Conducted on
Prepared by
Task 1
What is the task?
Photo of the Task
Is a Risk Assessment readily available for the Task?
Has the Risk Assessment been reviewed in the last 12months ?
Is a MAC Assessment readily available for the Task?
Has the MAC Assessment been reviewed in the last 12 months ?
Is an SOP readily available for the Task?
Has the SOP been reviewed in the last 12 months?
Who is performing the task?
Is there evidence readily available to show that the employee is competent at the task?
Can the employee list 3 hazards associated with the task?
Is the employee using Kinetic Handling for the Task?
Eye Protection being worn correctly
Hearing protection being worn correctly
Appropriate Gloves being worn?
Is there evidence of a pre use check this shift?
Task 2
What is the Task?
Take a Photograph of the Task
Is there a Risk Assessment readily available for the Task?
Has the Risk Assessment been reviewed in the last 12 months?
Is a MAC Assessment readily available for the Task?
Has the MAC Assessment been reviewed in the last 12 months?
In an SOP for the Task readily available for the Task?
Has the SOP been reviewed in the last 12 months?
Who was performing the task?
Is there evidence readily available to show that the employee is competent at the task?
Can the employee list 3 hazards associated with the Task?
Is the employee using Kinetic Handling for the Task?
Is Eye protection worn correctly
Is Hearing protection worn correctly?
Are appropriate Gloves being worn?
Is there evidence of a pre use check this shift?
Training Management
Is there evidence of a training matrix in the Section?
Does the Training Matrix identify a series of stages of competency?
Are there other team members on the matrix who's training is out of date?
What is the process / machine?
Who is running the process / machine?
What sources of Energy are applicable?
- Kinetic
- Thermal
- Pnuematic
- Gravity
- Electrical
Is a LOTO procedure posted?
Are all these sources of Energy identified on the LOTO procedure
Can the employee explain the purpose of LOTO?
Can the employee demonstrate how to LOTO?
Are there enough suitable devices to LOTO all the sources of hazardous energy?
Machine Safety
Name of Machine / equipment
Photo of the Machine / equipment
Is the machine meant to be used for the purpose for which it is being used?
Does the machine have controls that are readable?
Choose 1 emergency stop. Press it .. does it work? Comment if the machine doesn't stop straight away
Do all the stop buttons require an action or key to release?
Do the guards appear to be properly in position?
Can access to dangerous parts of the machine be obtained?
If interlocks are used choose 1 and attempt to gain access when the machine is running
Is there anything around the machine that might cause harm?
If appropriate is a push stick being used?
Is an evacuation plan displayed on all exits showing all relevant escape routes and roll call position?
Select a Fire Point
Are all extinguishers in place and clearly marked for the type of fire?
Have these extinguishers been serviced in the last 12 months?
Have the extinguishers been checked by JW in the last Month?
Is the access to extinguishers free from obstructions? There should be 90cm clear space and easy access.
Is there adequate Emergency Exit direction signs from where you are?
Can departmental emergency exits be easily opened from the inside? Try one.
Is emergency lighting inside and outside of the exits
Is the external route from emergency exits clear? No trip hazards and well lit if at night.
Emergency Procedures
Does the person leading the Team know who is the incident controller?
Does the person leading the team have a current roster for this shift or can demonstrate how to produce one?
Is there emergency procedures issued by the section telephone?
Are Safe walkways clearly defined?
Are these walkways free of obstruction?
Are there clearly marked areas for material used in the process?
Are there materials in excess of the allowed spaces?
Is the area free from trip hazards from fixed wires or air lines?
Is the area free from tooling trip hazards including retractable lines left trailing?
Is the area free from fixed trip hazards
Are these fixed trip hazards highlighted?
Work Benches
Name of Bench
Photo of bench
Clear of rubbish / clutter?
No damaged hand Tools
No damaged powered Tools
Are vibrating tools used in the section
Describe the method to ensure workplace exposure to vibration
Name of current or latest person to used vibrating tools
Can the section leader provide evidence to ensure the workplace exposure is below the lower threshold?
Waste Management
Is the waste segregated correctly? Provide evidence
Bins not full?
Waste containers / IBCs / skips appropriately identified whilst being used?
Does the are require spill kits
Are the spill kits appropriate for the fluids?
Are the spill kits full?
Is there evidence of the spill kits being checked?
Is there racking in the area
If there Is there evidence of damage above SEMA guidance, has the racking been off loaded?
Is there evidence of local racking inspection within the last month easily available ?
Is there evidence of independent racking inspection within the last 12 month easily available?
Are appropriate SEMA boards posted?
SQCDI Boards
Does the section have its own SQCDI board?
Does the S section show the Safety Cross
Is the Cross upto date?
Are there daily hazards being recorded on the 3C chart?
Is there evidence of these hazards being actioned on the 3C chart/
Machine / Section ?
Are all 240v cords using an RCD socket?
Are extension plugs surge protected?
No sign of extension plugs being linked together?
Portable items found without PAT testing sticker?
No frayed or damaged leads?
No trailing leads?
No access possible to live circuits
Cabinets properly locked?
Adequate access to switch gear
Wiring from disconnected plant properly terminated?
Is there any ladders in the section?
Is there evidence of a pre use check?
Are the ladders in an acceptable condition?
Is the ladder tagged and is the tag up to date?
Are unused ladders locked?
First Aid
Name a First Aider on shift now?
First Aid supplies sufficient and in date?
Eye wash stations full and in date?
First Aiders identified on the Area notice board?
Is there enough First Aiders on shift? 1 first aider for every 50 employees?
Fork Lift Trucks
Name of FLT Driver
Driver wearing a lap belt restraint
Evidence that the truck has had a pre shift check?
Driving Standard acceptable?
Good use of Horn and slowing down at doorways?
Is the FLT fitted with the blue reversing light and is it working?
Is the driver and operators observing the 3 meter rule?
Were knives observed during the audit?
What type of knife is in use?
Remove the knife from use immediately, auto retract knives are the minimum standard. Inform the area supervisor of the raised concern.
Is the operator wearing cut resistant gloves?
Are the operators trained in the use of knives?