Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are the first aid boxes available and intact
Are there spare Hi Viz vests available
Are visitors badges / machine operational
Is the Sign in IPAD operational
Is the lighting adequate/working in entrance are and corridor area
Are the fire exits all clear
Are the external doors closed and lift area free from debris
Is the signage current and clear around the entrance
Is the office corridor area free and clean from debris
Are the office storage rooms tidy/scored securely and as per 'what good likes'
Are offices and meeting room clean and free of debris
Are Locker rooms clean and free of debris . And nothing on lockers
Are fire extinguisher available and in date
Is the lighting adequate and working
Are fire doors working correctly
Is there a hard copy of the accident book available
Are staff in correct and clean uniform
Are all staff in possession of GG and NR identity cards
Are all staff in possession of their hot and what cards
Ask 1 staff member to explain HOT and What .
Ask a member if staff to explain what the COSHH data sheets are for
Ask a member of staff to explain the evacuation process
Have all staff been issued with a handheld where applicable
Are all drivers in possession of their licences
Are all drivers in possession of the 'how to stop a train' card
Ask a driver to demonstrate 'how to stop to train in an emergency'
Have all drivers been issued a radio
Do all drivers have a T key
Is the canteen clean and tidy
Is the microwave operational and clean
Is the fridge operational and contents in date
has the canteen fridge temps been recorded
Is the lighting adequate and working
Is the fire blanket in place and intact
Are the toilets clean and free of debris
Are soap dispensers and hand towel dispensers/dyers working
Are chemicals decantered and stored safely in COSHH room
Is the COSHH manual in place
Is the 1st aid kit / PPE / Spillage kit available in the COSHH room
Is the equipment room clean and free from debris
Is the 'uniform' room clean and free from debris
Main warehouse
Are all stock areas & shelving tidy, stock rotated in date order
Is the lighting adequate and working on the shop floor
Are the insectocuors working
Are the floors and walls in a good state of repair - any jobs raised
Are the fire doors in a good state of repair - any jobs raised
Allergen Area Labelled and contain Allergen Product only
Are the fire extinguishers in the correct place, in date & accessible
Are the floors free from rubbish & debris, especially under shelving
Are the desks in on the shop floor clean/tidy and organised
Is the 1st aid box in place and unused
Chillers and Freezers
Are all doors on chillers 1,2 & 3 closed when not in use
Are all doors on chillers 1, 2 & 3 operational, easily closed & opened
Is there adequate lighting in chillers 1,2 & 3
Are chillers 1,2 & 3 clean, tidy free & from debris
Is all stock stored correctly and properly rotated in chillers 1,2 & 3
Are all pest curtains fit for purpose, clean and in the correct place
Are temp pegg boxes connected and blue lights on
Are the Temp boxes connected to the cloud
Are any carts stored in the chiller with their doors open
Are all freezer doors closed
Are all freezer Temps displayed and in Temp -18 and below
Is the freezer tidy and free from debris and rubbish
frozen milk stored in cages
Any stock items in rooms/subway area
Are all equipment rooms tidy and in order
Is the lighting adequate and in working order in the equipment rooms
Is the dispatch area clean and free of debris
Is the dispatch desk clean/tidy and well organised
Is the SSY / Lift are clean and free of debris .
Pallets/carts only in our 'domain' area
have all handhelds been signed out and spares available
Observe 1 driver POET usage
Have Poet/barrow/stillages checks been completed
Has Cleaning schedule been completed
All temperature checks completed correctly
10 quality check verifications completed
Globalworx verification to see ( 5 graphs)
Is van loading sheet been completed
As the equipment check been completed for inbound checks
Have returns been completed (10 checks)
TMT validation ( 5 checks)
No carts on the shop floor more that 2 days ago before processing
Untitled Page