evidence could include production orders, POs, desptach notes, delivery notes)

  • Are products preserved between released and receipt by the customer? (evidence could include quality checks, photos of product/raw material storage areas)

  • Are post-delivery activities undertaken? (evidence could include quality checks, despatch notes, POs, delivery notes, invoices, warranties)

  • Are warranty and maintenance activities considered? (evidence could include quality checks, despatch notes, POs, delivery notes, invoices, warranties)

  • Are changes controlled, reviewed and approved? (evidence could include production orders, quality checks)

  • Is process change managed (i.e. through change control)? (evidence could include SOPs, production orders, work instructions, quality checks)

Clause 8.6 Release of products and services

  • Are products and services monitored and measured prior to release? (evidence could include quality checks, despatch notes, POs, calibration registers)

  • When required results are not achieved is action taken? (evidence could include quality checks, despatch notes, delivery notes, invoices, warranties)

Clause 8.7 Controlling nonconforming outputs

  • Is segregation/management/disposal of nonconforming products or services controlled? (evidence could include quality checks, quarantine areas/labels, reject or nonconformity logs)

  • Is re-work undertaken? If so, do adequate records exist? (evidence could include quality checks, quarantine areas/labels, reject or nonconformity logs, production orders)

  • Is action is taken if nonconformity is detected after delivery? (evidence could include quality checks, quarantine areas/labels, reject or nonconformity logs, warranties, customer returns, production orders, POs)

Clause 9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation

  • Does Kingspan monitor, measure, analyse and evaluate performance? (evidence could include production orders, quality checks, plant/equipment inspections/servicing, sign-off's, evaluations of compliance, WTNs, internal audits)

  • Has Kingspan defined what needs to be measured? (evidence could include IMS manual/s, SOPs, quality checks, plant/equipment inspections/servicing, sign-off's, evaluations of compliance, WTNs, internal audits)

  • Has Kingspan defined the methods of monitoring and measurement so as to ensure valid results? (evidence could include IMS manual/s, SOPs, quality checks, plant/equipment inspections/servicing, sign-off's, evaluations of compliance, WTNs, internal audits)

  • Has Kingspan defined both when monitoring and measurement is performed and when the results will be analysed? (evidence could include IMS manual/s, SOPs, quality checks, plant/equipment inspections/servicing, sign-off's, evaluations of compliance, WTNs, internal audits)

  • Has Kingspan detailed the methods for evaluating success or failure? (evidence could include IMS manual/s, SOPs, quality checks, plant/equipment inspections/servicing, sign-off's, evaluations of compliance, WTNs, internal audits)

  • Has Kingspan monitored/measured the effectiveness of the action plans in achieving objectives? (evidence could include management review meetings, evaluations of compliance, internal audits)

  • Has Kingspan investigated and responded to significant deviations in performance (retaining documented information on the topic)? (evidence could include management review meetings, evaluations of compliance, internal audits, quality checks, nonconformity reports/logs)

  • Is evaluation of compliance with legal and other requirements conducted and documented at planned regular intervals? (evidence could include management review meetings, evaluations of compliance, internal audits)

  • Does Kingspan maintain knowledge/understanding of its compliance obligations and compliance status? (evidence could include management review meetings, evaluations of compliance, internal audits, legal register)

  • Does Kingspan monitor and measure the conformity of products and services? (evidence could include management review meetings, internal audits, quality checks, nonconformity reports/logs, customer feedback)

  • Is there a method for the collation and analysis of customer satisfaction data? (evidence could include management review meetings, internal audits, quality checks, nonconformity reports/logs, customer feedback)

  • Does Kingspan monitor and measure the degree of customer satisfaction? (evidence could include satisfaction surveys, emails/calls with sales/account managers, customer feedback)

  • Does Kingspan monitor and measure the performance and effectiveness of the Integrated Management System (IMS)? (evidence could include management review meetings, internal audits, quality checks, evaluations of compliance, nonconformity reports/logs, customer feedback)

  • Does Kingspan monitor and measure the performance of external providers? (evidence could include management review meetings, internal audits, supplier/contractor assessments, nonconformity reports/logs)

Clause 9.2 Internal audit

  • Does Kingspan plan and conduct internal audits to assess if the Integrated Management System (IMS) improves performance? (evidence could include internal audit programme, internal audits)

  • Does Kingspan plan and conduct internal audits to assess if the IMS conforms to their own requirements as defined in the policy? (evidence could include internal audit programme, internal audits)

  • Does Kingspan plan and conduct internal audits to assess if the IMS conforms to the requirements of the ISO standards? (evidence could include internal audit programme, internal audits)

  • Does Kingspan plan and conduct internal audits to assess if the IMS is effectively implemented and maintained? (evidence could include internal audit programme, internal audits)

  • Has Kingspan determined the frequency and scope of the internal audits with a programme or equivalent? (evidence could include internal audit programme, internal audits)

  • Has Kingspan selected competent and impartial auditors? (evidence could include internal audit programme, internal audits, auditor training/competence records)

  • Does Kingspan communicate audit results to workers' representatives/workers? (evidence could include newsletters, team meetings, noticeboards)

Clause 9.3 Management review

  • Is the management review conducted at planned intervals with the input and involvement of top management? (evidence could include management review meeting minutes)

  • Does the management review consider the policy, objectives and performance? (evidence could include management review meeting minutes)

  • Does the management review consider changes in Kingspan’s external and internal issues and associated risks and opportunities? (evidence could include management review meeting minutes)

  • Does the management review consider changes in Kingspan’s significant environmental aspects and impacts? (evidence could include management review meeting minutes)

  • Does the management review consider trends in nonconformities, corrective actions, monitoring and measurement results and internal audit findings? (evidence could include management review meeting minutes)

  • Does the management review consider customer feedback and satisfaction? (evidence could include management review meeting minutes)

  • Does the management review consider the performance of external providers? (evidence could include management review meeting minutes)

  • Does the management review consider competence in, awareness on, and communication about the Integrated Management System (IMS) throughout Kingspan? (evidence could include management review meeting minutes)

  • Does the management review consider opportunities for continual improvement, including those for competence? (evidence could include management review meeting minutes)

  • Does the review address the results of evaluations of compliance with legal and other requirements? (evidence could include management review meeting minutes)

Clause 10.1 Improvement

  • Has Kingspan implemented the necessary actions to achieve the intended outcomes of the Integrated Management System (IMS)? (evidence could include management review meetings, internal audits, objectives, action plans)

Clause 10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action

  • Are incidents and nonconformities documented/investigated in a timely manner? (evidence could include nonconformity/incident/near-miss reports, nonconformity logs)

  • Do workers participate in the investigation and resolution of incidents and nonconformities? (evidence could include nonconformity/incident/near-miss reports, nonconformity logs)

  • Are complaints recorded/reviewed? (evidence could include complaint forms/logs)

  • Are evaluations undertaken to identify root causes and prevent recurrence? (evidence could include nonconformity reports, nonconformity logs)

  • Are actions to prevent nonconformities determined and implemented? (evidence could include nonconformity reports, nonconformity logs, internal audits)

  • Are records available of an effectiveness review for actions taken? (evidence could include nonconformity reports, nonconformity logs, internal audits)

Clause 10.3 Continual improvement

  • Does Kingspan ensure continual improvement to improve the Integrated Management System (IMS) and subsequently the Quality, H&S and Environmental performance of Kingspan? (evidence could include management review meetings, internal audits, objectives, action plans)

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