Kangan Aviation Department Practical Task
PT6 engine starter, remove &install
Student Name
Conducted on
Refer to PT6 Engine manual or AC43.13B
Engine manual can be found under google drive under PT6 Manuals AC43 can be found under and search for training manuals
Equipment required:
Relevant Aircraft Maintenance Manual
Aircraft Mechanics tool kit -
Before commencing the task, i have located the relevant maintenance documentation.
I have prepared for the task, taking into account OH&S, security and tooling requirements.
Take a photo of the removed starter and a second photo when it has been replaced.
I have removed the starter motor iaw the relevant EM.
Add media
I have installed the starter motor as described in the EM
I have completed all documentation relating to the task.
I have returned all equipment and documentation to it's correct storage location.
Please enter details of your task, including any defects located.
Student's Signature
Student ID Number
Assessor's Signature