June 2017 Floor/Unit Inspection
Conducted on
Prepared By:
- Megan Hempel
- Amber Haver
- Caleb Griger
- Dianna Palmer
- Amy Shantz
- Corey Jackson
- Tammy Hildebrand
- Jennifer Green
- Andrea Miller
- Carol Heath
- Katie Goodwin
- Inga Heidebrecht
- Matthew Kirby
- Corey Jackson
- Erica Martin
- Ashleigh Spellman
- Gage Joy
- Shea Duncan
- Amy Reeves
Area of Inspection
- 1 North
- ED (Both) 2 Adults + 1 Pediatric
- Gi-Lab
- CT
- IR3
- CCL01
- CCL02
- IR19
- Employee Health
- PT
- EP-Lab
- Cardiopulmonary Rehab
- 3S DSC
- 4 South
- 5 South
- 6 South
- 7 South
- 8 South
- 9 South
- 6 North
- 7 North
- 8 North
- 9 North
- Main OR (BOTH)
- Respiratory
Crash Carts
Locked upon inspection
Are all medications currently in date?
Lock number matches number in book?
Is there a second crash cart?
Locked upon inspection? If not, please take a photo of the unlocked drawers.
Lock number matches lock number in book. Please attach a photo if incorrect.
Are all medications currently in date?
Please attach photo of outdated medication
Please attach a photo of the Crash cart sheet
Please specify location of OMNICELL
Is the OMNICELL clean and non cluttered? If no, attach photo.
Please take a picture of the OMNICELL
Are all medications in the OMNICELL currently in date? If no, attach photo of expired item/product.
Please attach photo of expired product.
Check box to verify you have checked both paper and label dispenser.
Check box to verify you have cleaned the screen, scanner and keyboard with PDI wipes.
Does the OMNICELL appear undamaged? If no, please take a photo of damaged equipment.
Please take a photo of the damage to the OMNICELL
Is there a second OMNICELL
Please specify location of OMNICELL
Is the OMNICELL clean and non cluttered? If no, please attach photo of cluttered/dirty OMNICELL
Please attach photo of dirty/cluttered OMNICELL.
Are all medications in the OMNICELL currently in date? If no, attach photo of expired item/product.
Please attach photo of expired item/product.
Check box to verify you have checked both paper and label dispenser.
Check box to verify you have cleaned the screen, scanner and keyboard with PDI wipes.
Does the OMNICELL appear undamaged? If no, Please take a photo of damaged equipment.
Please take a photo of the damaged OMNICELL
Is the REFRIGERATOR clean and non cluttered?
Please attach a photo of the dirty/cluttered REFRIGERATOR.
Is the REFRIGERATOR absent of all food/drink?
Please attach a photo of the food/drink in the refrigerator.
Is there a second REFRIGERATOR?
Please specify the location of the second REFRIGERATOR.
Is the REFRIGERATOR clean and non cluttered?
Please attach a photo of the dirty/cluttered OMNICELL.
Is the REFRIGERATOR absent of food/drink?
Please take a photo of the food/drink.
Please specify the location of the refrigerator.
Are the SERVIDORS clean and non cluttered?
Please specify room numbers of dirty/cluttered SERVIDORS and/ or attach photo.
Are the SERVIDORS locked upon inspection?
Please document unlocked room #'s of SERVIDORS.
Other cabinets/drawers/locked areas that need to be inspected
Are the medications/supplies locked upon inspection
Please attach photo
Are all medications currently in date? Please attach photo of dates on supplies/ medications
Medication/supply pictures