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1. Stop - Think about the task
Have I read and understood the procedure or instructions for this task?
Am I qualified and competent to perform this task?
Have I inspected the work area?
Are tools and equipment in good order?
NOTE: If No, see your Supervisor / Manager
2. Think about the Hazards - Review the Hazard Checklist
Do I need any permits, certificates or special authorisation?<br>(e.g. Hot Work Permit, Confined Space Permit)
Could my task expose me to hazards?<br>(e.g. moving machinery, hazardous material, unsupported ground)
Could I experience injury, sprains or strains from excessive or repetitive lifting, pulling, pushing or poor posture?
Could my task harm other people not involved in the task?<br>(e.g. dropped objects)
NOTE: If Yes, conduct a JHA with Supervisor or Manager and follow approved procedure for task if available.
3. Assess the Risk
Is the risk level High or Extreme?<br>(Use the Risk Matrix)
NOTE: If Yes, conduct a JHA with Supervisor or Manager and follow approved procedure for task if available.
4. Respond
Have I established all necessary controls?
Have I got a clear plan in mind?
Does this feel right?
NOTE: If No, see your Supervisor or Manager. If Yes, see next step below (#5).
5. Do the Task Safely