Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Main Kitchen
Condition of the floor
Dry store shelves are clean tidy and the rails also
Condition of the Blast Chiller
Condition of Rational Ovens
Condition of the Hood
Condition of the sinks
Fridge MK006, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge MK005, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge MK004, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge MK003, everything clean and labeled properly
MK002 Walk in Chiller, everything clean and labeled properly
MK001 Walk In Freezer, everything clean and labeled properly
Temperature Documentation is in place and Soft copies are uploaded to drive
Probes are clean and in good condition and are calibrated. Also calibration form is filled
Monitoring of Blast Chiller is filled and archived
Items stored in wrong position
- Yes
- No
General Condition of the Kitchen
Write a small summary of the kitchen
Pastry Kitchen
Condition of the floor
Dry store shelves are clean tidy and the rails also
Condition of the Blast Chiller
Condition of Rational Oven
Condition of Baking Oven
Condition of the sinks
Fridge MKP001, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge MKP002, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge MKP003, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge MKP004, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge MKP005, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge MKP006, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge MKP007, everything clean and labeled properly
Temperature Documentation is in place and Soft copies are uploaded to drive
Probes are clean and in good condition and are calibrated. Also calibration form is filled
Monitoring of Blast Chiller is filled and archived
Items stored in wrong position
General Condition of the Kitchen
Write a small review of the kitchen
Main Pot Wash
Is the main Pot wash clean and tidy
Condition of the sinks
Condition of the dish washing machine
Do we keep monitoring the dosage
Condition of Decarbonizer
Items Stored in wrong positions
General Condition of Main Pot Wash
Write a small summary of the pot wash
Meko Kitchen
Condition of the floor
Condition of the cooking island
Condition of the small kitchen
Dry store is clean , tidy and labeled properly
Condition of the sinks
Condition of the Rational oven
Condition of the pizza oven
Condition of the shelves on the pass
Condition of the Hot Box
Freezer ME001, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge ME002, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge ME003, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge ME004, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge ME005, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge ME006, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge ME007, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge ME008, everything clean and labeled properly
Temperature Documentation is in place and Soft copies are uploaded to drive
Probes are clean and in good condition and are calibrated. Also calibration form is filled
Items stored in wrong position
General Condition of Meko
Write a small summary of the kitchen
Upepo Kitchen
Condition of the floor
Condition of the hot pass
Condition of the plate storage
Condition of the shelves storage
Condition of the cooking Island
Condition of the extraction hood and shelves
Condition of the Conro grills
Condition of the pot wash
Condition of the pot wash storage
Condition of the dry store, is everything sealed or if open labeled
Fridge UP001, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge UP002, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge UP003, everything clean and labeled properly
Freezer UP004, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge UP005, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge UP006, everything clean and labeled properly
Temperature Documentation is in place and Soft copies are uploaded to drive
Probes are clean and in good condition and are calibrated. Also calibration form is filled
Items stored in wrong position
General Condition of Upepo
Write a small summary of the kitchen
Vegetable Kitchen
Condition of the floor
Condition of the shelves, is everything tidy and clean
COndition of Slicer Machine
Documentation of slicer machine , is done and archived?
Condition of Peeling machine
Documentation of Peeling machine , done and archived?
Condition of the Veg processor
Documentation of Veg processor , done and archived
Condition of kombucha buckets , are looking clean and tidy? also the cloth is clean and tidy?
Fridge MKV001, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge MKV002, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge MKV003, everything clean and labeled properly
French fries Cutter is clean and tidy
Temperature Documentation is in place and Soft copies are uploaded to drive
Items stored in wrong position
General Condition of the Kitchen
Write a small review of the kitchen
Fish and Seafood Kitchen
Condition of the sinks
Fridge MKF002, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge MKF003, everything clean and labeled properly
Temperature Documentation is in place and Soft copies are uploaded to drive
Items stored in wrong position
General Condition of the kitchen
Write a short review of the kitchen
Condition of the floor
Condition of the Shelve storage
Condition of the Vacuum Machine
Documentation of Vacuum Machine, done and archived?
Condition of the meat Shaw macine
Documentation of the meat Shaw machine, done and archived?
Condition of the mince machine
Documentation of the meat mince machine, done and archived?
Fridge MKM002, everything clean and labeled properly
Fridge MKM003, everything clean and labeled properly
Freezer MKM001, everything clean and labeled properly
Items stored in wrong position
General Condition of the kitchen
Write a short review of the kitchen