Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. Public Safety & Signage
1.1 Hoarding erected and maintained?
1.2 Fencing and Advance Warning Signage checklist up to date?
1.3 Signage to offices, stores etc.?
1.4 Roads clear and free of slip/ trip hazards?
2. Access & Walkways
2.1 Safe pedestrian access egress/delineation from plant?
2.2 Safe access/egress to material storage areas?
2.3 Walkways free from obstruction, safe footing?
2.4 Floor edges/openings/manholes protected?
2.5 Adequate lighting provided?
2.6 Protruding steel protected e.g. Mushroom caps?
3. Housekeeping - Tidiness & Storage
3.1. Site areas tidy.?
3.2. Compound and storage area conditions in good order?
3.3. Safe access/egress to material storage areas?
3.4. Waste materials regularly removed, skips/bins emptied?
3.5. Are there enough waste receptacles on site (bins/skips)?
3.6. Materials stacked & stored safely?
3.7. Materials secured from wind hazards?
4.0. Excavations
4.1. Permit to excavate in place?
4.2. Inspections carried out (AF3)?
4.3. Underground services located & marked, carried by CSCS LUG trained personnel?
4.4. Edge protection erected along excavation?
4.5. Signage in place highlighting deep excavation?
4.6. Safe access/egress provided ?
4.7. Materials stored safely - away from edge of excavation?
4.8. Shoring/ sides battered/trenches boxes provided?
4.9. Adjacent structures protected?
2. Plant and Equipment
2.1. Unsafe or damaged plant/equipment? (including missing or damaged guards)
2.2. Incorrect plant /equipment for job? (e.g. grinding discs for cutting)
2.3. Unsafe or incompatible attachments used with plant/equipment?
2.4. Unlicensed operators?
2.5. Lack of safe work instructions?
2.6. Lack of training in safe operation, clean-up and maintenance?
2.8. Lack of inspection regime?
3. Scaffolds
Scaffolding contractor used?
3.2. Unsafe or incomplete scaffold?
3.3. Lack of inspection protocol for scaffold? Lack of signage (safe to use/incomplete)
3.4. Incompatible scaffold components? Scafftag missing/ out of inspection?
3.5. Safe Work Load (SWL) exceeded? (tools, stored materials, number of persons)
Scaffolding on sound footings?
Base plates and sole plates used?
Platforms adequately supported and fully boarded?
Ladder access provided and secured?
Toe boards in place?
Platforms kept clear?
Mobile Scaffold Towers
Tower erected by qualified personnel?
Scafftag in place?
Tower erected on firm level ground?
Wheels locked when in use?
Correct height to base ratio?
Fully boarded/ correct platform & toe boards used?
Outriggers fitted?
Tower adequately braced?
4. Lifting Equipment
4.1. Unsafe or damaged plant?
4.2. Loads lifted over persons, close proximity to obstacles incl. overhead power lines?
4.3. Lack of maintenance, testing and inspection?
4.4. Lack of SWL information displayed?
4.5. Lack of daily inspection protocol?
4.6. Unsafe or damaged lifting equipment, including ropes, slings, chains, hooks?
4.7. Lifting equipment unlabelled, does not meet AS, no SWL displayed?
4.8. Unlicensed operators?
4.9. Lack of LOTO procedures for cleaning, servicing and maintenance?
4.10. SWL of plant or any lifting equipment exceeded?
5. Harness and Equipment
5.1. Unsafe or damaged harness or equipment?
5.2. Incompatible hooks/equipment?
5.3. Unlabelled or does not meet AS?
5.4. Unsafe or uncertified anchor points?
5.5. Lack of inspection protocol for equipment?
5.6. Lack of or inadequate formal training for operators?
6. Ladders/ Podiums/ Stepladders
Ladder tag in place & up to date?
6.1. Unsafe or damaged ladders?
6.2. Unsafe positioning of ladders?
6.3. Ladder not properly secured?
Podium/ Stepladder fully opened out?
Podium platform clear of debris?
6.4. Ladder unsuitable for job? (e.g. metal ladder used for electrical work)
7. Hazardous Manual Tasks
7.1. Lack of identification hazardous manual tasks?
7.2. Lack of assessment of hazardous manual tasks?
7.3. Inadequate risk controls? (examples: no job rotation, lighter loads, trolleys, lifting equipment, etc)
7.4. Lack of training in risk controls and safe lifting/ team lifting techniques?
8. Hazardous Chemical (including fuel and oil)
8.1. Unsafe storage location? (e.g. flammables near ignition sources, spills could enter stormwater drains, etc)
8.2. Incompatible chemicals stored near each other?
8.3. Inadequate spill containment equipment?
8.4. Safety Data Sheets not accessible on site?
8.5. Lack of emergency procedures for injury/spills/fire etc?
8.6. Excessive quantities stored on site or in vehicles?
8.7. Insufficient ventilation?
8.8. Insufficient, or incorrect, PPE?
8.9. Unsuitable storage containers? (unlabeled or stored in food containers)
9. Emergency Response
9.1. Lack of, or no emergency plans for site?
9.2. Emergency procedures not displayed at site?
9.3. Lack of training and rehearsal of emergency plans?
9.4. Lack of, or inadequate first aid kits aid equipment for site?
9.5. Insufficient access to formally trained First Aiders for all shifts?
9.6. Unsuitable or inadequate communication equipment?
10. Traffic Management
10.1. Lack of, or inadequate, Traffic Management Plan (TMP) in place?
10.2. Lack of training in TMP for all persons on site? <br>(contractors and visitors)
10.3. Inadequate controls for TMP? (physical barriers, bollards, speed limits, flashing lights, spotters, etc)
11. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
11.1. Lack of, or inadequate PPE (supplies available, PPE correct for tasks?)
11.2. Lack of system to issue, inspect, replace and monitor PPE?
11.3. Lack of training in safe use, clean-up and inspection of PPE?
12. Work Environment
12.1. Lack of/or inadequate amenities? (toilets, wash areas, lunch rooms, etc)
12.2. Insufficient lighting?
12.3. Inadequate housekeeping?
12.4. Lack of, or inadequate noise/ vibration control?
13. Electrical Hazards
13.1. Unsafe electrical leads? (damaged, out of test date or untested)
13.2. Lack of RCD protection?
13.3. Contact with underground assets?
13.4. Contact with overhead electrical lines?
13.5. Overloading outlets?
13.6. Leads placed on ground or on metal structures?
13.7. Electrical equipment near water?
13.8. Electrical equipment near flammables?
13.9. Electrical equipment near chemicals that could cause damage?
13.10. Electrical leads that may be damaged from contact with moving machinery parts?
13.11. Electrical leads on work surfaces?
13.12. Lack of Lock-out/tag-out (LOTO) procedures for electrical equipment?
14. Environmental Hazards
14.1. Lack of/or inadequate Environmental Management plan (EMP)?
14.2. Lack of/or inadequate, dust suppression system?
14.3. Lack of/or inadequate systems to prevent contaminants entering stormwater drains?
14.4. Lack of water re-use systems?
15. Administrative Procedures
15.1. Lack of/or inadequate Site Safety Plan?
15.2. Failure to obtain permits (Council, EPA, WHS, also Hot Works, Confined Space etc)
15.3. Lack of, or inadequate, induction for workers, contractors, visitors?
15.4. Lack or, or inadequate, supervisory arrangements?
15.5. Lack of/or inadequate training, licenses, skills, experience?
15.6. Lack of/or inadequate Safe Work Method Statements (SWSM) for high- risk work?
15.7. Lack of, or inadequate system to review SWMS as needed?
15.8. Lack of/or inadequate incident notification procedures?
15.9. Lack of, or inadequate, routine inspections, monitoring, audits?
15.10. Lack of/or inadequate consultative arrangements?
Corrective Actions
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