
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

1.0 - Previous Audit Review

  • Has the previous KPCNZ Safety & Compliance Audit been reviewed?

  • Have all outstanding actions from the previous been completed? if no list all outstanding actions.

2.0 - Fire Prevention & Emergency Response

  • 2.1 - Evacuation & Emergency plan displayed and understood by all employees?

  • 2.2 - Evacuation & Emergency procedures discussed regularly?

  • 2.3 - Extinguishers in place, clearly marked for type of fire?

  • 2.4 - Extinguishers recently serviced? (Check 6 monthly punch mark on tabs.)

  • 2.5 - Extinguishers clear of obstructions?

  • 2.8 - Adequate direction notices for fire exits?

  • 2.10 - Exits clear of obstructions?

  • 2.11 - Fire alarm system functioning correctly?

  • 2.12 - Have employees been trained in Emergency shutdown procedures?

  • 2.13 - Has the placement of equipment been checked such that there are no evacuation hazards?

  • 2.14 - Emergency telephone numbers up to date and displayed? Check the Emergency Contact List Register (KPCNZ-SHE-REG-003)

3.0 - General Lighting

  • 3.1 - Good natural lighting?

  • 3.3 - Light fittings clean and in good condition?

  • 3.4 - Emergency exit lighting operable?

  • 3.5 - Plant lighting adequate

4.0 - Building & General Site Safety.

  • 4.1 - Floor surfaces even and uncluttered?

  • 4.2 - Entry and walkways kept clear?

  • 4.3 - Walkways adequately and clearly marked?

  • 4.4 - Intersections kept clear of boxes etc?

  • 4.5 - Stair and risers kept clear?

  • 4.6 - Are liquid spills removed quickly?

  • 4.7 - Are railings in good condition?

  • 4.8 - Are fall preventive measures in place and used ?

  • 4.9 - Are footpaths in good condition?

  • 4.10 - Is there access control to the factory?

  • 4.11 - Does a plant rules/ hazard board exist on entry to site?

5.0 - Maintenance Work Benches

  • 5.1 - Clear of rubbish?

  • 5.3 - No damaged hand tools in use?

  • 5.4 - No damaged power tools in use?

  • 5.6 - No sharp edges?

6.0 - Rubbish Removal

  • 6.1 - Bins located at suitable points around site?

  • 6.2 - Bins emptied regularly?

7.0 - Storage Design and Use

  • 7.1 - Materials stored in racks and bins wherever possible?

  • 7.2 - Storage designed to minimise lifting problems?

  • 7.3 - Chemical Cabinets Compliant? ( Check for incompatible chemicals, maximum storage, labeling ..etc)

8.0 - Machines and Plant

  • 8.1 - Are they kept clean?

  • 8.2 - Are the floors around the machines kept clean?

  • 8.3 - Guards in good condition?

  • 8.4 - Starting and stopping devices within easy reach of operator?

  • 8.6 - Drip pans on floor to prevent spillage, where applicable?

  • 8.7 - Adequate work space?

  • 8.8 - Is lighting adequate?

  • 8.9 - Noise levels controlled?

  • 8.10 - No bending or stooping required?

  • 8.12 - Operators trained/inducted into the operation of the machines/ Equipment?

  • 8.13 - Is the training recorded?

  • 8.14 - Do operators comply with the training?

  • 8.15 - Are lockout procedures implemented and followed where applicable?

  • 8.16 - Are gas bottles secured?

  • 8.17 - Is plant signage adequate?

  • 8.18 - Are there any process safety concerns?

8.2 - Maintenance and Preventative Maintenance

  • 8.2.1 - Are the six weekly condition monitoring checks for the warehouse racking been completed? Are any damage records noted on FOCUS?

  • 8.2.2 - Are the six weekly condition monitoring checks for Plant Bunds completed? - No damage or liquid within the bunds?

  • 8.2.3 - Have the six weekly checks of the Nitric Acid scrubber NO2 analyser (weekly calibrations) been completed? See log book. Check with the production manager.

  • 8.2.4 - Are chemical hoses tested and tagged?

  • 8.2.5 - Has the six weekly condition monitoring of Safety Critical Elements(SCEs) been completed? (Vibration in pumps/motors/couplings/ observed)

  • 8.2.6 - Arsenic Plant Backup gas fan test completed on schedule?

9.0 - Electrical Safety

  • 9.4 - Portable equipment tested and tagged?

  • 9.5 - No broken plugs, sockets or switches?

  • 9.6 - No power leads across walkways?

  • 9.7 - No frayed or damaged leads?

  • 9.8 - No strained leads?

  • 9.9 - Portable power tools in good condition?

  • 9.10 - Where required, are emergency shut-down procedures in place?

  • 9.11 - Are controls properly labeled?

10.0 - Chemical Safety

  • 10.1 - Hazardous Substance Register complete and up to date? Check Register (KPCNZ-SHE-REG-004)

  • 10.2 -Safety Data Sheets available for all chemicals?

  • 10.3 - Risk assessments completed for any new hazardous substances? Check MOC records.

  • 10.5 - Unused substances disposed of?

  • 10.4 - All containers labelled correctly?

  • 10.6 - Do special storage conditions apply?

  • 10.7 - If applicable are special storage conditions followed?

  • 10.8 - Workers trained in the use of hazardous substances?

  • 10.9 - If required is PPE available?

  • 10.10 - Is adequate ventilation provided?

  • 10.11 - Are eye washes and showers easily accessed?

  • 10.12 - Are spill kits available?

  • 10.13 - Are used Arsenic Trioxide and Chrome drums free from residual chemicals after drum washing? Check drums for any solids after washing.

11.0 Ladders

  • 11.1 - Are all ladders Industrial strength? (Non Household rated, check label.)

  • 11.2 - Are ladders in good condition?

  • 11.4 - Used according to instructions?

12.0 - First Aid Facilities

  • 12.1 - Are cabinets and contents clean and orderly?

  • 12.2 - Are contents regularly checked?

  • 12.3 - No contents past their expiry date?

  • 12.4 - Cabinets clearly labelled?

  • 12.5 - Is there easy access to cabinets?

  • 12.6 - Employees aware of location of first aid cabinet?

  • 12.7 - Are first aid officers accessible?

  • 12.8 - Are emergency numbers displayed?

13.0 - Office Hazards

  • 13.1 - Desks in good condition? (No damage.)

  • 13.2 - Tasks designed to prevent Occupational Overuse Syndrome? (Breaks included.)

14.0 - Emergency Response and Preparedness

  • 14.1 - Is the emergency response plan up to date and has it been tested.

  • 14.2- Does the Emergency Response Plan cover all possible emergency scenarios ?

15.0 - Training and Inductions

  • 15.1 - Are staff and contractor induction records up to date? Check the site Induction Register.

  • 15.2 - Is the staff Skills and Training up to date? Check the site Skills and Training Matrix (KPCNZ-SHE-REG-002)

16.0 - Incident Management and Safety Observations

  • 16.1 - is the incident management system functional?

  • 16.2 - Are incidents and Near Misses communicated at team meetings?

17.0 - Management of Change

  • 17.1 - Is the management of change system for new chemicals, equipment, processes & procedures operational? (Check the MOC register - KPCNZ-MOC-REG-009) on the network and list at least two recent change documents)

18.0 - General Work Station or Plant Compliance (Choose 3 workstations or Plant Areas at Random)

  • 18.1 - Is Work Station 1 compliant? Log the Name/ID of the work station below together with any non- conformance's.<br>Check the following: Adequate risk assessment, Housekeeping, Documentation.<br>

  • 18.2 - Is Work Station 2 compliant? Log the Name/ID of the work station below together with any non- conformance's.<br>Check the following: Adequate risk assessment, Housekeeping, Documentation.<br>

  • 18.3 - Is Work Station 3 compliant? Log the Name/ID of the work station below together with any non- conformance's.<br>Check the following: Adequate risk assessment, Housekeeping, Documentation.

Emissions Control - Air Discharge Consent - Permit Number: 37264 - Resource Management Act 1991

  • Has a check been conducted at 3 points outside the boundary(10 m) to check for odour or airborne particulate matter? Compliance with the air discharge consent, Conditions 5-7.

  • Has the 6 monthly stack testing of arsenic trioxide on the arsenic acid plant bag filter been scheduled or completed?

  • Has the 3 monthly combustion checks of the boiler been scheduled or completed?

  • Have the annual calibrations of the temperature, density and flow meters been scheduled or completed?

  • Are the bi-monthly emergency power system (generator) checks been completed?

Major Hazard Facilities

  • Are the six weekly Safety Critical Element monitoring checks completed? This would be a part of the site six - weekly inspections.

  • Has the management of change register been checked to identify if updates to the Safety Case are required?


  • Is the Facility compliant to local standards, laws & regulations? Check Compliance Register (KPCNZ-SHE-REG -006) for any outstanding items. Check the H&S at Work Act Obligations Register (KPCNZ-SHE-REG-008).

  • Does any of the following exist , HAZOP's, PHA 's, or Third party safety assessments. If yes please list.

  • Is the Bio-security Internal Audit Complete? Are there any follow-up audit actions still outstanding? Check the following:<br>Does the facility have dedicated and labelled equipment? e.g.<br>• Broom and dustpan (or vacuum)<br>• Biosecurity bin (lined if appropriate)<br>• Torch<br>• Dual-action insecticide<br>• Any other equipment required in the TF Approval.<br>


  • Are safety documents like the SHE management plan, Emergency Response, policies and procedures , etc. available?

  • Are operations and maintenance manuals, sops's, etc. available?

Recommendations and Comments

  • undefined

Sign Off

  • On site representative

  • Auditor's signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.