Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Local Union City

  • Local Union Number

  • Location

Evaluation Checklist

  • Date Application was received:

  • Application approved by:

  • Training Center Address

  • City

  • State

  • Zip Code

  • Does this facility have a secondary location?

  • Secondary Training Center Address

  • City

  • State

  • Zip Code

  • Does this facility have another location?

  • Third Training Center Address

  • City

  • State

  • Zip Code

  • Type of program seeking certification (select all that apply)

  • Initial IACP Certification

  • Renewal of IACP Certification

  • Lead Evaluator

  • Are there additional Evaluators?

  • Evaluation Team member

  • Evaluation Team member

  • Evaluation Team member

  • Evaluation Team member

Standard 1 - Training Program Structure and Administration

  • Does a trust agreement or other document define the existence and operation?

  • Does the organizational chart detail the hierarchy of administration and staff?

  • Is there documentation showing at least two JATC/TIC meetings each year?

  • Do approved apprenticeship standards comply with the NGS?

  • Are the current approved standards available in the ATS?

  • Is an equal opportunity pledge included in the standards?

  • Is an affirmative action plan included in the standards?

  • Is an application and selection procedure included in the standards?

  • Is the term of apprenticeship included for each program in the standards?

  • Do the standards include a work process schedule with adequate OJL hours?

  • Do the standards include adequate minimum RTI hours for each program?

  • Are the Apprenticeship Standards available to instructors and students?

  • Are JATC/TIC meeting minutes on file for all meetings (5-year minimum)?

  • Does the committee take an active role in training and facility improvement?

  • Is a formal budget process used to develop and approve an annual budget?

  • Is there a third-party administrator that oversees the budget

  • Is the budget monitored at each JATC/TIC meeting?

  • Is this due to third-party administrator?

  • Has a yearly self-audit been completed and submitted to the National Training Fund for review?

  • Date submitted to National Training Fund

  • Select date

  • Level of administrative procedures and effort to ensure quality training?

Standard 2 - Recruitment and Selection of Apprentices

  • Is there evidence of outreach to minority and women's groups?

  • Is there sufficient outreach for general recruitment?

  • Are applications accepted regularly, not to exceed two years?

  • Does the latest DOL or SAC compliance report reflect at least a good faith effort of meeting EEOC goals?

  • Are apprenticeship flyers/brochures available and used for recruiting?

  • Do recruiting brochures include minimum qualifications, how to apply, employment opportunities, associated costs, and possible college credit?

  • Is apprenticeship recruiting information posted electronically?

  • Does recruitment information match the approved process?

  • Are detailed application and selection records maintained for at least 5 years?

  • Is the approved application and selection procedure in the standards followed?

  • Level of outreach and recruitment effort?

  • Quality of recruitment materials and web postings?

  • Public and or community relation activities?

Standard 3 - Services

  • The total number of apprentices enrolled in the program?

  • The total number of Journeyman members in the Local?

  • The total number of Probationary members in the Local?

  • Are journeyman training and certification services available?

  • Please select all that apply.

  • Is there a system to help apprentices acquire tools and equipment for the job?

  • Does the curriculum properly prepare workers for the needs of the industry?

  • Is there a system in place to assist apprentices with employment opportunities?

  • Is there a system in place to assist employers in hiring apprentices?

  • Can training records, transcripts, and certifications be provided on request?

  • Are the training and certification needs of employers met as needed?

  • The overall level of services provided to apprentices?

  • The overall level of services provided to journeymen?

  • The overall level of services provided to employers?

Standard 4 - Learning Resources

  • Does the training department use the LMS for training resources?

  • Has training staff attended LMS training at the annual training program?

  • In what capacity is your program utilizing the LMS?

  • Does the list of training materials and instructor materials support all courses listed on the curriculum online?

  • Are the listed training and instructor materials used and available on-site?

  • Are your training and instructor materials used current?

  • Do the listed materials cover all knowledge and skill objectives of the core?

  • Are multimedia materials, equipment, and technology available and used appropriately to enhance training and learning outcomes?

  • Does the Mock-Up and Training Station Checklist satisfy all skill objectives of the curriculum as outlined in Appendix B?

  • Are the listed mockups available on-site and ready to use?

  • Select Architectural and Ornamental mockups on site.

  • Select Layout Instrument mockups on site.

  • Introduction to Reinforcing Steel mockups on site.

  • Unbonded Post Tensioning mockups on site.

  • Rigging mockups on site.

  • Scaffold Erector & Dismantler mockups on site.

  • Fall Protection mockups on site.

  • Structural Steel erection mockups on site.

  • Metal Building system mockups on site.

  • Welding and Cutting mockups on site.

  • Availability of construction and technical magazines and publications?

  • Use of additional training materials/aids used to improve learning?

  • Use of additional mock-ups and training stations used to improve learning?

Standard 5 - Related Technical Instruction

  • Does the curriculum include required core courses as outlined in Appendix A?

  • Does the curriculum outline meet the minimum course and total hours?

  • Is there a customized syllabus for each course listed in the curriculum outline?

  • Does each syllabus include learning objectives and a session schedule?

  • Is safety included as an integral part of every course as shown in the syllabus?

  • Was this Audit performed while a class was being instructed?

  • Name of Instructor evaluated?

  • Course evaluated?

  • Was the Instructor prepared for class?

  • Did the instructor review/share the course syllabus?

  • Introduction to the course/topic

  • Were the objectives stated?

  • Did the instruction follow the syllabus or instructional plan?

  • Instructor appearance and professionalism?

  • Use of direct questioning during the lecture?

  • Use of group questioning during the lecture?

  • Additional methods to engage students?

  • Students asked questions freely?

  • Lively and engaging instruction?

  • The instructor is personable and approachable?

  • The instructor uses eye contact to keep interest?

  • The instructors' voice is dynamic and loud enough?

  • Does the instructor move around the room?

  • Does the instructor use names to keep students engaged?

  • Summarizes topics properly?

  • Uses student or group classroom acticities?

  • Uses audiovisual materials available?

  • Uses adequate props and demos?

  • Overall instructional presentation?

  • Uses topic assignment sheets?

  • Uses mockups for learning skill performance?

  • Proper use of performance assessments?

  • Proper use of knowledge test?

  • Implementation of core curriculum?

  • Overall Instructional Performance?

  • Are effective presentation skills and methods used during instruction?

  • Was a student interviewed as part of this audit?

  • Name of Student interviewed?

  • Was the Instructor prepared for class?

  • Did the instructor review/share the course syllabus?

  • Introduction to the course/topic

  • Were the objectives stated?

  • Did the instruction follow the syllabus or instructional plan?

  • Instructor appearance and professionalism?

  • Use of direct questioning during the lecture?

  • Use of group questioning during the lecture?

  • Additional methods to engage students?

  • Students asked questions freely?

  • Lively and engaging instruction?

  • The instructor is personable and approachable?

  • The instructor uses eye contact to keep interest?

  • The instructors' voice is dynamic and loud enough?

  • Does the instructor move around the room?

  • Does the instructor use names to keep students engaged?

  • Summarizes topics properly?

  • Uses student or group classroom acticities?

  • Uses audiovisual materials available?

  • Uses adequate props and demos?

  • Overall instructional presentation?

  • Uses topic assignment sheets?

  • Uses mockups for learning skill performance?

  • Proper use of performance assessments?

  • Proper use of knowledge test?

  • Implementation of core curriculum?

  • Overall Instructional Performance?

  • Do the training lesson plans include safety as an integral part of each course?

  • Is proper PPE available and used for all hands-on training?

  • Are written tests used to validate minimum knowledge for each unit/course?

  • Are required performance exercises used to validate minimum skill attainment?

  • Do instructors have the time and resources to prepare for proper instruction?

  • Is there a formal system in place for instructor evaluation, feedback, and improvement at least annually?

  • Is there a method for granting credit for equivalent courses provided by another IACP certified program or other accredited educational institution?

  • Formal pre-task hazards analysis program for hands-on training?

  • Overall organization and quality of instructor preparation of the curriculum?

  • The overall emphasis on safety?

  • Courses, training, and certification given over and above what is required?

  • Emphasis on attitudes, work habits, ethics, and personal lifestyle?

Standard 6 - Tools and Equipment

  • Does the inventory list reflect the training center tools, equipment, and consumables required by Appendix B?

  • Is there a copy of the tool and equipment safety inspection from the last twelve months?

  • Is a regular inventory system of training center tools, equipment, PPE, and consumables used to ensure adequate quantities are always available?

  • Does the training inventory list appear to accurately reflect physical inventory?

  • Are written tool and equipment safety inspections performed at least annually?

  • Do tools and equipment appear to be maintained in a safe working condition?

  • Is a systematic plan used to maintain, replace, and acquire equipment and large tools as needed?

  • Is proper PPE available ( safety glasses, earplugs, respirators, etc.)?

  • Is PPE required to be worn when appropriate?

  • Do the apprentices have access to the personal tools listed in Appendix B for use at the training center and on the job?

  • Quantity, and condition of tools, equipment, and inventory?

  • Availability of personal tools used for training and on the job?

  • Tools and equipment additional to what is required?

  • Safety culture?

Standard 7 - Facilities

  • Were pictures provided for all interior and exterior views of the property and facility?

  • Are the overall site and facility well maintained, clean, fully functional, and in a manner, which demonstrates pride and professionalism within the inherent limitations of the property and available resources?

  • Is the facility cleaning and maintenance performed routinely and systematically?

  • Is the facility kept free of safety hazards and in compliance with OSHA and local standards?

  • Is emergency information posted in common areas (evacuation routes, exit signs, emergency phone numbers, nearest clinic, etc.)?

  • Are safety systems such as PPE, fire extinguishers, and first aid kits visibly available and maintained regularly?

  • Is required labor law information posted in a common area?

  • Is classroom and shop space adequate for the number of apprentices and schedule?

  • Do classroom and shop areas provide an environment conducive to learning?

  • Are shop areas adequate for mock-ups and training to satisfy all curriculum objectives as outlined in Appendix B?

  • Do instructors have access to office space, copier, computer, internet, etc.?

  • Are clean and functional restrooms maintained for both men and women?

  • Is ventilation for welding, grinding, and burning provided?

  • Cleanliness and upkeep of the land and building (landscaping, paint, etc.)?

  • Overall appearance of the facility and site?

  • Utilization of available space?

  • Secure and easily accessible storage for training materials, tools, and equipment?

  • Is a break/lunch area available for students?

Standard 8 - Training Coordinator and Instructional Staff

  • Is there an up-to-date and accurate job description for the coordinator?

  • is there an up-to-date and accurate job description for instructors?

  • Do instructors meet the requirements of CFR 29 Part 29?

  • Are instructors subject matter experts in subjects they teach?

  • Are up-to-date transcripts and resumes available for instructors?

  • Do instructors meet all local, state, or provincial requirements?

  • Any new Coordinator, as of August 26, 2017, must attend new coordinator training within one year of hire.

  • Name of Coordinator?

  • Date attend new coordinator training?

  • Does the coordinator take additional training as needed (instructor training program, regional training centers, etc.)?

  • Do instructors take training to update knowledge and skills as needed (instructor training program, regional training centers, etc.)?

  • Detail and follow-through of job descriptions to ensure staff performance?

  • Continuing education of staff?

  • Professionalism and credentials of staff?

  • Availability of qualified substitute instructors?

Standard 9 - On the Job Learning (OJL)

  • Are OJL requirements properly documented in the work process schedule?

  • Are OJL hours properly outlined in the approved standards?

  • Are there procedures for providing apprentices on-the-job learning?

  • Are monthly OJL work process hours documented for all apprentices?

  • Does the JATC evaluate and review systems to improve OJL and work performance?

  • Conformance to written policies of apprentice OJL?

  • System to improve OJL and work performance

  • Efforts to make journeymen and foremen aware of their responsibility to teach apprentices good work habits, attitudes, and technical skills while on the job?

Standard 10 - Marketing and Promotion

  • Are online or printed marketing and promotional materials available?

  • Is there a system in place to inform members and signatory contractors of available training and services?

  • Are there regular marketing and promotional efforts to build and improve relationships and inform signatory and non-signatory contractors, members, owners, and state and local governments of career services and benefits of the training program?

  • Open House events showcasing training and career opportunities held on a regular basis (at least yearly)?

  • Other marketing and promotional activities?

Standard 11 - Training and Certifications Records

  • Are training and qualification records recorded in the IWATS back to the last date of IACP certification or 6 months, whichever is longer?

  • Do records indicate all courses completed by each member?

  • Do records indicate all certifications earned for each member?

  • Are complete training records kept permanently in the member's file (ATS)?

  • Is there a signed apprentice agreement on file for each apprentice?

  • Can a complete transcript be provided for each member?

  • Do apprentices receive a graduation certificate from Ironworkers International and DOL/SAC?

  • Are graduation certificates kept permanently in the member's file (ATS)?

  • Are additional (3rd party) training records added to the member's file when relevant?

  • Does the organization and quality of member records meet the standard?

Standard 12 - Ironworkers Welding Certifiation Program

  • Is the training center an Ironworkers AWS welding program accredited testing facility (ATF), or have timely access to CWB welder qualification if Canadian.

  • Date of next WCP/ATF Audit

  • Availability of welding certification services to members?

Evaluation Summary and Recommendation

  • Training Program Structure and Administration

  • Recruitment and Selection of Apprentices

  • Services

  • Learning Resources

  • Related Technical Instruction

  • Tools and Equipment

  • Facilities

  • Training Coordinator and Instructional Staff

  • On-The-Job Learning

  • Marketing and Promotion

  • Training and Certification Records

  • Ironworker Welding Certification Program

  • By signing, you agree the audit was conducted per the IACP guidelines, and you agree to address all corrective actions within 30 days of the audit.

  • Recommendation

  • Reviewer's comments on program and why the Reviewer's recommendation.

  • undefined

  • It is the recommendation of the audit team that this audit be:

  • Signature

  • Final Disposition (Executive Director of Apprenticeship and Training Only)

  • Signature

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