Site conducted
Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
General Information
List the names of the employees involved in the task
Description of task being inspected
Work Area
The area is neat, clean, and free from debris, dirt, or other materials
Illumination is adequate for the tasks to be performed
Ventilation is adequate for the task being performed
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Employees are wearing appropriate PPE
PPE is in good condition and sized correctly
Job Briefing and Planning
JSA is properly filled out and signed
JSA and any other applicable work permits are properly communicated via tailboard meeting
Employees are following precautions listed on the JSA and any other required work permits
Safety Equipment
GFI protection in place and extension cords, grounding clusters in good condition
A fire extinguisher is staged at the worksite where hot work is being performed
Inspections on safety equipment have been perfromed within the required frequency
All safety equipment is clearly labelled and accessible
Electrical NFPA 70E
Electrical hazards identified
Proper electrical PPE used (shock/arc flash)
Protective grounds as needed (PPE and grounds tested & inspected)
Tools are in good condition
Tools are effectively grounded
Tools, equipment, and PPE tested and calibrated as needed
Ladders, scaffolds, lifts, working at height platforms properly inspected and secured
Fall protection equipment used, appropriate, and inspected
Lockout and Tagout (LOTO)
LOTO devices are in place
LOTO form has been completed correctly
LOTO devices adequately isolate energy from the employee
LOTO devices are attached correctly and provide a warning and deterant for employees
Employee is following LOTO procedure
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency preparedness is in place and evacuation procedures understood
First aid kit and spill kit is on station or available
Signature of inspector