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Reopening Inspection Overview
Life Time General Manager Walkthrough/ ECP Inspection
Detractor / Passive / Promoter
Standard Met: CleanlinessParking lot and landscaping clear of debris no spills, gum, or cig butts in the entrance area, garbage cans
Front Desk
Detractor / Passive / Promoter
Front Desk Restrictions
Are Enhanced Cleaning Protocols being enforced?
Is disinfecting all high-touch areas (granite tops, door handles, etc) occurring every 30 minutes ?
Is social distancing being practiced at check in ( see soft, low, moderate or high for exact distancing measures)
Critical ECP & Standard Uniform Met: Team Member is wearing ECP uniform guidelines including spray bottle, towel, and PPE?
Is the Touchless check in process being completed and observed?
Standard Met: Sensory: Displays updated and SOP, music volume, smell, air quality
Standard Met: Like New Condition: Desk, couches, tile, wallpaper, and light bulbs
Standard Met: Systems: Activity Center task list, Front desk checklist, Zone Rotation/schedule
Detractor / Passive / Promoter
Life Spa Government Restrictions
Life Spa Product Restrictions
Team Members and guest are washing their hands immediately prior to and following all services ?
Team Members and guest are provided mask and gloves ? (Team Members must wear gloves and PPE)
Social distancing (criteria dependent upon local guidelines) are in place for members if a line is forming at front desk?
Disinfecting occurring before and after each service and every 30 minutes in high traffic areas like at front desk?
ECP & Standard Uniform Met:Name tag, dressed according to the style guide, LT Way Behaviors, friendly and inviting, disinfecting spray bottle and clean towel
Standard Met: Sensory: Smells, music level, air quality, serene massage area, menus updates, lighting
Standard Met: Systems: AM/PM checklist, Close-out paperwork packet, tip report signed off, cleaning checklist, DH walkthrough
Detractor / Passive / Promoter
Life Café & Bistro Government Restrictions
Life Café & Bistro Products and Services
Is continuous disinfecting occurring of all surfaces every 30 minutes to including all high touch areas?
Team Members are all wearing gloves for all transactions?
Are sneeze guards in place at each POS station?
If a line is forming, is social distancing occurring?
Is there a specific order pickup zone in place for each order ?
Standard Met: Cleanliness: Tables and chairs, lighting, shelves, TV, plants, windows, trash cans, floors, under counters, vents and air returns
Standard Met: Sensory: Table displays, music volume, smells, air quality, TV on and set to right channel, and fully stocked shelves
Standard Met: Like New Condition: Couches and rugs, tiles, wall coverings, coolers, ovens, freezers, and lighting
ECP Uniform & Standard Met: Team Members: Tucked shirts, clean aprons, LT Way Behaviors, understand Mission/Vision, friendly, gloves, mask and PPE ?
Standard Met: Systems: Sanitation checklist, station assignment card, monthly cleaning assignment, pre-shift huddle
Detractor / Passive / Promoter
Member Sales Offices Government Restrictions
Membership Sales Offices Products & Services
Are surfaces being disinfected before and after each transaction? ( Including all surfaces, signature pad, door handles, computer, keyboard, mouse and phone?)
ECP Uniform & Standard Met: Team Members: Name tag, professional dress, HWOL behaviors, understands Mission and Vision, spray bottle, clean towel, and PPE?
Standard Met: Cleanliness: Carpets, counters and desk, vents
Standard Met: Sensory: Promotional materials, desks organized, and smell
Standard Met: Like New Condition: Working drawers, carpet, computers, lighting
Detractor / Passive / Promoter
Standard Met: Cleanliness: Wood floors, doorways, edges and molding, nets and backboards, glass, walls, and rock wall area
Standard Met: Sensory: Temperature, lighting, signage, and smell
Standard Met: Like New Condition: Balls in good condition, wood floors, lights operational, wall carpet, and backboard
Detractor / Passive / Promoter
Child Center/Kids Academy Government Restrictions
Child Center/Kids Academy Government Restrictions
Did you observe a cleaning break between “Kids Academy” classes ?
Are high touch surfaces being cleaned every hour?
Are all toys that are considered small removed from entire space?
Are temperature checks occurring upon entry ?(may not be required) if temperature exceeds 100.4 admittance will be declined
Can you observe that social distancing is occurring? ( chairs removed, mats spaced 6ft apart, at check in parents are 6 feet apart)
Rockwall: Are their less than 10 people in the space?
ECP & Uniform Standard Met: Team Members: Name tag, tucked shirt, correct pants, LT Way Behaviors, ratios/zones, understanding Mission and Vision, Mask is being worn, and gloves ( if CDC has recommended for your state)
Standard Met: Cleanliness: Mondo floor, carpet, wood floors, bathrooms, under maze, shelves, toys, corners and edges
Standard Met: Sensory: Marketing materials updated and SOP, music volume, smells, and air quality
Standard Met: Like New Condition: TV, toys, basketball backboards/hoops/net, carpet, outdoor play area and ground cover
Standard Met: Systems - Daily audit, DH review, programming, child center areas, AM/PM task list, zone rotation
Detractor / Passive / Promoter
Standard Met: Cleanliness: Main hallway, edges and ledges, floors, hospitality desk, loading dock, turf
Standard Met: Sensory: Music at the correct level, smells, media displays, plants
Standard Met: Like New Condition: Laundry room equipment, hospitality desk, taski, carpet cleaner, and lighting
Standard Met: Team Members: Name tag, correct pants, shirt tucked, LT Way Behaviors, understanding Mission and Vision
Standard Met: Systems: Daily rotation, daily tasks, daily walkthrough, schedule, NPS
Detractor / Passive / Promoter
(moderate and high level only) Are their no counter amenities?
Is every other locker available (upper & lower staggered.) Out of service identified with branded cling?
(high level only) is every 4th locker available (lowers closed) out of service identified with cling
(high level only) Is every other shower available ?
(high level only) Is every only sink available?
Standard Met: Cleanliness: Floors, inside lockers, sinks, tops of displays, benches, toilets, showers/curtains, plants, sauna/steam room, and plants
Standard Met: Sensory: Smells, air quality and temperature, amenities filled, lighting, and displays/advertising
Standard Met: Like New Condition: Shower curtains, locker doors, couches, TV, benches, tile, shower, and sinks
Standard Met: Team Members: Present, name tag, correct pants, LT Way Behaviors, understanding Mission and Vision
Standard Met: Systems: Lockerroom checklist
Detractor / Passive / Promoter
Locker Rooms Government Restrictions
(moderate and high level only) Are their no counter amenities?
Is every other locker available (upper & lower staggered.) Out of service identified with branded cling?
(high level only) is every 4th locker available (lowers closed) out of service identified with cling
(high level only) Is every other shower available ?
(high level only) Is every only sink available?
Standard Met: Cleanliness: Floors, inside lockers, sinks, tops of displays, benches, toilets, showers/curtains, plants, sauna/steam room, and plants
Standard Met: Sensory: Smells, air quality and temperature, amenities filled, lighting, and displays/advertising
Standard Met: Life New Condition: Shower curtains, locker doors, couches, TV, benches, tile, shower and sinks
Standard Met: Systems: Locker room checklist complete
Detractor / Passive / Promoter
Aquatics Government Restrictions
Aquatics Products and Services
Is hourly sanitation occurring of all high touch surfaces ( i.e., pool ladder railings, door handles, faucets, push bars, toilet handles, and keyboards)
Are indoor pool chairs placed 6 feet apart in groups of 2?
Are Outdoor pool chairs placed 6 feet apart in group of 2
Whirlpools/ Spas- Based on your guidelines are signs posted indicating any and all capacity restrictions?
ECP & Uniform Standard Met: Team Members: Name tag, LTF Branded suits, LT Way Behaviors, understanding Mission and Vision, spray bottle and clean towel
Standard Met: Cleanliness: Deck, no sand/debris, whirlpools foam free, pool furniture, pump room, sauna, bathrooms
Standard Met: Sensory: Air quality and temperature, displays, music level, and smells
Standard Met: Life New Condition: Cleaners, vacuums, pool furniture, pipes, tile, stairway to slides, lights
Standard Met: Systems: Pool check log, daily audit, cleaning checklist
Detractor / Passive / Promoter
Training Products & Services
Pilates Products & Services
Are fitness professionals using approved cleaner and completing before and after each session?
Is social distancing occurring during sessions (6 feet with no physical touch)
If under moderate or high level restrictions is equipment spaced 6 feet apart ( seat to seat)
Does Pilates schedule have 30 minutes in between to ensure proper cleaning ( inspect schedule)
Are their only 5 clients in the studio at every other reformer? (Pilates Group up to 5)
Are their no more than 12 people in a SGT class (GTX, Alpha etc)
Standard Met: Cleanliness: Equipment, carpet, mondo floor, ATA floor, Pilates studio, mirrors, and mats
Standard met: Sensory: Air quality, temperature, displays, and smells
Standard Met: Life New Condition: All equipment, body bars, flooring, wall covering, green mats, and lights
Standard Met: Team Members: Name tag, dressed according to style guide , LT Way Behaviors, understanding Mission and Vision
Standard Met: Systems: Daily dashboard, walkthrough, and cleaning schedule
Detractor / Passive / Promoter
Studio/Group Fitness/Cycle/ Yoga Restrictions
Studio/ Group Fitness/ Cycle/ Yoga Products & Services
Is social distancing being practiced while classes are being conducted?
Are reserve floor indicators in place?
Are their 30 minutes between each class to allow for disinfecting on the schedule?
Standard Met: Cleanliness: Mats, mirrors, corners, edges behind equipment, flooring, small equipment and shelves
Standard Met: Sensory: Air quality, temperature, displays, and smells
Standard Met: Life New Condition: Equipment, stereo/mics, mirrors, and lights
Standard Met: Team Members : Dressed according to style guide , LT Way Behaviors, understanding Mission and Vision
Standard Met: Systems: Class schedule, phone list, sign-in sheets, cleaning schedule, decibel reading sheet
Detractor / Passive / Promoter
Tennis Government Restrictions
Tennis Products & Services
Are tennis professionals observed handling ALL equipment including tennis balls?
Is social distancing occurring during sessions (6 feet with no physical touch)
Are all benches removed ?
Are all water coolers removed ?
Are all score keepers removed?
Are Enhanced Cleaning Protocols being enforced?
Critical ECP & Standard Uniform Met: Team Member is wearing ECP uniform guidelines including spray bottle, towel, and PPE?
Standard Met: Sensory: Displays updated and SOP, music volume, smell, air quality
Standard met: Sensory: Air quality, temperature, displays, and smells
Standard Met: Team Members: Name tag, dressed according to style guide , LT Way Behaviors, understanding Mission and Vision
Standard Met: Systems: Daily dashboard, walkthrough, and cleaning schedule
Like New & Functional - Rating Consideration: Courts, nets, pro shop counters/carpet/displays, wind screens, lights in good condition and working order. Ensure courts are “Like New”, teaching supplies current and in great condition.
Life Time Work
Detractor /Passive /Promoter
Life Time Work Product Restrictions
Are disinfectant wipes on every tabletop throughout space?
Are occupancy limits and social distancing being followed ( Only 6 people per meeting)?
Are all food items are Grab-N-Go, or disposable items for food service?
Critical ECP & Standard Uniform Met: Team Member is wearing ECP uniform guidelines including spray bottle, towel, and PPE?
Is the Touchless check in process being completed and observed?
Standard Met: Sensory: Displays updated and SOP, music volume, smell, air quality
Standard Met: Like New Condition: Desk, couches, tile, wallpaper, and light bulbs
Life Shop
Detractor / Passive / Promoter
Life Shop Government Restrictions
Are Enhanced Cleaning Protocols being enforced?
Is disinfecting all high-touch areas (granite tops, door handles, etc) every 30 minutes
Is social distancing being practiced at check in ( see soft, low, moderate or high for exact distancing measures)
Critical ECP & Standard Uniform Met: Team Member is wearing ECP uniform guidelines including spray bottle, towel, and PPE?
Standard Met: Sensory: Displays updated and SOP, music volume, smell, air quality
Standard Met: Like New Condition: Desk, couches, tile, wallpaper, and light bulbs