ARTC CBRE Pre Travel Check list
Drivers Name
Conducted on
Driver Details and Vehicle details
If more than one driver please list the names.
Departure - Date and Time
Vehicle ID
Completion of all relevant site-specific inductions
Is the vehicle fit for the trip ?
Have you had an site induction?
Have you notiified the site contact ?
Do you have the appropriate PPE and clothing ? Includes fire extinguisher, drinking water, first aid kit (includes snake bite kit),hat, boots, long trousers, sunscreen and Hi Vis vest.
Have you completed a journey plan/itineray? Including departure, arrival and return times.
What are the current road conditions ? Do you need to consider a time change due to weather conditions?
Conduct - What you need to do whilst going to and doing the site inspection
Have you planned rest breaks ?
Have you informed your manager of your site inspection plan?
Do you have a hard copy of the site plan?
Are there any known hazards on site ? E.g. Creek crossings, snake sightings
Have confirmed an emergency contact on site ?
Trip Conclusion - Considerations for after the inspection is conducted
Are there any hazards to report ?
Was there an incident to report ?
Have you checked in with your manager?
Driver's name and signature