Title Page
Site conducted
- P1
- P2
- P3
- P4
- P5
- Small Works
- P6 no access
Reference number
This survey is to determine the condition of the cabling and carry out a network assessment across selected MDU installations. Where ever possible this is a non-intrusive condition survey. However, your assessment and responses are to be based on what you need to access to respond to the questions in the survey below. But, at no time should you take any risks to your personal safety in completing the survey. It is important to note that during this survey programme you will assess installations that were completed before these requirements were enacted and which were appropriate at the time the installation was completed and which continue to be acceptable if they are in good condition.
1. Surveyor Details
2 - Address Details (Full address details required)
2.1 - Full Address/Street & flat number range
2.3 - Town/City
2.4 - Post Code
2.5 - Building MA/owner and contact details (if known)
3 - Building information.
3.1 - Total Premise Count
3.2 - Number of Floors
3.3 - What services are currently provided to the building ?
- BT
- Other Fibre provider?
Are there any Fibre providers in the building?
- Yes
- No
- Unable to Confirm due to Location
3.4 - How is the building wired?
- Internal Wiring
- External Wiring
- N/A
Please provide photo of site.
4 - Site Access Requirements
4.1 - Is access to be arranged via the MA / Porter? contact details
4.2 - Are keys or access required to location of the lockbox/DP?
- Yes
- No
If "Yes" detail which type
- FB Keys
- Gerda Keys
- Ladders
- Private Gardens
- Roof Access
- VM Cab Keys
- Other
Please detail.
4.3 - Is the Cabinet/DP(s) safe to access? (lock box height, difficult to reach, have to lean or over stretch to open)
Detail the DP location and list any risks to safety due to the location.
Attach photographs.
4.4 - Were there any areas of the building that could not be accessed which inhibited the completion of any part of the survey.
Detail which area could not be accessed, what part of the cabling or network could not be surveyed and estimate the percentage of the building you were able to survey.
5 - Remedial works required?
5.1 - Are there any remedial works required?
Describe works required.
Attach photographs of works required.
5.2 - Is there any suspected ACM's in the area of works required?
Please provide details.
Please provide photos.
6 - Hazards - Priority
6.2 - Highlight any concerns that can be fed back to the property owner or MA.
Provide details
Please provide pictures.
7 - Signature
7.1 - Surveyors Signature
7.2 - Survey Completion Date
SOR Sheet
Does this survey required any works?
Labour Rate 1 Man
Labour Rate 2 Man
Labour Rate Abseilors - per day
Abseil RAMS - per site
Replace or add rubber matt edge protection - per site
Access Equipment - Cherry Picker/Scaffold (Quote Required)
Replace Tray (per metre) - size
Replace or add blocks for tray work (Big Feet)
Replace Cat Wire (per metre)
Replace metal trunking - State length & size
Replace PVC trunking - State length & size
Install Metal Cable Ties (per bag)
Replace External Cab (X-small - Small - Medium - Large)
Replace Internal Cab (Small - Medium - Large)