
  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on


  • No items stored under sinks?

  • Equipment / Furniture:<br> * No broken equipment or furniture stored on the patient care units.<br> * Coverings are intact - no rips or repairs needed.

  • Potential safety hazards: Housekeeping & Maintenance carts & buckets are attended and locked. All fluids are labeled.

  • Hazardous rooms are locked: EVS closets, supply closets, mechanical rooms and electrical panels and hazardous chemicals and flammable agents are labeled and stored properly.

  • Eyewash stations: Inspection tags are present and up to date.

  • Refrigerators: Contain only those items designed for that refrigerator (specimen, medications or patient food) and If manually monitored, logs are complete. Both manual and temp track-documentation is present for actions taken to correct out of range temps.

  • Electrical safety: Use of hospital grade power strips, plugs & receptacles in good condition.

  • No outer shipping carton boxes in patient care areas.

  • Preventative Maintenance:<br> * Equipment checked with up to date bio-med sticker.


  • Confidential Patient Information:<br>Cannot be overheard or seen by unauthorized persons:<br> * Computer terminals signed off when not in use. <br> * No clipboards displayed as sign-in sheets when multiple patient names on the list.<br> * Patient information is not discussed in public areas.<br> * Labels and PHI are obliterated before discarding in the trash.


  • Appropriate storage of boxes and pt care items:<br> * Not directly on floor.<br> * 18" clearance from sprinkler head.<br> * Boxes stored on shelves close to floor must have solid bottom and high enough to not incur water damage from mopping.<br>

  • Oxygen or other combustible compressed gas cylinders are stored properly:<br> * Secured in floor stand, carrier or secured to the wall by a mount. (not laying on the floor or against wall)<br> * Limited to 12 E-cylinders per smoke compartment.<br> * Greater than 12 stored in a secured room.

  • Fire exits and hallways are cleared:<br> * Egress corridors must have 8ft clearance. <br> * Fire doors are not blocked or propped and when closed there is positive latching. <br> * Equipment in corridors must be actively accessed to be in use.

  • Fire alarm pull stations, fire extinguishers, medical gas shutoff valves are not blocked and Fire extinguishers have been inspected monthly.

  • Exit signs are illuminated. Evacuation route posted & current.

  • Everyone has ID badges and worn appropriately:<br> * Staff and Visitors

  • Ceiling tiles are in place, no cracks, holes, misaligned or visible stains and floors, ceilings, walls, and other surfaces intact and free from holes.


  • Are PSG posted on unit.


  • Are units quality improvement dashboards posted on unit.

  • Is unit's PI project data posted.


  • Food and drink in designated areas:<br> * No evidence of it in patient rooms/area, perches, hazardous chemical storage area, laboratory specimen area.

  • Hand Hygiene Products:<br> * No empty alcohol gel bottles<br> * No empty soap or paper towels<br> * No unapproved lotions

  • PPE:<br> * Readily available<br> * Clearly marked<br> * Worn correctly<br>

  • Patient food & drinks: No expired items.

  • Biohazard Waste and Sharps Waste:<br> * Discard in Red Bags with a biohazard symbol<br> * Covered when transported<br> * Placed in puncture resistant sharps container.<br> * Disposed of when 3/4 full or "full" indicator

  • Soiled Linen: Properly stored and not overfilled.

  • Separation of clean vs. dirty supplies & equipment:<br> * Clearly marked<br> * Clean items if stored in soiled utility are covered & clearly marked

  • Patient care supplies:<br> * Not expired, damaged, soiled.

  • General Cleanliness:<br> * Observe surfaces for high dust & residue, floors, stairwells, nutritional area, med prep areas, pt rooms & bathrooms<br> * No blood or bodily fluids

  • Air vents: Clean


  • Medication rooms are clean and uncluttered.

  • Medication is appropriately labeled.<br> * Expiration dates, directions, etc..

  • All medications, needles and syringes are secured in locked cabinet or locked room or under constant surveillance.

  • Controlled substances stored to prevent diversion.

  • Medications, formula, & solutions not expired beyond expiration date.

  • Opened multi-dose vials dated and initialed. Not expired.

  • Medication refrigerator: Only contain medications for current patients.


  • Patients and families properly informed of their rights.<br> *. Rights and Responsibilities statement


  • Point of Care testing lab controls documented and control solution labeled & dated.<br> *. Reagents, i Stat analyzes, glucometers, GEMS

  • Point of Care Testing Quality Control:<br> *. Consistently and correctly documented<br> *. Dates missing initials<br> *. Performed by qualified person<br> *. Out of range is followed<br> *. Logged numbers match bottle ID numbers<br>

  • Specimens picked up from day prior and logged appropriately


  • Greet the team with smiles and introductions.

  • Have a space designated for the team to conduct interviews and file reviews.

  • Promptly deliver materials required for review to the tracer team.

  • Any additional comments regarding positive or suboptimal issues observed during the tracer.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.