Title Page

  • Property

  • Conducted on

  • Housekeeper

Front Entrance

  • Is a door mat present and in good condition

  • Is the door bell working and present

  • Is the front door lock safe and secure

  • Is the front garden clean and tidy?

  • Are all wheelie bins and recycling bins present?

  • Is a floor plan clearly displayed?

  • Is there a visitors signing in and out book present?

  • Is the communal phone working and with incoming calls only active?

  • Is there a health and safety poster displayed with current information?

  • Is the decor in good condition?

  • Is there a fire exit sign?

  • Is the area clean and free from cobwebs?

Notice Boards


  • Is the visitors policy clearly displayed?

  • Is there a sign informing the visitors of the need to sign in and out?

  • Is there a visitors security notice displayed?

Notice Board

  • Is the emergency procedure displayed and up to date?

  • Is the house telephone number displayed?

  • Are all contact telephone numbers displayed?

  • Is there a poster detailing the complaints procedure?

  • Is the 'further help and advice' poster displayed?

  • Is the 'what is abuse' poster displayed?

  • Is the 'North Birmingham Support Adult Protection' leaflet displayed

  • Is the contact information for outside help (police etc) displayed?

  • Is the general safety poster displayed?

  • Is the feedback poster displayed?

  • Is the next fire drill displayed and completed?

  • Is the next house meeting displayed and completed?

  • Is the poster detailing refuse collection days displayed?

  • Is there a 'no mood altering substances' poster displayed

  • Is there a ' no smoking' sign displayed


Key Store

  • Is the key store tidy and well organised?

  • Is the fire book present and completed up to date?

  • Are all keys present and clearly labelled?

  • Are all house files present and up to date?

  • Are all support files present and up to date (PDR, obs and HK sheets?)

  • Is there an accident book present?

  • Is any medication stored appropriately and clearly labelled?

  • Is there a house diary present and in use?

  • Is there a receipt book present and in use?

  • Is all stationary available? (sellotape, hole punch, pens)

  • Is the staff signing in / out book present and in use?

Store Cupboard

  • Is bedding bagged and clearly labelled?

  • Is bedding in good condition?

  • Is there the correct amount of bedding?

  • Are there 2 mops and buckets, and are they clearly labelled?

  • Is there a vacuum present and is it in good, clean condition?

  • Is there an iron and ironing board present and in good condition?

  • Is the cupboard organised?

  • Is stock kept to an appropriate level?


  • Is the fire procedure clearly displayed?

  • Is there a no smoking sign clearly displayed?

  • Is there a TV in working order, with remote control?

  • Is the furniture in good, clean repair?

  • Is there a lampshade fitted?

  • Do all windows open and close?

  • Are window dressings in good condition and do they provide privacy?

  • Are there any trailing wires or extension leads?

  • Are all pictures hung securely?

  • Do all light fittings work?

  • Is the decor to an expected standard?

  • Is the flooring to an expected standard?

  • Is there a fire exit sign?

  • Is the smoke alarm fitted and working?

  • Does the fire door nest?

  • Is the room clean and clear of cobwebs?

  • Are all plug sockets in a good state of repair?


  • Is the fire exit sign clearly displayed?

  • Is the fire procedure clearly displayed?

  • Are the cupboards clean, both inside and out?

  • Are all crockery items present? (cooking equipment, utensils, crockery and cutlery, tea coffee sugar canisters)

  • Is all food stored clearly dated and in date?

  • Is the microwave working and in good condition?

  • Is the kettle working and in good condition?

  • Is the toaster working and in good condition?

  • Is the cooker working and in good condition?

  • Is the fridge freezer working and in good condition?

  • Are there any trailing wires or extension leads?

  • Is there a fire blanket supplied?

  • Is the decor in a good state of repair?

  • Does all lighting work?

  • Is there a lamp shade / lighting cover?

  • Is there a carbon monoxide alarm and is it working?

  • Is the smoke alarm working?

  • Is there a clean up spillages poster displayed?

  • Is there a washing up reminder poster?

  • Is there a poster to remind residents not to overload the washing machine?

  • Are the appropriate cleaning supplies? (blue cloths, washing up liquid, kitchen towel, scourer, washing powder, fabric softner, bin liners, dustpan and brush?)

  • Do all windows open and close?

  • Do window dressings provide privacy and are they in a good state of repair?

  • Does the fire door nest?

  • Are all plug sockets in good condition?

  • Do the kitchen taps turn on and off with ease?

  • Is the area in a good state of cleanliness and free from cobwebs?

  • Is there a kitchen bin and is it in good, clean condition?


  • How many bathrooms

  • Bathroom
  • Is the toilet crack free, in good condition and working order?

  • Is the toilet seat intact and secure?

  • Is the sink crack free, in good condition and working order?

  • Is the bath crack free, in good condition and working order?

  • Is the shower in good condition, working and to the correct temperature?

  • Is the shower screen or curtain intact?

  • Do all taps turn on and off with ease?

  • Do the sink and bath have plugs?

  • Is the decor to the required standard?

  • Is the flooring to the required standard?

  • Is the mirror secure?

  • Is the fire procedure present?

  • Is there a fire exit sign fitted?

  • Is all lighting working?

  • Do all windows open and close?

  • Are all window dressings in good condition and provide privacy?

  • Is there a 'slippy when wet' sign

  • Is there a hook on the bathroom door for robes?

  • Is there a bathroom bin, toilet brush, toilet roll holder and towel rail supplied?

  • Are all cleaning items present? (pink cloths, bathroom cleaner, toilet gel, hand wash, hand towel)

  • Is there a non slip shower mat?

  • Is the room to the required standard of cleanliness and free from cobwebs?

Hall, Stairs and Landing

  • Is the fire procedure displayed on each floor?

  • Are all fire exit signs present?

  • Is the emergency lighting fitted and working?

  • Are all banisters and hand rails secure?

  • Is the decor to the required standard?

  • Is the flooring to the required standard?

  • Do all light fittings have lampshades?

  • Is all lighting working?

  • Do all rooms have room numbers fitted?

  • Do all doors have blue fire door stickers?

  • Are all fire doors nesting?

  • Is there a notice detailing the fire alarm test day and time?

  • Do all windows open and close?

  • Are all window dressings in good condition and providing privacy?

  • Are all plug sockets in good condition?

  • Is the area to the required standard of cleanliness and free from cobwebs?

  • Is the flooring to the required standard?

  • Are all smoke alarms working?

  • Are all pictures hung securely?

Outside Area

  • Is the front door secure?

  • Is the back door secure?

  • Are all fences in tact?

  • Are all gardens tidy?

  • Are all gardens maintained to the required standard?

  • Are all gardens free of rubbish?

  • Is there a washing line and pegs present?

  • Is garden furniture present and in good condition?


  • Is staff member wearing tabbard and is it in good condition?

  • Is staff member displaying ID badge?

  • Is staff member using appropriate PPE?

  • Does staff member have the correct keys?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.