
  • Site conducted

  • WSS Report No:

  • Project Location

  • Conducted on

  • Activities being undertaken

  • Client

  • Principal Contractor

  • Health & Safety Advisor

  • Site Manager

  • Project Manager

  • Date of Previous Report

Audit Scores

  • Green

  • Amber

  • Red


Current Works

  • Current Works

  • Task
  • Description of Task

  • Location of Works

  • Supervisor Overseeing Works

  • Title of RAMS Covering Works

  • Equipment in Use

Future Works

  • Details of Works Upcoming Within the Next 4 Weeks?

  • Have Upcoming Works Been Suitably Planned?

  • Is the Relevant Documentation available for Above Future Works?

COVID Secure

  • COVID Secure

  • Have all operatives read & signed the updated RAMS put in place and have they been approved by the PC in conjunction with the latest Government Guidelines?

  • Action Required

  • FTAO

  • Do all Operatives appear healthy and showing clear signs of NON COVID symptoms, IE: Persistent new cough or high temperature?

  • Action Required

  • FTAO

  • Have all operatives been issued an ID card so as not to use the security Bio-metric finger scanner for site entry?

  • Action Required

  • FTAO

  • Are site personnel & visitors temperatures being recorded on entry?

  • Action Required

  • FTAO

  • Are the drying room & WC facilities sufficiently controlled to manage the number of operatives using them to allow 2 metre rule to be adhered to.

  • Action Required

  • FTAO

  • Are the site Canteen, Drying Room & WC facilities found to be clean & in good order?

  • Action Required

  • FTAO

  • Are routes to/from the work areas restricted to one way only (as necessary) & being adhered to?

  • Action Required

  • FTAO

  • Can the works tasked be safely undertaken by using the 2 metre rule?

  • Action Required

  • FTAO

  • Are the operatives PPE, tools, work equipment deemed clean & non reusable PPE disposed of correctly?

  • Action Required

  • FTAO

  • Is entry to site staggered with the 2 metre distance rule adhered to by all?

  • Action Required

  • FTAO

  • Are trades working alone within the workspace and are the work areas barriered off accordingly to stop other trades from entering?

  • Action Required

  • FTAO

  • Does the site operate a suitable and sufficient Track & Trace system ?

  • Action Required

  • FTAO

Previous Report

  • Previous Report

  • Has the previous report been closed out?

General Site Conditions

  • Access and Egress

  • Is there suitable security on all access points to the site

  • Is access and egress safe?

  • Are suitable measures in place to protect Members of Public/Third Parties?

  • Welfare Arrangements

  • Are adequate toilets and hand washing facilities provided with a supply of hot and cold water, for the number of persons on site, that are regularly maintained?

  • Have drying / changing facilities been provided that meet the required standards and regularly maintained?

  • Have canteen and resting facilities been provided with means of heating meals and adequate seating, which is regularly maintained?

  • First Aid

  • Are suitable and sufficient first aid facilities available and in date?

  • Are adequate and suitably trained first aiders on site?

  • Are first aiders and their contact details displayed at relevant locations on site?

  • Excavations

  • Are excavations / openings suitably protected?

  • Have underground services been located?

  • Are excavations being formally inspected at the start of each shift?

  • Have relevant signage been erected around the excavation?

  • Have a suitable means of access and egress been provided for working within the excavation?

  • Is a suitable rescue plan in place?

  • Housekeeping

  • Are all walkways and means of escape routes free from obstruction and trip hazards?

  • Are there adequate storage facilities in place?

  • Is there adequate lighting?

  • Fire

  • Are Fire Exits signed and kept clear of obstruction?

  • Are there Fire Extinguishers readily accessible and showing an in date service?

  • Are there suitably trained Fire Marshals appointed available on site?

  • Has a Fire Risk Assessment been carried out and does it remain valid to site activities?

  • Signage / Notices

  • is there relevant and sufficient signage erected around site?

  • Has the health and safety poster been displayed on site?

  • Has the F10 been visibly displayed on site, in date and relevant to work carried out on site?

  • Have employer's relevant insurances been displayed on site?

  • Have site emergency contacts been displayed at the site entrance or other relevant locations?


  • Waste

  • Are general and hazardous waste streams correctly segregated, signed and stored securely?

  • If spill kits are required are they readily available?

  • Have licensed waste carriers been appointed for waste removal with copies of waste transfer / consignment notes available?

  • Have any relevant environmental permits or consents available for work being carried out?

Temporary Works

  • Temporary Works

  • Has a temporary works coordinator been appointed in writing?

  • Is there a Temporary Works register available on site and are required works adequately recorded?

  • Is there evidence of suitable checks being undertaken during the construction of the Temporary Works

  • Have permits to load/strike been issued by the Temporary Works Co-Ordinator and the Temporary Works Supervisor?

Operative Safety

  • PPE

  • Are site PPE requirements relevant to overall works being carried out?

  • Is PPE compliant to site requirements?

  • Is there evidence that PPE is being maintained and stored in good condition?

  • Vibration

  • Have operatives been made aware of maximum trigger time for the tools associated to their works?

  • Is there sufficient monitoring and recording in place?

  • Does the risk assessment address the hazard of vibration?

  • Dust

  • Are their sufficient measures to eliminate/suppress dust in please?

  • Is RPE in use

  • Is it adequate for the task and has Face Fit Testing been carried out?

  • Noise

  • Is there active noise monitoring in place?

  • Is there hearing protection available and does it provide adequate protection for the noise levels being produced?


  • Electrical

  • Is cable routing satisfactory and well managed?

  • Are transformers accessible and in order?

  • Is safe practice noted with regard to overhead lines?

  • Portable Appliances

  • Are inspection/test records available?

  • Appliances in satisfactory condition?

  • Plant

  • Plant inspection test certification available?

  • Plant inspection records in place?

  • Plant checklists in place?

  • Lifting Gear

  • Record of thorough test certification available?

  • Lifting gear checklists available?

  • Lift plan in place?


  • Competences

  • Are competency requirements met?

  • Are competency records available?

  • Inductions

  • Do site induction records reflect current personnel on site?

  • Does the site induction contain the relevant site specific information to work being carried out?

  • Site Monitoring/TBT'S

  • Are site inspections available and in date?

  • Are tool box talks available and in date?


  • Briefings

  • Are daily briefings conducted each working day?

  • Are briefing registers complete and signed by relevant operatives?

Hazardous Substances


  • Are COSHH assessments available?

  • Are relevant MSDS available?

  • Are COSHH containers in good condition, clearly labelled, sealed and correctly stored?

Access Equipment

  • Fixed Scaffolds

  • Is the relevant documentation available?

  • Have relevant scafftags been signed off?

  • Safe working practices noted?

  • Mobile Access Towers/Podiums

  • Is the relevant documentation available?

  • Have relevant scafftags been signed off?

  • Are mobile towers / podiums correctly assembled?

  • Safe working practices noted?

  • MEWPS/Pop Ups

  • Is all relevant documentation available?

  • Is all relevant certification available?

  • Safe working practices noted?

  • Fall Arrest Equipment

  • Has all relevant documentation been completed?

  • Is all relevant certification available?

  • Safe working practices noted?

  • Tethers

  • Are tool tethers in a suitable condition?

  • Tether documentation available?

  • Ladders/Step Ladders

  • Are step ladders/ladders in a suitable condition?

  • Are ladder registers and checklists in place?

  • Working at Height

  • Good practice noted?

  • Is a rescue plan available?

Safe Systems of Work

  • Permits to work

  • Have relevant permits been completed for current works?

  • Safe Of Systems Of Work

  • Are MST/RA's available and relevant to current works?

  • Do briefing registers reflect current labour on site?

Site Plans

  • Emergency Arrangements

  • Emergency plans available?

  • Plans

  • Project H&S Plans Available?

  • CPP Available?

General Comments

  • Are there any additional actions?

Sign Off

  • Health & Safety Advisor

  • Were you satisfied with the level of service received today?

  • Received by

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.