Document No.
Client / Site
Project Number
Scope of Review
Preliminary review of documents completed
Start Date
End Date
Prepared by
Site Location
Executive Summary
SHE Leadership
SHE objectives, targets and performance indicators for the project are established<br>
Senior site managers reviews on SHE performance, implementation and effectiveness of the SHE management system<br>
Senior Managers and Front line leaders are visible and seen in the field coaching and reinforcing SHE values and standards<br><br>
Adequate consultation with the workforce in relation to SHE management?
Leadership walks and task observations occurring? <br>
Managers and Frontline Leaders actively seek to identify and solve SHE issues?
Managers and Frontline Leaders stop the progress of the works where a safety issue or non-compliance has been identified?
What is the safety performance to date compared with targets and corrective action implemented?<br>
What is the workforce’s attitude to Health & Safety?<br>
Are the Blue Book, the Values, The Way we Operate and the Safety Essentials Booklets/ posters evident at site?
SHE systems
Are LCPL policies for Health,Safety, Environment and Rehabilitation known, publicised and being applied?<br>
Is a current SHE plan in place?<br>
Who has overall responsibility for managing SHE on the project?
Is the LCPL role in SHE on the site understood? Is it properly implemented?
Are Safe Work Procedures/SOPs developed and in place?<br>
Are Incidents, near misses, plant damage and hazards reported?<br>
Do toolbox talks occur, who leads them, what managers, Frontline leaders, other staff attend and how often?<br>
Are task based hazards/risk assessment processes in place (eg SWMS, JSEA and SAOs, etc)?
Are visits by statutory authorities occurring and are they recorded?
Has the project been issued with notices by the statutory authorities?
Has the management system been audited?<br>
Have the corrective actions required by the Audit been closed out?
Do all project plans including the SHE Management Plan, undergo a cycle of regular review and update?<br>
Is Cintellate in use on the project?
Is ARM in use on the project and regularly updated for SHE risk?
Is Our Way set up and in use for the project?
Is ChemAlert set up and in use on the project?
Does the project use incite for critical SHE records not in the other SHE systems?
Is there a program for audits and regular site inspections?<br><br>
Is there a project organisation chart displaying the SHE resources
Are adequate resources are available for the project including BU/Divisional Resources?
Does the client have a positive attitude towards SHE as displayed by their actions?
Training and Competence
Are all employees and Contractors on the site inducted?
Are induction records kept?
Is there a training matrix in place that defines the level of competency required for each level of the management structure?<br>
Is there a training needs analysis for each role on the site?
Have people on the site received training consistent with the training needs analysis?
How are training and authorisation records maintained?
Subcontractor Management
Sub Contractors On the Project
Enter key Subcontractors
Are subcontractors evaluated for SHE compliance before engagement?
Is there a process for managing contractor performance once engaged?
Is there a subcontractor register?<br>
Is conformance of subcontract documentation with LCPL and contract requirements verified?<br>
Are training, roles, responsibilities and authority levels of project staff who are required to supervise the sub-contractors defined?.<br>
Have contractors been engaged and trained on the requirements of the Safety Essentials?
Are the contractors safety management program(s) aligned with The project safety management plan?<br>
Risk and opportunity management
Have Risk and Opportunity Management processes been implemented?
Is there an up to date risk and opportunity plan in place describing how the project R&O treatment plans are managed?
Has a Risk Register been established - (not just Safety and Environment)?<br>
Does the Risk Register include the Safety Essentials and identify “Critical Controls” and “Critical Activities”?<br>
Have Safety Essentials (Critical Risks) controls been implemented? Is there an emphasis on “Above the Line Controls”
Are the identified controls for the safety essentials in the documented work activity process (SWMS, SOP's)?
Have the Safety Essentials been audited?
How have the actions for Safety Essentials Audit been addressed?
Are risk assessments for all plant items available?
Do employees understand the critical risks and how to manage them on a day-to-day basis?<br>
Crisis and Emergency Management
Is there an emergency response plan prepared and displayed?
Is there an active Crisis Management Plan
Have the people on site been trained in the Emergency and Crisis Management Plans
Quality Management
Do the project have a records management plan?
How are documents controlled?
How is data managed on the project?
How is continual improvement and innovation managed on the site?
Does the project have a change management process or approach?
Interviews with team members
Name and Position, including specific responsibilities and accountabilities
Do you have a position description that accurately describes your role and accountabilities?
What do you see as the highest consequence hazards on the project?
How are these managed?
what do you see as the environmental aspects that could cause the most impact?
How are these managed?
How are changes to planned arrangements managed? This means changes to conditions, methods of work that are not reflected in the SWMS/SOP.
What are the key issues that you face on this project?
What are key issues with Quality on this project?
What are the opportunities for improvement on this project?
Additional Information