Title Page
Name of Hotel
Conducted on
Inspected by
Is there a professional security team on duty at the hotel 24/7?
Is there security screening of bags at the entrance to the hotel?
Is there security screening of Team Members at the entrance to the hotel?
Is the lighting around the outside of the hotel adequate?
Is there a designated security representative?
Is Team Member parking access controlled?
Does the hotel have an emergency plan that is revised annually?
Is there CCTV coverage of public areas?
Does the hotel have emergency power capability?
Is the area of the hotel free of high risk facilities like embassies or key government buildings?
Are entrance doors other than the main entrance monitored to prevent unauthorized access?
Are main doors locked at night? Guest Key card required for entry?
Is there a fire/smoke detection system?
Is there a system for alerting hotel guests of a problem?
Are there fire extinguishers and/or hose reel systems? Are they clearly marked?
Is there a sprinkler system?
Are emergency exit doors equipped with panic hardware?
Do the emergency exit doors swing out?
Do the emergency exit stairs go directly to the outside of the building?
Is the fire plan regularly tested?
Has the hotel staff had basic fire safety training?
Are SDS readily available in all departments where chemical exposure exists?
Are emergency eye wash stations provided within 25 feet or 15 seconds of corrosive chemical exposure?
Are first aid supplies available in all departments?
Is there at least one first aider present during each shift?
Is there a safety lock on the door that will unlock when the door handle is turned?
Are the rooms controlled by a card-key system?
Is there a peephole or some means to see who is outside the door?
Are the emergency fire exits clearly marked on each floor?
Is there a safe in the room for storage of valuables?
Is there high speed Internet access?
Front Drive and Hotel Entrance
Is drive area in good condition and free of tripping/slipping situations?
Are fire access lanes to hotel kept free of parked cars to allow for the arrival of emergency vehicles?
Are curbs or other types of elevations painted or clearly identified to prevent tripping?
Are doors adjusted to avoid slamming and in and out signs posted on automatic swinging doors?
Are signs and awnings in good condition and well secured?
Where applicable, Is carpet area free of snags, tears or “wrinkles”?
Is area free of obstructions that could cause injury from tripping, slipping or bumping?
Outside approach: are the surfaces unbroken and non-slip; are rain mats in place where needed?
Are floors free of tripping situations?
Are fire exits clearly marked and fire exit directional signs illuminated?
Are fire extinguishers visible, fully charged and regularly inspected?
When applicable, are changes in floor elevations clearly identified?
Are the following rest room issues in order: No slip surface (even when wet); no broken mirrors or other glass; adequate lighting; housekeeping satisfactory?
Are floors cleaned on a regular schedule during operating hours?
Are entrances free of obstructions?
Is area adequately illuminated?
Are chairs/tables inspected regularly to ensure steadiness?
Are fire exits clearly marked and exit signs illuminated?
When applicable, are children’s seats (highchairs) secure and steady?
Are instructional posters displayed in using the Heimlich Maneuver?
Are pool rules conspicuously posted?
Is pool area locked when closed?
Is the pool depth marked on the top edge and side of the pool along with posted NO DIVING signs or symbols?
Is the pool water chemically checked daily and recorded?
Is pool deck cleaned often and free of tripping situations?
Is required equipment, such as life pole and life ring, visible and within easy reach?
Is there a telephone at poolside, and is an emergency number posted?
Are pool chemicals safely stored away from guest rooms or public areas?
Is water chemically checked daily and documented?
Is the access to the pool controlled with childproof latches on locks and self closing gate?
Is the floor surface free of tripping situations?
Is all the equipment free of defects that could cause injury?
Are Out of Order signs posted on equipment that is not working properly? Is it scheduled for repair?
Does equipment have instructions for use posted near or on each machine?
Can area be secured?
Is access to the exercise area controlled with child proof latches on locks and self-closing doors?
Are rules posted for exercise equipment and a phone provided for emergency use?
Comments and Recommendations
Inspector's Name and Signature