
  • Site conducted

  • Site conducted

  • Tool#

  • Audit Title

  • Press #

  • Conducted on

  • Auditor -

  • Operator #


  • House keeping: Verify one work cell area for organization. <br>1. For all crates and boxes that have designated squares, are they within the square or proper location?<br>2. Are there any items, equipment, products in the cell that are not being used to run that cell?<br>3. Are wires and cords behind computer stands Velcro or zip tied neatly?<br>

  • Does the current cell layout match the master cell layout? (Fixtures, Conveyors, Scrap bins, Finished Containers, etc.) Compare actual cell lay out to master cell lay out

  • Are the correct material, color conc, and components being used as per BOM? (Check per BOM) Are the previous materials removed from area and back to the proper storage area?

  • Does inspection table have adequate lighting and is the Vinyl on the table in good shape?

  • Is the material , color concentrate etc. covered to protect from contamination? Look for Covered Containers including the white Purge Gaylord in Bay 1 and Bay 3

  • Are returnable containers at the press not damaged and clean? And previous labels are removed ?

  • Does the process setup exist and is it approved by the process engineer? Is the mold # and Press # on the setup sheet and are they accurate? <br>

  • Does the process verification sheet exist and is being used? Is change history being recorded? (All three shifts) Verify current process parameters with master set up sheet. Verify process verification sheet and process change log (if deviation)

  • Does the fixture appear to be working properly including error proofing? Verify assy fixture verification completed on the shift you are auditing? MAKE SURE YOU REVIEW THE FIXTURE VERIFICATION. Rabbit parts should be marked " RED" to ensure they are not mixed.

  • Look in multiple scrap containers or gaylords, Is ALL scrap marked AND signed by operator? Is there a red or marked scrap bin located in the cell ?

  • If there is a Deviation for the cell audited, is their a Quality approved deviation document in the cell specifying what actions are to be performed to protect the customer? Are the actions being followed?

  • AREA SPECIFIC:::<br>MOLDING: Verify all W.I.P containers are in the designated location on the W.I.P rack at the backside of Bay 3.<br>ASSEMBLY: Verify all W.I.P containers are in the designate locations for door substrates and W.I.P. isles outside of doorline

Human Resource

  • Safety-Is the employee wearing appropriate PPE (Personal protective equipment) like:-safety glasses, safety colors, cut proof gloves if trimming, hearing protection, hair nets (if applicable), etc. ?

  • Does the operator know the location of the First piece and purpose of the First piece ? First Piece Should be used as Master

  • Does the operator know about current Quality Alert ( if applicable) and has been trained on the current Quality Alert(s)? (Verify each Op is listed on signoff sheet) Is there any expired Quality Alert posted ? Need to have operator/ EPC designee signature on quality Alert if applicable.

  • WITNESS THE OPERATOR PERFORMING THE QUALITY INSPECTION OF THE PART BEFORE IT IS PACKED!! Is the operator performing the job as per operator instructions and do they know where their work instructions are? Review 3 parts being built to see if operator is building the part in sequence as per the Operator instruction)

  • Does the operator know what to do in case defective parts are running and what to do with the defective part's)? (After 3 parts in an hour or 5 parts in a row, Turn the RED Andon Light on and place the defective parts in the red bin).

  • Does the operator know how to fill out the production scrap sheets and RECORD PRODUCTION ON THE PRODUCTION BOARD if no electronic production screen? Is the monitor on and updating the current part at the cell electronically if available? (Look at the Daily Production Scrap Sheet for completion.)

  • Is the employee trained for a specific Tool and shown as "trained" on employee Training matrix for that specific Tool? (Verify training matrix)


  • Are the scrap parts disposed of from previous shift and marked as scrap?

  • Is the job book present at the work cell and all pages legible?

  • Are all applicable sections on FPA sheet answered, completed, and signed by appropriate personnel? Look for signatures of all appropriate personnel, the date and verify a couple questions from each section.

  • Does the quality of parts running at the press match with the quality of the first piece? Compare sample part from the press with the First Piece

  • Is the daily inspection log completed? Inspection criteria and frequency are meeting the 2 hour inspection guidelines?<br>Verify all sections of Daily Inspection Log and that 2 hour inspections are complete.

  • Is the Reaction Plan appropriate for the inspection findings?<br>Verify Daily inspection log and reaction plan for any nonconformance

  • Is the inspection status showing on the container?<br>Look for inspection status on the container like Inspector Stamps with initials, EPC stickers, certification stickers etc. if applicable

  • Is the checking fixture or gage present and functioning properly if it is listed on the control plan? Is the Gage calibration within date on sticker? (Verify gage calibration status on the gage)

  • Are the Andon lights working ?

  • Are all the quality alerts posted valid within their expiration date? (Ensure there are NO expired postings)

  • Customer Specific and Quality Focus:<br>Review Quality Alert Log for current Quality Alerts and follow up on Quality Alert to protect the customer<br> (Verify implementation of the Quality Alert at the press and all operators, inspector, and Team Lead are aware!) Is certification sticker present if required?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.