Title Page

  • Site

  • Date

  • Prepared by

  • Kitchen Manager

  • General Manager


  • Correct COSSH Signage in Kitchen

  • Chemicals Stored In Correct Bottles

  • Chemicals Stored Correctly

  • Suitable PPE Available

  • Any Unathourised Chemicals on Site

  • Staff aware on 2 Stage Cleaning Process

  • Staff Aware of Contact times for Sanitiser

Food Labelling

  • Is a current Labelling / Shelf Life Guide on Display

  • Is all food being given correct shelf life

  • Is the Dat Dot System being adhered to

  • Is there Evidence of Relabelling

  • Is there any out of date food present

  • Are Product Labels being used Correctly

Food Storage

  • All all Fridges/Freezers at Correct Temp

  • Do Staff Memebers know the min/max temp fridges and freezers should be

  • Do Staff know procedure if Units drop below correct temperature

  • Is food stored off the floor and on suitable trays

  • Is food stored in appropriate sealed covers/ containers

  • Are Containers Clean and free of previous labels

  • Is all decanted food labelled correctly with product label. Item/Batch Code/Best Before

  • Are all units free from excess ice build up

  • Are all Units Clean and tidy

  • All door seals in good repair

  • Is Fridge Layout compliant with FSMS

  • Is there evidence of Stock Rotation (FIFO)

  • Dry Store Clean and in Good Order

  • All Shelving Free off Rust

  • Is any cardboard Stored in Fridges (exc Egg Box)

  • All items in cellar in date and rotated

  • Ice Machine clean

  • All portion pots in good condition and free from previous day dots

  • If borrowing from another site is it safely transported ( cool box)

Personal Hygiene

  • All staff in Clean/ Correct Uniform

  • All Jewellery removed as compant policy

  • Is hand wash sink correctly stocked

  • All Sink have Correct Sinage & Hot/Cold Running Water

  • Staff Aware of Procedure for no hot water

  • Hand Wash Procedure available next to hand wash sink

  • Are Staff washing hands when needed and correctly

  • No Peronal belongings in food areas

  • Spare White Coat & Hat for Visitors

  • Visitors weraing protective clothing

  • Is a first Aid and Burns Kit Avaialble

Food Specs

  • Is the food Spec Manual Up to Date. Cookbook and at a Glance Guide available.

  • Food Cooked to Spec

  • Food Presented to Spec

  • Correct Crockery Available for current menu and Enough available for busy periods

  • Is cooked food being cooled in the correct time

  • Is food being bought from only nominated suppliers

  • Is food being hot held at correct temp and disgarded in correct time period

  • If Staff food being stored is it clearly labelled as such

  • Is an up to date prep and par list available

  • Does KM know where to get information to make par lists

  • Is food being served within 15 minutes

  • Is there evidence of portion control

  • Are Working Scales available and in Use

Kitchen Equipment

  • All Equiupment in good working order

  • All maintenance jobs on Pronett

  • All PMV's up to date and chased if overdue

  • Flooring in good condition

  • Ceiling clean

  • Walls and Doors Clean

  • Microwaves Clean and Free of Debris (inc Roof)

  • All Equipment clean and free of debris

  • Does Dishwasher reach required temp

  • Is Dishwash Clean and free from grime build up

  • All Bin Clean

  • Grill and Griddle Clean and free of Debris

  • Filters Clean

  • Hot Hold Clean inside and out

Policeis & Procedures

  • Is food being cooked to correct temperature

  • Are working probes / spare probe / probe wipes available

  • Is food being defrosted correctly

  • Is food being cooled down correctly


  • Are deliveries being correctly marked off

  • Deliveries being recorded in Kitchen Diary

  • Are deliveries being put away within 30 mins

  • Are delivery notes stored away neatly with APOS print out attached

  • Is Km familiar with Brakes Quality Complaints procedure

Cross Contamination

  • All Chopping boards availble and in good condition

  • All Tongs available and in good condition

  • Designsated Raw area available and fullt stocked

Kitchen Diary

  • Has the front cover been filled out

  • Has GM and KM signed front of diary

  • Is the diary being filled out correctly each day with out gaps

  • Is Waste being recorded

  • Has end of week page been filled out correctly and signed off

  • Probes Colabated Weekly


  • Are Weekly Stock Checks being completed

  • Are Daily Linechecks being carried out


  • Is Target Repscore being achieved

Sign Off

  • Name and Signature



  • Last Visit

  • Result

  • FSHR


  • Last Visit

  • Result

  • FSHR


  • Result

  • Last Audit

  • Stock Since Last Audit

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.