Title Page
Point of Contact
What type of work is the job order for?
Untitled Page
A. General
1. Emergency phone numbers and procedures posted?
2. First aid supplies readily available?
3. Required posters and signs posted and readable?
4. Site assigned clinic or hospital is posted and up to date?
B. Personal Protective Equipment
1. PPE worn by all personnel in work areas?
2. Respiratory protection worn as required?
3. Safety harnesses and lanyards worn for fall protection?
4. Workers dressed properly for the job?
5. Personal protective equipment in good condition?
6. Safety supplies adequate for job manpower?
C. Housekeeping
1. Walkways and stairs kept clear of material and debris?
2. Are cords and hoses organized or hung to prevent trip and fall hazard?
3. Trash, scrap, and debris picked up and disposed of?
D. Fire Protection
1. Is fire hazard safety equiptment inspected and in good condition?
2. Is fire hazard safety equiptment in accessable and in well marked locations?
3. Are flamable liquids kept in a ventlated and secure location?
4. Are Oxidizers kept separate a secured?
E. Material Handling and Storage
1. Materials are stored and organized in approprate locations?
2. Stored materials with sharp edges are barricaded from accidental abrasion?
3. Are materials being lifted and handed safely and with appropriate PPE?
4. Are hazardous materials approprately labled and in undamaged containers?
F. Power Tools
1. Are gaurds being used on tools that require them?
2. Are tools grounded (ground prong) or double insulated?
3. Are tools kept in good condition and inspected before use?
G. Welding and Cutting
1. Are caps secured on all cylinders not in use?
2. All Cilinders and hoses are inspected for leaks and damage?
3. Welding leads organized and in good condition?
4. Fire extinguishers kept close to hot work areas?
5. Are flamable materials protected or removed from hot zones?
6. Are grinders being used with faceshields?
H. Electrical
1. Are extension cords used an unmodified heavy duty 3-wire type?
2. Are extension cords being used un-damaged and kept in good condition?
3. Are Lock Out Tag Out procedured utilized in energized systems?
4. Temporary power point are inspected and in good condition?
5. Extension cords are being used with a GFCI and are not daisy-chained?
I. Ladders
Straight ladders secured at top landing?
Straight ladders set up with a 4 to 1 slope?
Top step of stepladders not used as a step?
Are Ladders inspected for damage and all signage legible?
J. Scaffolds
All scaffold parts and hardware are used as required?
All scaffold hardware and parts are in good condition?
All scaffold are inspected with respective tags?
K. Industrial Vehicles and Man Lifts
Are vehicles and man lifts inspected daily and in good condition?
Is the safety equiptment in all vehicles and man lifts fully functional?
Are operators manuels and fire extinguishers present and in good condition?
Are all operators certified on the equiptment they are using?
L. Handrails and Hole Covers
Railings are sturdy and continuous with midrails and toe boards?
Floor holes protected by railings or secured hole covers?
Exposed edges have adequate barriers or engineered controls?
M. Excavation and Trenching
Excavations 5' or deeper shored, sloped, or boxed?
Workers stay within shored area?
Adequate access and egress points are provided ?
Are barricades provided for excavations deeper than 5'?
N. Employee Communications
Do foremen communicate with their crews on job methods?
Do foremen react to employee safety recommendations?
Do foremen address unsafe actions and conditions?
Are safety meetings held weekly with all employees?
General Site Hazards:
General Site Hazards
Traffic Conditions on Site:
Traffic Conditions on Site
Is there night work?
Is there proper lighting?
Are there any hazards getting on and off site?
Is there on site parking?
Name and Signitures
Client Name:
Staff Name: