Title Page
Centre / Project Name:
Date & Time
Tenancy Name:
Tenancy Number:
Lessee (owner):
Lessee Email:
Contractor Phone Number;
Key Risks & Critical Controls
What are the key risks & critical controls (KRCC) that are taking place?
- Interaction with stored hazardous energy (excludes contact with electricity)
- Contact with Electricity
- Person struck by plant or equipment (in mobile or fixed plant)
- Person struck by MoP Vehicle
- Object falling from height
- Person falling from height
- Exposure to hazardous materials or chemicals
- Fire or explosion
- Structural Failure
- Exposure to biological hazard or disease
- Failure or lifting operation
- Collapse of excavation works
- Trapped in confined space
Is there documented evidence of:
1. A copy of the WH&S Management System for the Lessees works at the workplace (in the tenancy)?
2. Consultation between employer and worker (e.g. records of toolbox talked, safety meetings)
3. Employees having undergone the applicable Construction Industry Induction?
4. Evidence of employee training in their workplace specific safety plan/systems?
5. The use of Scentre Group Permits, where required (e.g. Hot Work Permit)?
6. Electrical and Services identification procedure(s)?
7. Shop-fit (safety awareness) poster clearly displayed inside the hoarding and signed by the Principal Contractor?
Work Practice
1. Is there appropriate supervision for the works?
2. Do persons undertaking prescribed work activities (e.g. erecting, dismantling scaffold over 4-metres in height, rigging etc) hold the appropriate high risk work licence?
3. Are all electrical and/or services for (or running through) the tenancy appropriately identified and isolated, where necessary?
4. Is the tenancy clean and tidy?
5. Is portable electrical equipment being used in the tenancy carrying a current electrical tag?
6. Is there adequate lighting in the tenancy?
7. Is there protection against falling from height and being struck by falling objects?
8. Are ladders being used correctly?
9. Are scaffolds being used correctly?
10. Is the plant and equipment safe for use?
11. Is appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) available and being worn if hazards exist?
Scentre Group employees have conducted an observation to assist the Lessee and their contractor(s) in creating a safe work environment and meeting their Work, Health & Safety (WHS) obligations while undertaking works in the tenancy.
The Contractor has been advised of any non-compliant items that may place them in breach of the Scentre Group Fitout
Requirements and Work, Health & Safety (WHS) Legislation, which could result in injury to their workers.
A copy of this observation of the Contractor activities has been provided to the Lessee. The Lessee has been instructed to review the results and:
• Ensure that any non-compliance is rectified before any further work is undertaken; and
• Ensure continual compliance with the Fitout Requirements and WHS Legislation at all times.
Please note that this observation, or any other safety information or advice issued to the Lessee or their contractor(s) by Scentre Group does not relieve the Lessee or their contractor(s) of their safety obligations under the Fitout Requirements or the WHS Legislation. -
Observer (Print Name):
Date and Time:
Shopfitter / Contractor Copy - Receipt Acknowledgement
Is the contractor onsite?
Contractor Name;
Date and Time: