Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Select date
photo of site - time date and description including site name and code or reference.
Maintenance - basic or on going concerns
Litter? Generally clean and acceptable considering most recent visit
Grassed areas? Grass length acceptable, clear of bare patches or weed growth
Hard areas? Clear of overgrowth and weeds<br><br>
Trees and shrubs? General health, pruning, replanting
General remarks.<br>Including Health and Safety concerns, tenants, fire routes, external factors.
Scope for future planning
Potential additional improvements<br>
Potential problems which could cause future problems
Potential for additional works
Communication with client
Satisfaction and next action
- Happy - no action
- Informal internal update
- Contact client by phone subsequently
- Email client subsequently
- Urgently contact client from site
- Met on site
Meet on site
Email confirmation from office
On behalf of Kentcare Ltd