
  • KNJ Subway Inspection

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel

Critcal Concern Areas

  • Is the temp log up to date?

  • Expired product?

  • Missing product?

  • Is everything dated and having the correct dates on them?

  • Properly baked/fresh bread and cookies?

  • Are all deposit tickets present and consistent with control sheet?

  • Are all food items being stored off the floor?

  • All hand washing procedures followed?

  • All employees in proper uniform?

  • Is up selling occurring at every station?

  • All products prepared properly?

  • 4 week paperwork accurate and present in store?

  • Any products over the chill line?

  • Are all pieces of equipment on and fully functional?

  • Is there bread credits being entered daily by 11am?



  • Is the floor reasonably clean?

  • Are the walls clean/ free of dust?

  • Are hanging signings/lights free of dust and cob webs?

  • Are windows reasonably clean and free of smears?

  • Are ceiling tiles clean?

  • Are the covers of the lights free of bugs?


  • Are the tables/chairs/chair legs clean?

  • Is the drink station clean?

  • Are the rugs reasonably clean?

  • Is the pop cooler clean?

  • Are the trash levels reasonable?

  • Are the ceiling fans free of dust?


  • Trash levels reasonable?

  • Are the floors free of trash?

  • Are the sinks and toilets clean and free of build up?

  • Is there paper towel/ toilet paper/soap available for use?

  • Is the mirror clean and free of smears?

Customer Perception Area

  • Are the menus free of dust?

  • Is the toaster clean?

  • Are the cutting boards and line free of food particles?

  • Is the bain glass clean and free of smears?

  • Is the cookie case clean and free of crumbs?

  • Is the register area organized?

  • Are the bains clean of stray pieces of food?

Backroom/Food Storage Areas

  • Are the shelves free of clutter and dust?

  • Are the veggie slicers clean?

  • Are the sinks reasonably clean?

  • Are prep tables clean and organized above and below?


  • Is the parking lot clean?

  • Does the Subway sign light up/is the timer set right?

  • Are the window ledges clean?

  • Is the dumpster area clean?

  • Is the exterior garbage can maintained?


  • Is there bread wasted each day?

  • Do all opening and closing bread counts match?

  • Do all open and closing money counts match?

  • Is the 4 week binder set up right:<br>1 WISR, 1 CS, 1 punch report, 1 count sheet, 1 temp log, all truck invoices, 1 IMR?

  • Is the opener there at least 45mins early?

Customer Service

  • Are all customers being greeted in 3-5 Seconds?

  • Are all employees smiling and have a positive tone /attitude?

  • Are all prices correct on the menus?

  • Are take out menus available?

  • Are employees aware of promotions and offering suggestions to try new sandwiches?

  • What is the average speed of service per sandwich?

  • Was the cookie survey explain to each customer?

  • Was the rewards card offered?

Rush Ready

  • Is the bain stocked?

  • Is the beverage cooler stocked appropriate?

  • Is the chip rack stocked appropriate?

  • Is the drink station stocked appropriate?

  • Is there a proper amount of prep?

  • Is the cookie case stocked appropriate?

  • Is there enough bread baked?

  • Is the back-up unit stocked appropriate?

  • Is the hot well stocked appropriate?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.