Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Fire Safety
Have weekly Fire Alarm Tests taken place in both North and South and file updated?
Which break glass point was tested in South Wing?
Which break glass point was tested in the North Wing?
Have you completed a weekly fire walk today to check walkways and stairwells are clear and taken action to clear if they are not?
Are all the Fire Extinguishers in place
Have you stock checked COVID 19 supplies?
If items are needed, have you placed an order request with Denis and / or a Porters request for required products in good time?
Have COVID supplies in First Aid Kits been checked today and replenished (Masks x 2, Goggles / Aprons)
Centre Maintenance
Are there any outstanding defects on the Plan on system? If Yes, Please provide details
Have you taken action to chase these with ESS where appropriate? Please add info of outcome where applicable
Health and Fitness
Are there any outstanding equipment defects in the Gym? If Yes, Please provide details and info relevant to repair timeline
General Issues
Are there any issues concerning activity area operations that staff want to make me aware of? (e.g. defective equipment in sports halls/ studios / stores). If yes, please provide info
Are there any outstanding issues concerning reception operations that staff want to make me aware of ? (e.g. technology / general issues). If yes, please provide info
Have 2 Flushes taken place over the past week in South Wing and paperwork sent to ESS?
Have all I-Auditor audits been completed in the past week and filed away in the correct folders in P:Drive?
Please notify corresponding SCS and ask to ensure they complete audits appropriately and file in P:Drive
Please confirm you have checked that any missing and chased up from last week have been completed appropriately and filed away?
Has lost property been emptied as appropriate? (If not please organise action)
Has barrier card been swiped to ensure it remains active? ( Every third Thursday when on mid shift )