Le Colonial Restaurant Group – Kitchen and BOH Operational Audit Checklist:

  • Location

  • Conducted on

  • Auditor (Corporate Chef/Culinary Director/Director of Operations

  • Manager on Duty

  • Inspection Type : Routine/Monthly/Quarterly

  • Inspection Category: Announced/Unannounced

Hygiene and Cleanliness

Staff Hygiene

  • All staff wearing clean uniforms, including chef coats and aprons

  • Proper hair restraints (hats, hairnets) in place

  • Handwashing stations fully stocked (soap, paper towels, sanitizer)

  • Staff adhering to handwashing procedures regularly

  • Employees wearing gloves

  • Employee bathroom Clean and stocked

Kitchen Cleanliness:

  • Floors are clean and free of grease and debris

  • Work surfaces sanitized and clutter-free

  • Walls, ceilings, and vents free from grease and dust accumulation

  • Trash bins cleaned, emptied regularly, with liners in place and lids closed

  • Sanitizer buckets are in place, maintained clean with Multi quart oasis 146. Sanitizer within the safe range to be changed every 2 hours or when soiled .

Equipment Cleanliness

  • Refrigeration units (inside and out) clean and organized. Verify the frequency. Does the Culinary department have a weekly schedule established ?

  • Chefs Counter polished top to bottom grease and dust free

  • Cooking equipment (stoves, ovens, Grill, steamer, fryers) free of grease buildup

  • Utensils, pots, and pans cleaned and sanitized

  • Hood and ventilation systems cleaned and working correctly . Hoods are grease build up free, filters are cleaned daily. Hood cleaning sticker is uptodate YES. NO (service is due)

Food Storage and Food Safety

Refrigeration & Freezer Storage

  • Proper temperature maintained (refrigerators ≤ 40°F, freezers ≤ 0°F)

  • Food properly labeled with dates (Name, production date and expiration date)

  • First-In-First-Out (FIFO) method followed for all food items

  • Check product date :No expired or spoiled products

  • prevent cross contamination: no product is left on floors and stored 6" above the ground

  • Safe cooler Storage : proper storage of ingredients to prevent cross-contamination (separation of raw and ready to eat foods)

  • Verify all seafood is stored under ice not submerged in water and use of perforated plastic containers dedicated to seafood storage only.

  • Food is received from vendors in safe temperatures, no signs of temperature abuse .

Dry Storage

  • All dry goods stored off the ground and in sealed containers

  • Storage areas free from pests

  • All can goods are damage free

  • All glass bottles, jars are kept on bottom shelf or contained

  • All food bins are clean with scoop holder outside to prevent cross-contamination

  • Proper labeling of dry goods, including expiration dates and product rotation .

Temperature Monitoring

  • Thermometers in all refrigeration and freezer units

  • Daily temperature logs maintained and up to date

  • Food temperature checks performed regularly during service by the Chef.

  • Food holding temperature is in the safe zone outside of temperature danger (cold items < 40°F, hot items > 140°F)

  • Chefs are following the safe cooling process to chill down hot food : observe the use of ice paddles , proper ice bath .when ice is not used hot food is kept in shallow container to allow for rapid cooling under refrigeration.

  • Cooling temp log is used and completed properly.

Certificates and Sanitation Documents

  • All management team members front and back have a a VALID Food Manager Certificate

  • All BOH employees and employees that handle food are food handler certified ; expiration date tracked .

  • HACCP binder in Back office is updated and contains: Valid Grease-trap manifest (every 3 months) , Le Colonial HACCP SOP, Employee sick policy , Copy of valid food permit , copy of grease and fat permit , Copy of parasite destruction letters from all seafood vendors , oyster, clams, mussels tags , previous health inspection reports, )

Food Preparation Practices

  • Proper use of color-coded cutting boards to prevent cross-contamination

  • Food prep list are completed daily by the closing chef

  • Use of rubber mats underneath cutting boards (no use of towels or absorbent paper )

  • Separate areas for raw and cooked food preparation: dedicated sinks and tools for raw and ready to eat food to prevent cross-contamination.

  • All produce fruits and vegetables washed in a dedicated sink before preparation

  • Correct thawing methods used (e.g., refrigeration or under cold running water)

  • Food held at correct temperatures during prep and service (cold items < 40°F, hot items > 140°F)

  • Allergens clearly labeled and separate prep areas followed for allergen-free dishes

  • Food Sanitation flyers are posted for staff access : including food allergies awareness.

Equipment Condition

  • All kitchen equipment in proper working order

  • No broken or malfunctioning appliances (e.g., ovens, fryers, refrigerators)

  • Verify the use of ResQ and routine preventative maintenance schedules are in place .

  • Knives and other tools sharp clean and maintained

  • Small equipment (mixers, blenders, etc.) hand cleaned properly stored and functional

Fire Safety and Emergency Prepardeness

  • Fire extinguishers present and up to date : kitchen Must have SILVER extinguisher within 10feet from hoods and RED Extinguisher.

  • Hood fire suppression & kitchen Ansul system inspected and tagged: this needs to be done every 6months .

  • PCU (pollution Control Unit on the roof ) fire suppression & Ansul system inspected and tagged

  • Emergency exits and lights clearly marked and unobstructed

  • Fire Alarm Monitoring system is trouble free

  • Staff trained on emergency procedures (fire drills, evacuation)

  • Should restaurant building be part of a complex ,Fire Sprinkler and Fire alarm inspections must be completed every year by landlord and restaurant should have a copy of Manifest.

Pest Control

  • No signs of pests (insects, rodents) in kitchen, storage, or waste areas.

  • Fly traps and rodent traps are in place indoors and outside the building access points .

  • Building and parameter is free of missing/ broken tile, wall cracks or holes.

  • Pest control treatments conducted regularly and logs maintained. All service reports a logged on pest control binder .

  • Screens on windows and doors in good repair to prevent pest entry. Exterior doors have a properly working functioning closers and door sweeps

Waste Management

  • Waste disposed of properly and regularly

  • All kitchen areas get reset between services 2PM

  • Recycling bins available and used correctly( where applicable)

  • Grease traps cleaned and serviced regularly. Verify frequency (every 3 months )

  • Dishwasher/ Porters are following a safe path to dispose of food and prevent cross-contamination.

  • Waste storage & trash room areas kept clean , pest , rodent and odor-free. Area has water access.

BOH HR & Staffing

Staffing Levels

  • Sufficient staff scheduled for peak and off-peak hours

  • Probe hourly staff and chefs' morale

  • Chefs and employees are using and very familiar with HotSchedules

  • Employees cross-trained to cover multiple stations

  • Current roster available and accurate for all staff on duty

  • Quiz Executive Chef and probe financial knowledge: department labor cost, labor cost monitoring.....

Employee Documentation

  • Employee records (contracts, performance reviews, certifications) up to date

  • Food handler certifications valid for all staff

  • Workers’ compensation documentation on file and accessible. Verify all chefs are familiar with Le Colonial Workers' comp SOP

  • Staff contact list current and complete : printed and easily accessible by managers . Verify all employees contact information are available on HotSchedules.

Staff Training

  • Verify management adherence to Le Colonial, prescreening, and new hire onboarding protocols .

  • Menu descriptions and food training material are accurate and up to date.

  • New hire new training programs up to date and properly documented. Corporate Chef to Overview the implementation and follow up with new hires when possible

  • Kitchen staff are regularly trained on safety, hygiene, and food preparation protocols according to local health codes

  • Managerial staff trained on handling employee concerns and conflict resolution.

  • Clear protocols in place for accident reporting and incident management. Refer for Workers compensation SOP

Back Office Operations

Inventory Management

  • Accurate and up-to-date food inventory records maintained

  • Stock rotation protocols (FIFO) followed

  • Weekly (where applicable) or monthly inventory audits conducted and documented

  • Verify food cost tracker is completed daily .

  • Review food and supplies ordering patterns: Is the chef ordering according to business levels?

Ordering and Receiving

  • Proper checks for quality and quantity of received goods: product weight is randomly checked

  • All deliveries properly logged, and invoices matched with orders

  • Are the chefs present during food deliveries? YES. NO

  • No stock shortages or overstocking issues

  • Ordering guides are being used daily to check inventory and ordering .

Financial Management

  • Cash handling and till operations up to standard.

  • Daily revenue reports EOD accurate and reconciled with POS : use remote access to pull financial reports from Silverware POS

  • verify that chefs are fully conversant and compliant food cost and labor cost management protocols.

  • Double check protein and high cost food items price points.

  • Expense reports filed regularly and audited : any petty cash use must be logged same as an invoice .

  • Accounts payable and receivable logs up to date : follow up with office manager to ensure food and supplies invoices are signed and approved by the chef then scanned to R365.

  • Invoices are logged on food cost tracker daily

Compliance and Documentation

Food Safety & Health Inspections

  • Local health inspection records available and up to date

  • Previous inspection reports reviewed, and action items addressed

  • HACCP kit is fully stocked in office all test strips are valid not expired ( oasis 146 multiquat sanitizer test strips, chlorine test strips for low temp dishwasher, thermometer for dishwasher , Digital thermometer,180F dishwasher temperature strips, sanitizer probe wipes, biohazard clean up kit)

  • Check cooler temperature logs if they are completed twice a day (AM & PM) and filed for 90days.

  • HACCP plans in place and regularly updated

  • Sanitation checklists and manager self-health inspections followed and signed off by responsible staff

Insurance Documentation

  • Business interruption and workers' compensation policies up to date.

  • Verify insurance SOPs are understood and implemented

  • Insurance claims procedures clearly documented and accessible

  • Records of all claims and incidents available for review.

Licenses and Permits

  • All relevant licenses (business, liquor, health) current and posted

  • Any necessary renewals submitted on time and documentation available

Menu Execution & Quality Control

  • Consistency in portion sizes across dishes

  • Food brands are not altered or changed , consistent with all sister Le Colonial properties

  • Proper use of ingredients as per recipes and standards

  • Regular tastings , line checks and quality checks performed by Executive Chef and Sous Chef. Disposable Tasting spoons are available in each station.

  • Customer feedback monitored and addressed: verify chefs receive OpenTable / seven-rooms online reviews and act promptly to investigate and resolve any food quality issues.

  • Special dietary requirements properly handled (vegan, gluten-free, etc.) Food allergy SOP is adhered to and followed by FOH and BOH

  • Food runner station is properly maintained, food labeled , station stocked and cleaned.

Sustainability Practices

  • Where Applicable: Efforts in place to reduce food waste (composting, donation of excess food)

  • Energy-efficient practices followed (lights, equipment, hoods turned off at the end of service, AC thermostat )

  • Use of local and sustainable ingredients where possible

  • Environmentally friendly packaging and storage solutions in use

Audit Summary

  • Overall Compliance Rating

  • Areas of Improvement

  • Corrective Actions Required

  • Next Audit Date


  • Auditor's Signature

  • Managers Signature

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