Document No.
Company Name
Surveillance Location
Name of Auditor
Welder / Welding Operator Name
Date of Audit
Contract Number
Drawing Number
Applicable Welding Code
Welder / Welding Operator
Welder ID
Does the Welder / Welding Operator have all drawings and relevant process information with the job?
If the answer above is No, please include details
Does the Welder / Welding Operator have a copy of the project specific WPS pack?
If the answer above is No, please include details
Please include details of the WPS pack being used, (e.g. code A, what is the revision number, etc)
Do the details above match the ones on the document control system?
If the answer above is No, please include details
Welding Equipment (before use)
Welding set number?
Please include photos of the welding set
Is the welding set calibrated?
Please include a photo of the calibration sticker
Welding Consumable
Consumable being used brand name and type?
Photo of consumable packet (if available)
Consumable size?
- 1.2mm
- 1.6mm
- 2.0mm
- 2.4mm
- 3.2mm
- 4.0mm
- 5.0mm
- 1.0mm
Does the consumable being used match the consumable on the WPS being used?
If the answer above is No, please include details
Sample Welding Operation
WPS number being used?
Weld process number being performed?
- W1
- W2
- W3
- W4
- W5
- W6
- W7
- W8
- W9
- W10
- W11
- W12
- W13
- W14
- W15
Shielding / backing gas being used (Inc type and mixture)
Gas flow rate?
Weather protection being used? No fan on welding stations facing the welder!
Pre-heat temperature?
Interpass temperature
How is the welder measuring the Pre-heat and Interpass temperatures
How is a stable environmental temperature at the work place ensured?
Heat Input calculation based on actual results recorded
Run out length / time? (mm/min)
Calculate the heat input from the above values (Amps x Volts x (0.6 or 0.8 or 1.0) / Travel Speed (mm/min) = Heat Input)
Does the calculated heat input above match the heat input value on the WPS (within 10%)?
If the answer above is No, please provide more information
Final Inspection
Visually inspect the completed weld and add comments below
Photo of weld upon completion
Welding Equipment (After use)
Is the Voltmeter / Ammeter working OK?
Are all cables and hoses in good condition?
Are the Gas regulators in good condition?
Is the Welding set in good working order?
If you have answered No to any of the above within this category please provide details
Equipment faults must be reported to the Welding Engineer or Quality Manager, equipment must be removed from the shop floor and quarantined until corrective action is taken.
Close of audit
Any comments from the Welder / Welding Operator?
Any final thoughts from the auditor? (Any actions required)
Approval of the Audit
Print name of auditor
Auditor Signature
Date Audit Completed