Title Page
Store Name
Store Number
Conducted on
Prepared by
Executive Summary
Lloyd's Audit
Please select to start the audit
Deli & Hot Food
Is the wash hand basin supplied with liquid, antibacterial soap, paper towels and hot and cold (or suitably mixed) running water and a sign that states Now Wash Your Hands, taps non hand operated
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Are hands washed at the wash hand basin only and at appropriate times?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Hands must be washed at the wash hand basin only. Wash hand basins should only be used for hand washing. Hands must be washed regularly and on entering the food area, after handling raw foods (this includes unwashed vegetables, salad or fruit), before handling ready to eat food, after coughing, sneezing or touching your face, after handling chemicals, or rubbish
Do staff working in open food areas, have the correct clean protective clothing for the area they are working in white coats, aprons, hats, hair nets and if staff have beards, beard snoods provided and worn?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Both the apron and the Tshirt/ Polo shirt are considered the protective clothing. All protective clothing should be retained on the premises and not used for travelling to and from work. The apron must not be worn in the toilets, canteen, during smoking breaks or outside the building. In the instance where Tshirts/ polo shirts are being worn without an additional white coat. It is not required to remove the Polo Shirt/ Tshirt. Clean protective clothing must be worn daily
Is the overall store approach to personal hygiene acceptable?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Are staff practicing good hygiene practice and allergen awareness?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Speak to team members. Are they aware of good hygiene practices and demonstrate good allergen awareness such as the 14 declared allergens and how to deal with queries about allergens
Is a first aid box, with distinctive coloured plasters (e.g. blue) available in all open food areas and in the store?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Do staff ensure that ready to eat foods are protected from contamination from microorganisms from raw foods through zoning (incl. location of equipment), good personal hygiene and the correct 2 stage clean process?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Staff must ensure that ready to eat foods are protected from contamination from microorganisms from raw foods through zoning, good personal hygiene and the correct 2 stage clean process mentioned in sections above Check through observations of practices, adherence to zoning including location of equipment and discussions with team members
Are plastic aprons worn when handling/preparing raw foods when working in a high risk/ ready to eat area of the store such as the Deli counter or Sandwich bar?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Plastic aprons must be worn when r fresh raw foods (Rotisserie Chicken, Rashers, unwashed fruit & veg. This does not apply to frozen raw food
Are food safe gloves worn, changed regularly at the same times when you would wash your hands and hand washed prior to putting on and taking off.?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Food safe gloves should be changed regularly (the same times when you would wash your hands)
Are staff in open food areas observed demonstrating good personal hygiene procedures e.g. not eating or drinking, no jewellery, false eye lashes etc?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Are all areas, surfaces (including hand contact surfaces) and food equipment in good repair and clean, not posing any contamination risk to food and kept clear including lights, walls, ceilings and floors?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
All surfaces should be smooth, made of nonporous materials, be in good repair so that they are easy to clean and disinfect where required, clean and should not pose any contamination risk to the food. If damage is seen, then were the store management aware and have actions been considered to repair. In preparation areas walls should be protected to a height of 1.8m (in cooking areas, this should be heat resistant). Light fittings should either be shatterproof tubes or covered with diffusers (this also applies to the EFK tubes). Observation/ general comment on the overall cleaning and repair of the store/ area in store. The overall impact on the safety of the issue noted has on the safety of the food must be assessed
Are utensils, glass and perspex in good repair e.g. handles, boards? Are slicing and mincing blades, knives and scissors etc visually checked before use? Where ingredients are stored in glass containers (e.g. jars and bottles), ensure they are stored above worksurfaces?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check utensils and equipment are in good repair e.g. handles, boards. Where ingredients are stored in glass containers, they must not be stored above worksurfaces
Is there an adequate number of foot/pedal operated bins supplied in all areas of the store with disposable sacks to allow for adequate segregation and control of food and non food waste and labelled as to their purpose?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
There must be an adequate number of bins supplied in all areas of the store to allow for adequate segregation and control of waste. Disposable sacks should be used for the disposable waste food and debris. Food and non food waste should be segregated. Bins shall be labelled as to their purpose e.g. food waste and general waste
Is display equipment clean?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
If Dishwashers are in use: Do dishwashers reach 55°C? A suitable method must be used to assess the temperature of the machine ie test strips/ electronic plates etc
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Dishwashers should reach a minimum temperature of 55°C and be capable of a cleaning, rinsing and steam cycle. The effectiveness of the dishwasher must be monitored and temperatures recorded at a minimum of weekly If no dishwasher then don't score down. New dishwashers have a dial reading for temperature monitoring which is acceptable provided the dishwasher is on a maintenance schedule and there are store records available. Using a temperature probe, plate or test strip are also acceptable forms of temperature monitoring
Are utensils and equipment cleaned in a dishwasher/ if not cleaned in a dishwasher do they go through a cleaning/ sanitation step?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Utensils and equipment should preferably be cleaned in a dishwasher. If not cleaned in a dishwasher are they cleaned using a 2 step cleaning process/ cleaned using a chemical that combines sanitation & detergent capabilities
Are there signs designating food preparation sinks and these are never used for cleaning?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check food preparation sinks are designated by signage and not being used for cleaning
Is cleaning equipment kept in good repair and kept clean?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is food preparation/ handling equipment and utensils colour coded? Is wooden equipment used (wooden block/ some display equipment is an exception)?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Equipment and utensils should be colour coded to minimise risks of contamination of ready to eat food and used correctly e.g. red for raw meat, yellow for ready to eat food, green for washed, ready to eat salad items etc. There is a recommended colour chart however stores may alter this to suit the equipment they are using they must adhere to this
Are Raw and Ready to eat foods stored to ensure there is no risk of contamination?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Raw and Ready to eat foods must be stored to ensure there is no risk of contamination e.g. covered and in separate units, in separate areas of a unit or raw food below ready to eat food. Unwrapped unpasteurised cheese must be kept separately from pasteurised cheese
Are finished products which are prepared in the kitchen or Deli made following branded recipes and no alterations/substitutions are taking place?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Products made following branded recipes and no alterations/substitutions are taking place. If changes have been made these must be reflected in the labels and all of the required information updated and accurate
Do products made in house, have a longer use by date than the ingredients going into the product?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Products made in house, cannot have a longer use by date than the individual ingredients going into the product
Are open life of products adhered to e.g. once opened use within X days?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Open life of products must be adhered to e.g. once opened use within X days. This may be provided by manufacturer's instructions or company policy. If long life products are maintained in original packaging and stored correctly , separate traceability not required once products are meeting Original Best Before i.e. Sauces/ Syrups/ Sugar Strands etc
Are foods within their Best Before or Use By Date? Is stock rotation done on a First In First Out basis?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check the dates on a sample of foods in dry stores, refrigerators, freezers. These must be within their Best Before or Use By Date. For foods a USE BY a decision on scoring will be based on the amounts found out of date the nature of products found out of date, the quantity and the risk to food safety. If the products are not identified as returns or waste a non conformance can be given based on the amount of items seen. Is stock rotation done on a First In First Out basis?
Are products stored correctly as per their recommended storage regimes e.g. chilled, frozen, ambient and chillers and freezers not overloaded and display cabinets not filled past their load lines?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check products are stored correctly as per their recommended storage regimes e.g. chilled, frozen, ambient. Check foods are stored in the correct manner in accordance with manufacturer's instructions for food safety e.g. once opened certain ambient products must be refrigerated. Chillers and freezers must not be over loaded and display cabinets must never be filled past their load line
Are food and Non Food items stored separately, not on the floor and away from the walls?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Food and Non Food items should be stored separately, foods must not be stored directly on the floor and should be away from the wall to minimise contamination risks and allow through cleaning
Is packaging which will come into contact with food kept covered and off the floor and away from contamination and packaging for use with raw and ready to eat foods kept in the separate areas?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Food contact packaging must be stored inverted. Packaging for use with raw and ready to eat foods must be kept in the separate areas and packaging stored in raw areas must never be taken in ready to eat areas. Cross contamination risk must be assessed
CCP1 Is the core temperature of foods at the end of cooking and reheating at least 75°C instantaneous?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
The core temperature of foods at the end of cooking and reheating must be at least 75°C instantaneous. Check cooking and reheating records and team member understanding. If not add a photo and record the actual temperature
Is the core temperature of foods to be hot held >63°C? Is the core temperature of hot held food checked every 2 hours?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is the core temperature of chilled foods between 0°C and 5°C?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is the core temperature of frozen foods is 18°C?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
The core temperature of frozen foods is 18°C. The air temperature is to be checked in the prepacked freezers – we ask stores not to check the gauges as these are unreliable. Between pack testing completed if an out of spec air temp is noted. Destruct test only completed if between pack test is out of spec. HACCP plan allows for a between pack temperature of 12C, this is due to the nature of the food and the packaging of the products. The critical limit for the core temperature is 15C. Check team member understanding. If not correct record the actual temperature
Is a sufficient number of clean, disinfected/sanitised, calibrated probes available and probe wipes in compliance with BS EN 1276 or BS EN 13697 available and be in date and not dried out?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is the temperature of all refrigerate units including shop floor units and larger backup chills recorded twice a day if not connected to a digital temperature monitoring system?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
The temperature of all refrigerate units including shop floor units and larger backup chills must be recorded twice a day if not connected to a digital temperature monitoring system check this is being completed
Are monitoring records for cooking, hot holding, cooling, chilled storage and frozen storage captured? If stores are blast chilling ensure foods are cooled to <3C within 150minutes of cooking
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check completion of monitoring records required for the area which could include cooking, hot holding, cooling, chilled storage and frozen storage. Are they accurate and compliant with food safety requirements
Do staff understand the Control Points and the Critical Control Points for the areas they are working in, and are aware of the corrective action to be taken in the instance of product being outside of the acceptable limits?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Staff working in area asked to identify tasks & limits/ critical for the CCP / CP and are they aware of actions to take if out of limit
Are records for cleaning kept and available for this week?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Records for cleaning must be available for this week. Initialed and counter signed by the supervisor
Is the wash hand basin supplied with liquid, antibacterial soap, paper towels and hot and cold (or suitably mixed) running water and a sign that states Now Wash Your Hands, taps non hand operated
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Magic eye or knee and tap inserts available? Is the water running at a suitable temperature for handwashing? The wash hand basin must be supplied with liquid, antibacterial soap, paper towels and hot and cold (or suitably mixed) running water ( temperature 3545C) and a sign that states Now Wash Your Hands. Taps inserts should be available. Ensure the paper towel is in a dispenser
Are hands washed at the wash hand basin only and at appropriate times?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Hands must be washed at the wash hand basin only. Wash hand basins should only be used for hand washing. Hands must be washed regularly and on entering the food area, after handling raw foods (this includes unwashed vegetables, salad or fruit), before handling ready to eat food, after coughing, sneezing or touching your face, after handling chemicals, or rubbish
Do staff working in open food areas, have the correct clean protective clothing for the area they are working in white coats, aprons, hats, hair nets and if staff have beards, beard snoods provided and worn?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Both the apron and the Tshirt/ Polo shirt are considered the protective clothing. All protective clothing should be retained on the premises and not used for travelling to and from work. The apron must not be worn in the toilets, canteen, during smoking breaks or outside the building. In the instance where Tshirts/ polo shirts are being worn without an additional white coat. It is not required to remove the Polo Shirt/ Tshirt. Clean protective clothing must be worn daily
Is the overall store approach to personal hygiene acceptable?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Are staff practicing good hygiene practice and allergen awareness?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Speak to team members. Are they aware of good hygiene practices and demonstrate good allergen awareness such as the 14 declared allergens and how to deal with queries about allergens
Is a first aid box, with distinctive coloured plasters (e.g. blue) available in all open food areas and in the store?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Do staff ensure that ready to eat foods are protected from contamination from microorganisms from raw foods through zoning (incl. location of equipment), good personal hygiene and the correct 2 stage clean process?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Staff must ensure that ready to eat foods are protected from contamination from microorganisms from raw foods through zoning, good personal hygiene and the correct 2 stage clean process mentioned in sections above Check through observations of practices, adherence to zoning including location of equipment and discussions with team members
Are food safe gloves worn, changed regularly at the same times when you would wash your hands and hand washed prior to putting on and taking off.?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Food safe gloves should be changed regularly (the same times when you would wash your hands)
Are staff in open food areas observed demonstrating good personal hygiene procedures e.g. not eating or drinking, no jewellery, false eye lashes etc?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Are all areas, surfaces (including hand contact surfaces) and food equipment in good repair and clean, not posing any contamination risk to food and kept clear including lights, walls, ceilings and floors?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
All surfaces should be smooth, made of nonporous materials, be in good repair so that they are easy to clean and disinfect where required, clean and should not pose any contamination risk to the food. If damage is seen, then were the store management aware and have actions been considered to repair. In preparation areas walls should be protected to a height of 1.8m (in cooking areas, this should be heat resistant). Light fittings should either be shatterproof tubes or covered with diffusers (this also applies to the EFK tubes). Observation/ general comment on the overall cleaning and repair of the store/ area in store. The overall impact on the safety of the issue noted has on the safety of the food must be assessed
Are utensils, glass and perspex in good repair e.g. handles, boards? Are slicing and mincing blades, knives and scissors etc visually checked before use? Where ingredients are stored in glass containers (e.g. jars and bottles), ensure they are stored above worksurfaces?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check utensils and equipment are in good repair e.g. handles, boards. Where ingredients are stored in glass containers, they must not be stored above worksurfaces
Is there an adequate number of foot/pedal operated bins supplied in all areas of the store with disposable sacks to allow for adequate segregation and control of food and non food waste and labelled as to their purpose?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
There must be an adequate number of bins supplied in all areas of the store to allow for adequate segregation and control of waste. Disposable sacks should be used for the disposable waste food and debris. Food and non food waste should be segregated. Bins shall be labelled as to their purpose e.g. food waste and general waste
Is display equipment clean?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
If Dishwashers are in use: Do dishwashers reach 55°C? A suitable method must be used to assess the temperature of the machine ie test strips/ electronic plates etc
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Dishwashers should reach a minimum temperature of 55°C and be capable of a cleaning, rinsing and steam cycle. The effectiveness of the dishwasher must be monitored and temperatures recorded at a minimum of weekly If no dishwasher then don't score down. New dishwashers have a dial reading for temperature monitoring which is acceptable provided the dishwasher is on a maintenance schedule and there are store records available. Using a temperature probe, plate or test strip are also acceptable forms of temperature monitoring
Are utensils and equipment cleaned in a dishwasher/ if not cleaned in a dishwasher do they go through a cleaning/ sanitation step?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Utensils and equipment should preferably be cleaned in a dishwasher. If not cleaned in a dishwasher are they cleaned using a 2 step cleaning process/ cleaned using a chemical that combines sanitation & detergent capabilities
Are there signs designating food preparation sinks and these are never used for cleaning?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check food preparation sinks are designated by signage and not being used for cleaning
Is cleaning equipment kept in good repair and kept clean?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is food preparation/ handling equipment and utensils colour coded? Is wooden equipment used (wooden block/ some display equipment is an exception)?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Equipment and utensils should be colour coded to minimise risks of contamination of ready to eat food and used correctly e.g. red for raw meat, yellow for ready to eat food, green for washed, ready to eat salad items etc. There is a recommended colour chart however stores may alter this to suit the equipment they are using they must adhere to this
Are Raw and Ready to eat foods stored to ensure there is no risk of contamination?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Raw and Ready to eat foods must be stored to ensure there is no risk of contamination e.g. covered and in separate units, in separate areas of a unit or raw food below ready to eat food. Unwrapped unpasteurised cheese must be kept separately from pasteurised cheese
Are finished products which are prepared in the bakery made following branded recipes and no alterations/substitutions are taking place?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Products made following branded recipes and no alterations/substitutions are taking place. If changes have been made these must be reflected in the labels and all of the required information updated and accurate
Do products made in house, have a longer use by date than the ingredients going into the product?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Products made in house, cannot have a longer use by date than the individual ingredients going into the product
Are open life of products adhered to e.g. once opened use within X days?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Open life of products must be adhered to e.g. once opened use within X days. This may be provided by manufacturer's instructions or company policy. If long life products are maintained in original packaging and stored correctly , separate traceability not required once products are meeting Original Best Before i.e. Sauces/ Syrups/ Sugar Strands etc
Are foods within their Best Before or Use By Date? Is stock rotation done on a First In First Out basis?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check the dates on a sample of foods in dry stores, refrigerators, freezers. These must be within their Best Before or Use By Date. For foods a USE BY a decision on scoring will be based on the amounts found out of date the nature of products found out of date, the quantity and the risk to food safety. If the products are not identified as returns or waste a non conformance can be given based on the amount of items seen. Is stock rotation done on a First In First Out basis?
Are products stored correctly as per their recommended storage regimes e.g. chilled, frozen, ambient and chillers and freezers not overloaded and display cabinets not filled past their load lines?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check products are stored correctly as per their recommended storage regimes e.g. chilled, frozen, ambient. Check foods are stored in the correct manner in accordance with manufacturer's instructions for food safety e.g. once opened certain ambient products must be refrigerated. Chillers and freezers must not be over loaded and display cabinets must never be filled past their load line
Are food and Non Food items stored separately, not on the floor and away from the walls?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Food and Non Food items should be stored separately, foods must not be stored directly on the floor and should be away from the wall to minimise contamination risks and allow through cleaning
Is packaging which will come into contact with food kept covered and off the floor and away from contamination and packaging for use with raw and ready to eat foods kept in the separate areas?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Food contact packaging must be stored inverted. Packaging for use with raw and ready to eat foods must be kept in the separate areas and packaging stored in raw areas must never be taken in ready to eat areas. Cross contamination risk must be assessed
Is the core temperature of chilled foods between 0°C and 5°C?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is the core temperature of frozen foods is 18°C?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
The core temperature of frozen foods is 18°C. The air temperature is to be checked in the prepacked freezers – we ask stores not to check the gauges as these are unreliable. Between pack testing completed if an out of spec air temp is noted. Destruct test only completed if between pack test is out of spec. HACCP plan allows for a between pack temperature of 12C, this is due to the nature of the food and the packaging of the products. The critical limit for the core temperature is 15C. Check team member understanding. If not correct record the actual temperature
Is a sufficient number of clean, disinfected/sanitised, calibrated probes available and probe wipes in compliance with BS EN 1276 or BS EN 13697 available and be in date and not dried out?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is the temperature of all refrigerate units including shop floor units and larger backup chills recorded twice a day if not connected to a digital temperature monitoring system?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
The temperature of all refrigerate units including shop floor units and larger backup chills must be recorded twice a day if not connected to a digital temperature monitoring system check this is being completed
Are monitoring records for chilled storage and frozen storage captured? I
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check completion of monitoring records required for the area which could include cooking, hot holding, cooling, chilled storage and frozen storage. Are they accurate and compliant with food safety requirements
Do staff understand the Control Points and the Critical Control Points for the areas they are working in, and are aware of the corrective action to be taken in the instance of product being outside of the acceptable limits?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Staff working in area asked to identify tasks & limits/ critical for the CCP / CP and are they aware of actions to take if out of limit
Are records for cleaning kept and available for this week?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Records for cleaning must be available for this week. Initialed and counter signed by the supervisor
SHOP Floor
Do any visitors to the premises sign a visitors log and complete a health questionnaire if entering any open food areas or will be involved in handling/ preparing or serving food while on the premises?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Any visitors to the premises must sign a visitors log and complete a health questionnaire if entering any open food areas or will be involved in handling/ preparing or serving food while on the premises. Was the auditor asked to sign the visitors log and complete a health questionnaire? Did the auditor see any contractors in open food areas and had they signed the visitors log and completed a questionnaire?
Do staff wash their hands after handling rubbish?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Team members must ensure they wash their hands after handling rubbish check through discussions with team members and observations
Are premises and equipment in good repair and clean including lights, walls, ceiling and floors?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Assess the area for general state of structural repair. Including lichets, walls, ceilings and floors in all back areas including the staff canteen
If customer toilets are available in store are kept in a clean and sanitary condition. Are requisites to be present ie soap/ paper towel/ hand dryer, toilet paper, evidence of regular cleaning at least twice daily
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Toilets should be checked at least twice daily, ideally hourly. These should be clean and not have an off odour. Any baby changing facilities provided should be clean. Bins emptied regularly and not over flowing. Towel/ soap etc all in place
Is the self service coffee area maintained in a clean condition, under milk machines cleaned, under counter fridges clean, allergen information displayed where required
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Self service coffee area must be cleaned at least twice per day and checked more frequently. Counter top fridges must be clean and clear of spillages and the under counter fridges clean and free of milk spillages. Packaging must be stored correctly in under counter storage area
Is cleaning equipment kept in good repair and kept clean?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is display equipment clean?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Are Raw and Ready to eat foods stored to ensure there is no risk of contamination?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Raw and Ready to eat foods must be stored to ensure there is no risk of contamination e.g. covered and in separate units, in separate areas of a unit or raw food below ready to eat food
Are foods within their Best Before or Use By Date?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check the dates on a sample of foods in ambient aisles, refrigerators, freezers, and displays. These must be within their Best Before or Use By Date. Dates to be assessed across different product ranges 1 Critical only for shop floor to be awarded if date issues found in different areas or different products
Is stock rotation done on a First In First Out basis?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Stock rotation is done on a First In First Out basis linked to 2.10.19. Can the store demonstrate system of stock rotation
Are Dented or blown cans not sold and FIFO stock rotation used?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Dented or blown cans must not be sold or available for sale
Are products stored correctly as per their recommended storage regimes e.g. chilled, frozen, ambient and chillers and freezers not overloaded and display cabinets not filled past their load lines?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check products are stored correctly as per their recommended storage regimes e.g. chilled, frozen, ambient. Check foods are stored in the correct manner in accordance with manufacturer's instructions for food safety e.g. once opened certain ambient products must be refrigerated. Chillers and freezers must not be over loaded and display cabinets must never be filled past their load line
Are food and Non Food items stored separately, not on the floor and away from the walls?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Food and Non Food items should be stored separately, foods must not be stored directly on the floor and should be away from the wall to minimise contamination risks and allow through cleaning
At the point of sale, is the correct information available for beef?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
At the point of sale, the country of birth or country where reared or the country where the beef animal was slaughtered information; the plant number of the abattoir; the plant number of where the beef is boned, processed and or packed must be available; and the batch number of the beef should also be kept and be available. Stores must display the traceability of the beef on the counter to the consumer at the point of purchase via the customer white board that is generated from the food trace. For plain pieces of meat sold in the prepacked fridges the term: ORIGIN: IRELAND and BATCH TRACEABILITY needs to appear on any store prepacked lines
For poultry, at the point of sale is the correct information being provided either on the label or on a notice?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
At the point of sale either on the label or on a notice the poultry product type and the class should be provided, it should confirm whether the poultry is frozen or fresh, the storage temperature for the poultry should be provided, the country of origin of the poultry provided
At the point of sale is the correct information available either on the label or on a notice for fish?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
At the point of sale either on the label or on a notice the commercial name of the fish; the catch area; and confirmation whether the fish is farmed or caught at sea or in fresh water should be given
When merchandising Fruit and Vegetables, is the required information displayed accurately for the customer?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check a sample When merchandising Fruit and Vegetables the following information must be displayed accurately for the customer:_x000D_ Fruit: Country of Origin for all Fruit, additionally Class and Variety where marketing standards apply _x000D_ •Vegetables: Country of Origin for all Vegetables, additionally Class and Variety where Marketing Standards apply
Is the core temperature of chilled foods is between 0°C and 5°C?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Reference guidance table
Is the core temperature of frozen foods is 18°C?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
The core temperature of frozen foods is 18°C. The air temperature is to be checked in the prepacked freezers – we ask stores not to check the gauges as these are unreliable. Between pack testing completed if an out of spec air temp is noted. Destruct test only completed if between pack test is out of spec. HACCP plan allows for a between pack temperature of 12C this is due to the nature of the food and the packaging of the products. The critical limit for the core temperature is 15C. Check team member understanding. If not correct record the actual temperature and add a photo
Is ice cream to be held for longer than 1 week must be held at 23°C?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Gelato icecream can be held at 12°C for a period of 1 month in the Moo'd icecream counters. Icecreams should be stored at 23C. Some products dictate on pack that they can be store at 18C this should be referred to
Are foods only out of temperature control for a maximum of 30 minutes?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Foods must only be out of temperature control for a maximum of 30 minutes check through observations and ask team members how long chilled/frozen foods can be outside of temperature control to ensure awareness of maintenance of the cold chain
Is the temperature of all refrigerate units including shop floor units and larger backup chills recorded twice a day if not connected to a digital temperature monitoring system?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
The temperature of all refrigerate units including shop floor units and larger backup chills must be recorded twice a day if not connected to a digital temperature monitoring system check this is being completed
If digital temperature monitoring system is in place, is the backup system checked daily to ensure all alarms triggered during the day have been addressed and appropriate corrective action taken and if automatic, is it accessible?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
If a digital temperature monitoring system is in place, the backup system must be checked daily to ensure all alarms triggered during the day have been addressed and appropriate corrective action taken ensure daily check is being completed and any alarms have been addressed
Do staff understand the Control Points and the Critical Control Points for the areas they are working in, and are aware of the corrective action to be taken in the instance of product being outside of the acceptable limits ?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Staff working in area asked to identify tasks & limits/ critical for the CCP / CP and are they aware of actions to take if out of limit
Are records for cleaning kept and available for this week?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
MINOR intermittent gaps or lapses in recording, e.g. an individual recording missed 12 days in a week
Butchery & Fish
Is the wash hand basin supplied with liquid, antibacterial soap, paper towels and hot and cold (or suitably mixed) running water and a sign that states Now Wash Your Hands, taps non hand operated
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Magic eye or knee and tap inserts available? Is the water running at a suitable temperature for handwashing? The wash hand basin must be supplied with liquid, antibacterial soap, paper towels and hot and cold (or suitably mixed) running water ( temperature 3545C) and a sign that states Now Wash Your Hands. Taps inserts should be available. Ensure the paper towel is in a dispenser
Are hands washed at the wash hand basin only and at appropriate times?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Hands must be washed at the wash hand basin only. Wash hand basins should only be used for hand washing. Hands must be washed regularly and on entering the food area, after handling raw foods (this includes unwashed vegetables, salad or fruit), before handling ready to eat food, after coughing, sneezing or touching your face, after handling chemicals, or rubbish
Do staff working in open food areas, have the correct clean protective clothing for the area they are working in white coats, aprons, hats, hair nets and if staff have beards, beard snoods provided and worn?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Both the apron and the Tshirt/ Polo shirt are considered the protective clothing. All protective clothing should be retained on the premises and not used for travelling to and from work. The apron must not be worn in the toilets, canteen, during smoking breaks or outside the building. In the instance where Tshirts/ polo shirts are being worn without an additional white coat. It is not required to remove the Polo Shirt/ Tshirt. Clean protective clothing must be worn daily
Is the overall store approach to personal hygiene acceptable?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Are staff practicing good hygiene practice and allergen awareness?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Speak to team members. Are they aware of good hygiene practices and demonstrate good allergen awareness such as the 14 declared allergens and how to deal with queries about allergens
Is a first aid box, with distinctive coloured plasters (e.g. blue) available in all open food areas and in the store?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Do staff ensure that ready to eat foods are protected from contamination from microorganisms from raw foods through zoning (incl. location of equipment), good personal hygiene and the correct 2 stage clean process?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Staff must ensure that ready to eat foods are protected from contamination from microorganisms from raw foods through zoning, good personal hygiene and the correct 2 stage clean process mentioned in sections above Check through observations of practices, adherence to zoning including location of equipment and discussions with team members
Are food safe gloves worn, changed regularly at the same times when you would wash your hands and hand washed prior to putting on and taking off.?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Food safe gloves should be changed regularly (the same times when you would wash your hands)
Are staff in open food areas observed demonstrating good personal hygiene procedures e.g. not eating or drinking, no jewellery, false eye lashes etc?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Are all areas, surfaces (including hand contact surfaces) and food equipment in good repair and clean, not posing any contamination risk to food and kept clear including lights, walls, ceilings and floors?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
All surfaces should be smooth, made of nonporous materials, be in good repair so that they are easy to clean and disinfect where required, clean and should not pose any contamination risk to the food. If damage is seen, then were the store management aware and have actions been considered to repair. In preparation areas walls should be protected to a height of 1.8m (in cooking areas, this should be heat resistant). Light fittings should either be shatterproof tubes or covered with diffusers (this also applies to the EFK tubes). Observation/ general comment on the overall cleaning and repair of the store/ area in store. The overall impact on the safety of the issue noted has on the safety of the food must be assessed
Are utensils, glass and perspex in good repair e.g. handles, boards? Are slicing and mincing blades, knives and scissors etc visually checked before use? Where ingredients are stored in glass containers (e.g. jars and bottles), ensure they are stored above worksurfaces?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check utensils and equipment are in good repair e.g. handles, boards. Where ingredients are stored in glass containers, they must not be stored above worksurfaces
Is there an adequate number of foot/pedal operated bins supplied in all areas of the store with disposable sacks to allow for adequate segregation and control of food and non food waste and labelled as to their purpose?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
There must be an adequate number of bins supplied in all areas of the store to allow for adequate segregation and control of waste. Disposable sacks should be used for the disposable waste food and debris. Food and non food waste should be segregated. Bins shall be labelled as to their purpose e.g. food waste and general waste
Is the Animal by Products bin kept in a cold room until emptied?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
The Animal by Products bin must be kept in a cold room until emptied. Frequency of emptying must be defined and not lead to off odour and taint in the area of storage.
MINOR- if bin is full not emptied on a more regular basis. However there is no off odour.
MAJOR- is bin in store out of refrigeration or is poorly managed leading to spoiled/ rotting product -
Is display equipment clean?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
If Dishwashers are in use: Do dishwashers reach 55°C? A suitable method must be used to assess the temperature of the machine ie test strips/ electronic plates etc
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Dishwashers should reach a minimum temperature of 55°C and be capable of a cleaning, rinsing and steam cycle. The effectiveness of the dishwasher must be monitored and temperatures recorded at a minimum of weekly If no dishwasher then don't score down. New dishwashers have a dial reading for temperature monitoring which is acceptable provided the dishwasher is on a maintenance schedule and there are store records available. Using a temperature probe, plate or test strip are also acceptable forms of temperature monitoring
Are utensils and equipment cleaned in a dishwasher/ if not cleaned in a dishwasher do they go through a cleaning/ sanitation step?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Utensils and equipment should preferably be cleaned in a dishwasher. If not cleaned in a dishwasher are they cleaned using a 2 step cleaning process/ cleaned using a chemical that combines sanitation & detergent capabilities
Are there signs designating food preparation sinks and these are never used for cleaning?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check food preparation sinks are designated by signage and not being used for cleaning
Is cleaning equipment kept in good repair and kept clean?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is food preparation/ handling equipment and utensils colour coded? Is wooden equipment used (wooden block/ some display equipment is an exception)?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Equipment and utensils should be colour coded to minimise risks of contamination of ready to eat food and used correctly e.g. red for raw meat, yellow for ready to eat food, green for washed, ready to eat salad items etc. There is a recommended colour chart - however stores may alter this to suit the equipment they are using - they must adhere to this.
MINOR- if 1/2 items observed in an area with the incorrect colour/ or a colour not on the colour chart.
MAJOR- if 3+ items are noted or if there is no system of colour coding evident across all departments. Wooden equipment should not be used in the preparation of foods. Wooden equipment may be used for display purposes only. These pieces of equipment must be in good repair and not be cracked or heavily scored. Barrier paper must be placed between the food and the wooden equipment
MINOR- if some scoring noted.
MAJOR- >2 boards have large cracks or are heavily scored or damaged -
Are Raw and Ready to eat foods stored to ensure there is no risk of contamination?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Raw and Ready to eat foods must be stored to ensure there is no risk of contamination e.g. covered and in separate units, in separate areas of a unit or raw food below ready to eat food.
MINOR- If sealed.
MAJOR If open, if there is evidence or risk of cross contamination / e.g. raw chicken open above cooked food.
If raw food is directly contaminating Cooked or Ready To Eat Food. -
Do products made in house, have a longer use by date than the ingredients going into the product?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Products made in house, cannot have a longer use by date than the individual ingredients going into the product
Are open life of products adhered to e.g. once opened use within X days?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Open life of products must be adhered to e.g. once opened use within X days. This may be provided by manufacturer's instructions or company policy. If long life products are maintained in original packaging and stored correctly , separate traceability not required once products are meeting Original Best Before i.e. Sauces/ Syrups/ Sugar Strands etc
Are foods within their Best Before or Use By Date? Is stock rotation done on a First In First Out basis?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check the dates on a sample of foods in dry stores, refrigerators, freezers. These must be within their Best Before or Use By Date. For foods a USE BY a decision on scoring will be based on the amounts found out of date the nature of products found out of date, the quantity and the risk to food safety. If the products are not identified as returns or waste a non conformance can be given based on the amount of items seen. Is stock rotation done on a First In First Out basis?
Are products stored correctly as per their recommended storage regimes e.g. chilled, frozen, ambient and chillers and freezers not overloaded and display cabinets not filled past their load lines?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check products are stored correctly as per their recommended storage regimes e.g. chilled, frozen, ambient. Check foods are stored in the correct manner in accordance with manufacturer's instructions for food safety e.g. once opened certain ambient products must be refrigerated. Chillers and freezers must not be over loaded and display cabinets must never be filled past their load line
Are food and Non Food items stored separately, not on the floor and away from the walls?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Food and Non Food items should be stored separately, foods must not be stored directly on the floor and should be away from the wall to minimise contamination risks and allow through cleaning
Is packaging which will come into contact with food kept covered and off the floor and away from contamination and packaging for use with raw and ready to eat foods kept in the separate areas?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Food contact packaging must be stored inverted. Packaging for use with raw and ready to eat foods must be kept in the separate areas and packaging stored in raw areas must never be taken in ready to eat areas. Cross contamination risk must be assessed
Do Beef products indicate the country of origin?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Prepacked beef on display must have Country of Origin noted on the label with all other traceability requirements.
MAJOR-if information missing -
Is no beef over 30 months handled?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check that no beef over 30 months has been handled at premises.
MINOR- over 30 months -
At the point of sale, is the correct information available for beef?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
At the point of sale, the country of birth or country where reared or the country where the beef animal was slaughtered information; the plant number of the abattoir; the plant number of where the beef is boned, processed and or packed must be available; and the batch number of the beef should also be kept and be available. Stores must display the traceability of the beef on the counter to the consumer at the point of purchase via the customer white board that is generated from the food trace. For plain pieces of meat sold in the pre-packed fridges the term: ORIGIN: IRELAND and BATCH TRACEABILITY needs to appear on any store pre-packed lines.
MAJOR- information is missing or not updated or not produced in Ireland. -
At the point of sale is the correct information available either on the label or on a notice for fish?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
At the point of sale either on the label or on a notice the commercial name of the fish; the catch area; and confirmation whether the fish is farmed or caught at sea or in fresh water should be given.
MAJOR- information is not available or out of date -
Are ice scoops & Ice machines being well managed?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
The ice machine must be cleaned internally (including seals and ice production area) at least weekly, if in a hard water area ensure the limescale is removed before cleaning and disinfection takes place. Check the lids and doors of the ice machine must be kept closed when not in use. Ice machines must be serviced as per manufacturer's instructions. Ice must be made only using potable water for drinks and display of foods.
MINOR- if scoop/ equipment not clean or in a hygienic condition -
Is fresh fish and shellfish stored correctly?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Fresh fish must be stored on ice and covered with flaked ice. Shellfish must be stored ideally in bowls (plastic is acceptable) on the ice not directly on the ice. Oysters must be treated, stored, handled, displayed as a ready to eat food.
MINOR- if not compliant with above -
For poultry, at the point of sale is the correct information being provided either on the label or on a notice?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
At the point of sale either on the label or on a notice the poultry product type and the class should be provided, it should confirm whether the poultry is frozen or fresh, the storage temperature for the poultry should be provided, the country of origin of the poultry provided.
MAJOR- information is missing -
Are raw foods which looks like cooked food identified as raw?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check that raw foods which look like cooked food are clearly identified as raw.
MAJOR- No identification. -
Are products in the Prepared by our Butcher and Fishmonger ranges made following branded recipes and no alterations/substitutions are taking place?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Products in the Prepared by our Butcher and Fishmonger ranges are made following branded recipes and no alterations/substitutions are taking place. If changes have been made these must be reflected in the labels and all of the required information updated and accurate.
MINOR- name of product has been changed, but ingredients/ allergens etc still accurate.
MAJOR- if recipe amended and label not updated to reflect new ingredients/ product -
Do products made in house, have a longer use by date than the ingredients going into the product? Ingredient traceability and Production Records must be available for PBOB range.
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Products made in house, cannot have a longer use by date than the individual ingredients going into the product.
MINOR- if isolated incidence noted or low risk/ shelf life stable product affected. If isolated gaps in records.
MAJOR- if high risk ingredients being used have shorter life than compound product. If widespread gaps in records. -
Is the correct freezing and thawing processes being followed?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Frozen foods must be defrosted in a fridge. Thawed foods must not be refrozen. No products frozen in house to be thawed and subsequently sold as a fresh products - they must be cooked/ processed and sold within 24 hours of completing defrost. Please be aware that there is a range of thaw and serve products on sale in stores, but these are purchased frozen not thawed in house and sold in fresh and do not fall under the remit of this question. Check through observations and discussions with team members.
MINOR- isolated gaps in the records or not thawing as per manufacturer's instructions where there is no food safety risk ie Breads etc.
MAJOR- combination of poor records and thawing not conducted in refrigeration. Selling product beyond 24 hour limit -
If freezing items in house, do they have at least 2 days to the expiry date and given a traceability label detailing the date of freezing and the use by date? A maximum of a 3 month shelf life can be applied to these products?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
MINOR- if no freezing record available.
MAJOR- if inhouse frozen items are noted and no traceability/ new Use By applied to the item. -
Are foods only out of temperature control for a maximum of 30 minutes?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Foods must only be out of temperature control for a maximum of 30 minutes - check through observations and ask team members how long chilled/frozen foods can be outside of temperature control to ensure awareness of maintenance of the cold chain.
MINOR- lack of understanding of the 30 min rule.
MAJOR- lack of adherence/ understanding demonstrated in all depts. -
Is the core temperature of chilled foods between 0°C and 5°C?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is the core temperature of frozen foods is 18°C?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
The core temperature of frozen foods is 18°C. The air temperature is to be checked in the prepacked freezers – we ask stores not to check the gauges as these are unreliable. Between pack testing completed if an out of spec air temp is noted. Destruct test only completed if between pack test is out of spec. HACCP plan allows for a between pack temperature of 12C, this is due to the nature of the food and the packaging of the products. The critical limit for the core temperature is 15C. Check team member understanding. If not correct record the actual temperature
Is a sufficient number of clean, disinfected/sanitised, calibrated probes available and probe wipes in compliance with BS EN 1276 or BS EN 13697 available and be in date and not dried out?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is the temperature of all refrigerate units including shop floor units and larger backup chills recorded twice a day if not connected to a digital temperature monitoring system?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
The temperature of all refrigerate units including shop floor units and larger backup chills must be recorded twice a day if not connected to a digital temperature monitoring system check this is being completed
Do staff understand the Control Points and the Critical Control Points for the areas they are working in, and are aware of the corrective action to be taken in the instance of product being outside of the acceptable limits?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Staff working in area asked to identify tasks & limits/ critical for the CCP / CP and are they aware of actions to take if out of limit
Are records for cleaning kept and available for this week?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Records for cleaning must be available for this week. Initialed and counter signed by the supervisor
Mood Ice Cream
Is the wash hand basin supplied with liquid, antibacterial soap, paper towels and hot and cold (or suitably mixed) running water and a sign that states Now Wash Your Hands, taps non hand operated
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Magic eye or knee and tap inserts available? Is the water running at a suitable temperature for handwashing? The wash hand basin must be supplied with liquid, antibacterial soap, paper towels and hot and cold (or suitably mixed) running water ( temperature 3545C) and a sign that states Now Wash Your Hands. Taps inserts should be available. Ensure the paper towel is in a dispenser
Do staff serving at the Moo'd counter have their hair tied back and observing handwashing guidelines?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Are staff practicing good hygiene practice and allergen awareness?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Speak to team members. Are they aware of good hygiene practices and demonstrate good allergen awareness such as the 14 declared allergens and how to deal with queries about allergens
Do staff ensure that ready to eat foods are protected from contamination from microorganisms from raw foods through zoning, good personal hygiene and the correct 2 stage clean process?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Are food safe gloves worn, changed regularly at the same times when you would wash your hands and hand washed prior to putting on and taking off.?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Food safe gloves should be changed regularly (the same times when you would wash your hands)
Are all areas, surfaces (including hand contact surfaces) and food equipment in good repair and clean, not posing any contamination risk to food and kept clear including lights, walls, ceilings and floors?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
All surfaces should be smooth, made of nonporous materials, be in good repair so that they are easy to clean and disinfect where required, clean and should not pose any contamination risk to the food. If damage is seen, then were the store management aware and have actions been considered to repair. In preparation areas walls should be protected to a height of 1.8m (in cooking areas, this should be heat resistant). Light fittings should either be shatterproof tubes or covered with diffusers (this also applies to the EFK tubes). Observation/ general comment on the overall cleaning and repair of the store/ area in store. The overall impact on the safety of the issue noted has on the safety of the food must be assessed
Are utensils, glass and perspex in good repair e.g. handles, boards? Are slicing and mincing blades, knives and scissors etc visually checked before use?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is display equipment clean?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Are foods within their Best Before or Use By Date? Is stock rotated and used on a FIFO basis. Has the batch traceability sheet been completed for whipped ice cream
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Are chillers and freezers over loaded and display cabinets filled past their load line? Have the temperature check sheets been completed for the week
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is packaging which will come into contact with food kept covered and off the floor and away from contamination and packaging for use with raw and ready to eat foods kept in the separate areas?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Food contact packaging must be stored inverted. Packaging for use with raw and ready to eat foods must be kept in the separate areas and packaging stored in raw areas must never be taken in ready to eat areas. Cross contamination risk must be assessed
Do staff understand the Control Points and the Critical Control Points for the areas they are working in, and are aware of the corrective action to be taken in the instance of product being outside of the acceptable limits ?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Staff working in area asked to identify tasks & limits/ critical for the CCP / CP and are they aware of actions to take if out of limit. Ice cream can be stores @ 12C in Moo'd counter for a period of 1 month
Are records for cleaning kept and available for this week?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Records for cleaning must be available for this week. Initialled and counter signed by the supervisor
Back Store
Are premises and equipment in good repair including lights, walls, ceiling and floors?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Assess the area for general state of structural repair. Including lichets, walls, ceilings and floors in all back areas including the staff canteen
Are animal by Products waste kept separate from other waste, the container must be labelled ‘goods not for human consumption’ and must be leak proof?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Are animal by Products waste kept separate from other waste, the container must be labelled ‘goods not for human consumption’ and must be leak proof?
Are all bins and bin areas kept clean and bins kept covered?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is there an adequate number of bins supplied in all areas of the store with disposable sacks to allow for adequate segregation and control of food and non food waste and labelled as to their purpose? Is food waste removed from the food handling areas as often as necessary and at least daily?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is there an adequate number of bins supplied in all areas of the store with disposable sacks to allow for adequate segregation and control of food and non food waste and labelled as to their purpose? Is food waste removed from the food handling areas as often as necessary and at least daily?
Is water and drainage provided to the yard to facilitate cleaning? Skips/ bins are a self draining hard surface. Yard well kept and clean
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Are premises adequately proofed against pests and clear of any harbourage? Are external clear of harbourage and redundant equipment ?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is a designated, labelled area present for products awaiting return or destruction?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Are warehouse doors kept closed when not in use?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is cleaning equipment kept in good repair and kept clean, colour coded, mop buckets have a drainage function and mops stored correctly? Is the cleaning room/ sluice room in a clean and sanitary condition, adequately ventilated and maintained. Are cleaning chemicals food grade and come with a safety data sheet which addresses how to safely handle the chemical and steps to take in the event of accidental exposure?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Are products stored correctly as per their recommended storage regimes e.g. chilled, frozen, ambient and chillers and freezers not overloaded and display cabinets not filled past their load lines?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Back Store Areas specifically. Foods must be stored correctly as per manufacturer recommendations chilled/ frozen/ ambient. Back up chills and freezers must not be over capacity and working within acceptable temperature ranges. Foods must not be stored outdoors in open canopies/ any external storage must be fully sealed and not pose a contamination risk to the food
Are foods within their Best Before or Use By Date?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check the dates on a sample of foods in dry stores, refrigerators, freezers. These must be within their Best Before or Use By Date. For foods a USE BY a decision on scoring will be based on the amounts found out of date the nature of products found out of date, the quantity and the risk to food safety. If the products are not identified as returns or waste a non conformance can be given based on the amount of items seen
Are Raw and Ready to eat foods stored to ensure there is no risk of contamination?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Raw and Ready to eat foods must be stored to ensure there is no risk of contamination e.g. covered and in separate units, in separate areas of a unit or raw food below ready to eat food
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Are food and Non Food items stored separately, not on the floor and away from the walls?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Food and Non Food items should be stored separately, foods must not be stored directly on the floor and should be away from the wall to minimise contamination risks and allow thorough cleaning
Is packaging in good repair on arrival and being placed for sale and packaging which will come into contact with food also kept covered and off the floor and away from contamination?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is the core temperature of chilled foods is between 0°C and 5°C?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is the core temperature of frozen foods controlled at the required temperatures?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
The core temperature of frozen foods is 18oC. The air temperature is to be checked in the freezers. We ask stores not to check the gauges as these are unreliable. Between pack testing completed if an out of spec air temp is noted. HACCP plan allows for a between pack temperature of 12C this is due to the nature of the food and the packaging of the products. The critical limit for the core temperature is 15C. Destruct test only completed if between pack test is out of spec. Check team member understanding. Majority of large backup freezers will be managed by a central temperature monitoring system as well, that will alarm when out of spec. Check to ensure alarms are being actioned
Are foods only out of temperature control for a maximum of 30 minutes?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Foods must only be out of temperature control for a maximum of 30 minutes check through observations and ask team members how long chilled/frozen foods can be outside of temperature control to ensure awareness of maintenance of the cold chain
Are inbound deliveries inspected as per the Goods In Procedure? Inbound temperature checks must be conducted on non Musgrave Deliveries. All ambient deliveries ( including local suppliers) when being checked in on arrival, should be checked for cross contamination, hygiene of vehicle, personnel and condition of packaging. Only exception of the intake criteria should be recorded on CPS 1.1 supplier Non Conformance Log. If Kelsius is used are temperature checks recorded
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
MPRI deliveries are not required to have temperature checks conducted on them. All other deliveries including Central Billing and local deliveries (this includes Food Academy Suppliers) must be checked. Physical inspections for damage/ contamination etc must also be conducted. Centra stores only receive chilled MRPI deliveries 3 times per week and ambient 2 times per week and may not have other outside deliveries
Are monitoring records for chilled storage and frozen storage captured?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check completion of monitoring records required for the area which could include chilled storage and frozen storage. Are they accurate and compliant with food safety requirements
Do staff understand the Control Points and the Critical Control Points for the areas they are working in, and are aware of the corrective action to be taken in the instance of product being outside of the acceptable limits?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Staff working in area asked to identify task & limits/ critical for the CCP / CP and are they aware of actions to take if out of limit
Are records for cleaning kept and available for this week?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Staff Areas
Is the wash hand basin supplied with liquid, antibacterial soap, paper towels and hot and cold (or suitably mixed) running water and a sign that states Now Wash Your Hands, taps non hand operated e.g. magic eye or knee and tap inserts available? Is the water running at a suitable temperature for handwashing?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
The wash hand basin must be supplied with liquid, antibacterial soap, paper towels and hot and cold (or suitably mixed) running water ( temperature 3545C) and a sign that states Now Wash Your Hands. Taps inserts should be available. Ensure the paper towel is in a dispenser. Note elbow/knee operated taps are not required in the Staff areas ie Toilets/Canteen
Are there are an adequate number of toilets (one flush toilet per 15 members of staff) Are they vented, not opening onto food rooms and are all doors self closing? Toilets are kept clean and in a sanitary condition
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Adequate facilities must be provided as per no of staff. All doors must be self closing and ventilation is operational and clean. Toilets should be checked at least twice daily, ideally hourly. These should be clean and not have an off odour
Are lockers provided in changing rooms in clean condition?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Lockers provided in changing rooms DO NOT have to be raised off the floor. assessment needed on cleaning practices around the lockers and on top to ensure they are maintained in a clean condition and not a site for the harbourage of insects and rodents. The locker room and toilets must be included in the cleaning schedule. Changing areas and lockers must be kept clean and tidy. Toilets should be cleaned at least daily. Observe if cleaning schedule is being adhered to
Is protective clothing for raw and ready to eat areas stored separately?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Protective clothing for raw and ready to eat areas must be stored separately to minimise contamination risks
Is protective clothing stored away from outdoor clothing?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is protective clothing worn in the toilets, canteen or outside the premises?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is there an adequate number of bins supplied in all areas of the store with disposable sacks to allow for adequate segregation and control of food and non food waste and labelled as to their purpose? Is food waste removed from the food handling areas as often as necessary and at least daily?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
There must be an adequate number of bins supplied in all areas of the store to allow for adequate segregation and control of waste. Disposable sacks should be used for the disposable waste food and debris. Food and non food waste should be segregated. Bins shall be labelled as to their purpose e.g. food waste and general waste. Food waste must be removed from the food handling areas as often as necessary and at least daily. Bins must be well maintained and not overflowing
Is the canteen & staff areas clean? Check microwave, fridge for out of dates, area generally kept clean and tidy
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Canteen / Staff areas must be kept clean and tidy. Structurally in good repair
Are records for cleaning kept and available for this week?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is a system of measuring the competency of the staff and their awareness of the conducting their duties in a food safe way in place? If the Kelsius System is used in store have the relevant personnel signed off their training on the system
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Exam or questions at end of training with observational sign off. These must be on file for all staff members if training completed
Are the training needs of all staff identified through their job specification ie Food Handler, floor staff etc and is this as per the training policy?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
FOOD SAFETY TRAINING The training needs of all staff shall be identified through their job specification ie Food Handler, floor staff etc. Check correct training has been identified for team members. Team members must be trained in what to do in the event of a Product Recall or Product Withdrawal Chemical Training Allergen Training Breakage check training records
Are staff trained to on the pre requisites, level 1 and be supervised prior to working in an open food area? Have they been trained to Level 2 Food Safety Training within 3 months of starting work?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Team members must be trained on the pre requisites, and to level 1 food safety, be supervised prior to working in an open food area. team members must be trained to a Level 2 Food Safety Training within 3 months of starting work. Check training records for team members seen today
Are training records kept on file for the duration of a person's employment and for a period of 2 years post cessation of their employment?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Training records must be kept on file for the duration of a person's employment and for a period of 2 years post cessation of their employment. Review a sample of training records in particular for people working during the audit
Pest Control
If rodents are found internally, is there a follow up inspections and treatments until the problem is eradicated (2 successive clear visits, 2 days apart). If there is rodent activity externally it should be followed up withing 7 days and occur weekly until clear
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
If rodents have been found check there has been follow up inspections and treatments until the problem is eradicated (2 successive clear visits, 2 days apart). If there is rodent activity externally it should be followed up within 7 days and depending on the findings in the boxes the technician is permitted to use poison/toxic bait if needed as long as an Environmental Risk Assessment is carried out by that technician at that time. A follow up visit should occur weekly until clear
Is there an up to date site map available showing baits, traps and electric fly killers? Locations of all baits internally and externally and the associated bait point numbers
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
A site map must be available showing baits, traps and electric fly killers. The site map must be reviewed and confirmed as up to date (annual review or post works completed in store
Were at least 68 routine inspections in the previous 12 month (57 week intervals)? Were actions or recommendations from visits recorded including proofing/ housekeeping or cleaning recommendations? Were the actions closed out by the store. The records must be available for review these can be paper or electronic
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check there are at least 68 routine pest control inspections took place in the past 12 month (57 week intervals). Minor if visits not conducted at required frequency, if less than 8 is contracted in 12 month period Major if less than 8 visits conducted and the provider is contracted to provide 8 Check actions from recommendations by the pest contractor were recorded and follow up actions taken by the store to close out any issues highlighted including missing bait points or proofing issues
Are EFK tubes changed annually, unless validation from the contractor e.g. Rentokil LED bulbs that are 3 years and are more than 2.4 meters from the floor and not pre surfaces. No other fly insect preparations in use?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
EFK tubes must be changed annually, unless validation from the contractor e.g. Rentokil LED bulbs confirmed are to be changed every 3 years check for evidence this is being completed. Location of the EFK to be reviewed not directly above food prep area
Are all internal bait boxes and bait points numbered? External bait points to be, numbered, tamper proof & secured
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check internal & external bait boxes are secured, numbered and have no evidence of tampering
Does the contractor report to the site management prior to leaving and provide a debrief on the findings of their visit and any recommendations and are recommendations closed out?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
The pest control contractor must report to the site management prior to leaving and provide a debrief on the findings of their visit and any recommendations
Food Safety Management System
Is there an up to date list of the local / nonnominated suppliers used (Independent Purchasing of Goods) available?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Local suppliers must be approved by the store to achieve this a Local Supplier Questionnaire must be on file. These must be dated within the past 2 years and reviewed every subsequent 2 years after that. The Suppliers HACCP plan and flow must accompany the documents. Food Academy supplied (SV) fall outside of this requirement as they are approved centrally. Central Billing suppliers also fall outside of this requirement
Does an annual HACCP/ Food Safety Management Review take place or when something has changed and minutes of the review retained on file?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
An annual HACCP/ Food Safety Management Review shall take place or when something has changed and minutes of the review retained on file. Check this has been completed
Do management know where the Hazard Analysis document, Process Flow and Control Plan is stored to be able to provide this to the EHO or external auditor if requested? Is there a HACCP Team in place? If the Kelsius System is used in the store has it been added to the HACCP Plan
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Management must know where the Hazard Analysis document, Process Flow and Control Plan is stored to be able to provide this to the external auditor. Request to see this. The HACCP Team shall consist of at least two members; who shall include the Owner/Manager with executive responsibility and authority for Food Safety and/or the delegated senior member of staff Food Safety Champion. At least one member of the team trained in the principles of HACCP. This must be documented
Does the store have copies of relevant legislation on file or knowledge of where to locate these?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Stores normally refer to Musgrave for legislative questions. Store should be aware of this or aware of where to locate frequently used docs
Is the retail premises registered or approved by the relevant regulatory authority in line with its original registration?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
The Retail Premises shall be registered or approved by the relevant regulatory authority. If the operation has changed, the registration should be updated. While registration may not be on file store will have EHO letters to demonstrate registrations and visits as a FBO
Is there a Food Safety Policy in place and communicated to all staff?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
This policy shall outline the Retailers commitment to Food Safety, a strong food safety culture and the provision of resources to support this. This shall be displayed prominently in store for staff
Are monitoring and verification records for Control Points, Critical Control Points and Pre Requisites reviewed weekly?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Non conformances shall be identified. Corrective Actions identified and comments recorded as regards actions taken
Are records being completed accurately and truthfully, in line with the timing required to perform the tasks?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check monitoring records for deliveries, refrigeration, cooking, reheating, cooling, chill display, hot holding, cleaning etc. Have team members completed these accurately and truthfully. If not check the action the store have taken to address
Is there a system of documents in store to ensure that the most recent version of documents and procedures are available. Records of amendments must be kept with the Food Safety Management System?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
A system of document control must be in place in store. The most recent version of documents should be available and in use in the store. Store may have bespoke records and must not be penalised if not using the Musgrave specific records. If new procedures are issued to stores or updated by Musgrave as a new process these must be available in store
Is there a system of Food Safety & Housekeeping audits in place?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
These will take place at a minimum of quarterly. HACCP documents, weekly verification checks, compliance with this standard shall be assessed as part of that audit. Audits can be conducted by an external company/ 3rd party, audits must be completed quarterly and actions addressed
Is a glass register in place and a regular check carried out on all glass implements/ equipment to ensure there are no breakages and no risk to product? Is glass in windows or doors leading into open food areas shatterproof and is a glass/Perspex/crockery breakage procedure available?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
An audit must be conducted of such items at a minimum of quarterly. The audit shall be held on file. The register should include windows, glass screens, lightfittings, electronic screens and clocks. Glass in windows or doors leading into open food areas should be shatterproof check documentation available on glass type for windows and doors
Is there a policy that staff do not return until they are symptom free (after stopping all relevant medication) for 48 hours and do staff complete the Illness Report Form before being allowed to return to open food areas?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check there is a policy that team members must not return until they are symptom free (after stopping all relevant medication) for 48 hours. Up to date return to work form in the Food Safety Manual covers this. If the store is not aware please advise them
Are protective clothing washed separately from the household wash and washed at 60oC or above?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Ask where PPE is washed at home or centrally. If central, check specification from laundry. If home laundering check that declaration has been completed and on file
Is a label validation challenge included as part of the weekly Food Safety Verification checks?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
A label validation challenge should be included as part of the weekly Food Safety Verification checks. Ask for examples of this to demonstrate it is being completed
Is a Product Recall procedure available including where actions taken are recorded and are the Products involved, amount of stock affected, where produced, the quantity of product affected, batches, date codes all recorded for both product recalls and withdrawals?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
A Product Recall procedure must be available including where actions taken are recorded. All product recalls from Musgrave must be printed regardless of whether they are stocked in store or not. The Product Recall notifications must be held on file in store and noted on it what action was taken. There may be some gaps in the number sequencing as some recalls are SuperValu or Centra specific
Is a customer complaints procedure in place and are customer complaints investigated (in the case of in house produced foods), closed out, root cause identified and trending conducted to ensure recurrence can be prevented?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
The customer complaints procedure will detail the steps to take in the case of a Food Poisoning incident or Foreign Body complaint. Customer complaints must be investigated ( in the case of in house produced foods), closed out, root cause identified and trending conducted to ensure recurrence can be prevented check recent customer complaints to ensure this is being completed. Customer complaints on products supplied through Musgrave are notified to Musgrave and they will investigate and keep the store informed out close out
Is a schedule of testing devised by the store to ensure that all products are verified over a period of 2 years? Records should be kept for at least 2 years
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Shelf Life assessment is only required where a store has developed their own range of products and are not following Musgrave guidelines. If a product is being given more than 2 days shelf life ie Day of production + 2 days then they must have shelf life analysis conducted to verify the shelf life being applied. A schedule of testing shall be devised by the store to ensure that all products are verified over a period of 2 years. Products can be assessed in categories to meet this requirement ie pies/ lasagnes etc
Is all shelf life analysis carried out in accredited laboratory only, and are results interpreted to ensure guidance criteria are met and is microbiological testing conducted on all foods produced in store that have a shelf life of longer than two days?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
The results of testing should be held on file for at least 2 years. Products must be on a testing schedule to ensure the shelf life of all in store produced food is covered. Products must be retested if there are recipe changes or new products developed. this testing only applies to foods that have a shelf life of longer than 2 days (day of production plus 2). Any food where shelf life has been extended in store ie via MAP packing or Vacuum packing must have shelf life verification on file to justify the shelf life extension
Are environmental swabs used to verify the effectiveness of cleaning and is the frequency of swabbing determined by a risk assessment?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Linked to shelf life verification micro swabbing and other micro testing being done by stores. Not all stores complete this testing. Category 1 A store that only produces, manufactures or packages food that will be consumed within two days of production is not required to conduct any microbiological testing of the food or conduct environmental swabbing. Stores should not lose marks in the Retail Food Safety Audit if this testing is not conducted. A store may choose to conduct this testing of their own accord. Please note: If unsatisfactory results are received from this testing they must be acted upon, failure to do so may result in a nonconformance being awarded in the audit. Category 2 A store that produces, manufactures or packages food that will have a shelf life or greater than two days post production must conduct microbiological testing of the food to verify the safety and shelf life of the food and conduct environmental swabbing to ensure cleaning and hygiene practices in store are not impacting on the safety of the food. The testing to be conducted is set out by FASI Guidance Note 3:Guidelines for the Interpretation of Results of Microbiological Testing of ReadytoEat Foods Placed on the Market
Are private supplies (well, borehole or spring) treated prior to use and systems regularly serviced and this is recorded e.g. filters changed, UV lights renewed?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Private water supplies (well, borehole or spring) must be treated prior to use e.g. filters or uv treatment. Check this is in place for stores being served by a private water supply
All probes including Kelsius probes are calibrated annually, externally to a national standard, and calibration certificates for all probes held on the system? Has quarterly internal probe calibration been carried out?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Store probes and kelsius probes to be taken into account
Overall Cleaning
Is the overall level of cleanliness in the store acceptable?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Is the overall level of cleanliness in the store acceptable this is a general review of the storage areas/ behind counters/ shop floor including coffee self service areas and till area
Is separate complex equipment provided for raw and ready to eat foods e.g. vacuum packers? Is there a schedule of Maintenance for complex equipment in place and service carried out per Manufacturers instruction. Are bespoke pieces of equipment CE certified?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Complex equipment has been found to be capable of being cleaned sufficiently to ensure foods are not at risk of contamination, separate complex equipment must be provided for raw and ready to eat foods e.g. vacuum packers. If no equipment service records available
Are works carried out where open food is on sale and may impact on the safety of the food?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
No works shall be carried out where open food is on sale and the works being carried out may impact on the safety of the food
Is the grease trap maintained in a hygienic manner and in good condition. There should be no evidence of in ground dirt or rancid or gone off oil/ grease in the area. Is recovered grease and oil from grease traps disposed of down sinks or drains and is there a specific tank for grease and is this emptied regularly?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check grease traps and skimming cycle. Recovered grease and oil from grease traps must be disposed of correctly and have a dedicated storage in the yard. Drums / Septic Tank must be collected and emptied regularly by a registered contractor and maintained in a clean condition
Are chemicals stored in nonfood, labelled containers in a way that minimises the risk of contamination and have instructions on their safe and proper use in a food production application?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Cleaning chemicals must be stored correctly and safely. Concentrates must be correctly labelled containers and not decanted into other containers unless clearly labelled. They must never be stored in repurposed food containers. Bottles for use in the different departments must be labelled as to what they are. Unapproved chemicals such as shop floor chemicals must not be in use. Note Domestic products can be used in staff toilets/canteens
Overall Allergen
Are the correct signs available, at all open food areas and also where loose food is sold, giving allergen advice?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Check correct signs are available, at all open food areas and also where loose food is sold, giving allergen advice for the customer
Is an allergen information folder available at all open food areas information points and the database is printed off from GOLD and updated every 2 weeks?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
An allergen information folder is available at all open food areas information points and the database is printed off from GOLD and updated every 2 weeks. Check the allergen folder is placed on a stand or in a holder on the wall, they must not be behind the counter or out of sight of the customer. Allergen Database/ Allergen Folder
Do all labels comply with The Food Information to Consumers Regulation EU 1169/2011. This applies to all products produced/ packed and labelled in store? For stores own recipes, is the store ensuring the label is correct and meeting legislative requirements? Are "Prepared by our Butcher and Fishmonger" branded labels only being used where products are prepared and sold from the same premises?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Sample of products produced in store reviewed. Particular attention must be paid to allergens labelling. If the stores own recipes are being used, the store is responsible for ensuring the label is correct and meeting legislative requirements Check a sample of recipes against labels. Labelled products (min of 1 product per department producing in store labelled food): Allergens must be declared correctly as per Musgrave guidance, highlighted in a way that makes it stand out from the other ingredients (e.g. in bold or CAPS or both
Has the store determined if they are required to comply fully with the legislation ie Nutritional information declaration or full ingredient listing or if they are exempt? Supporting evidence must be held on file
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
A store that is selling foods on another premises may be required to have more indepth labelling on pack ie Full ingredient listing & nutritional info. The store must determine this. This requirement does not apply to stores that are producing foods and selling them on site
Food Safety Culture
During the audit did the Senior Store management/ Owner and department leads role model food safety through their behaviour, support of staff and provision of resources to relevant personnel in store?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Auditor shall be introduced in a positive way to the staff, manager to give their full attention to the audit if they are assigned to accompany the auditor. Manager / relevant person to be present at the closing meeting of the audit and ask questions in relation to the findings. Senior Store management / Owner / Managers / relevant person speak and act on food safety without prompts from auditor and readily share details about the stores food safety practices
Do food Safety reviews take place regularly within departments and at a store level? Are these reviews part of management meetings, documented, and shared with store staff?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
Food safety reviews should take place both regularly and on an ad hoc basis if an issues arises. These reviews must involve staff from the departments not just management. Discussions should be open and frank, food safety performance, recognitions, and root cause analysis of issues can form part of reviews. A culture of highlighting what could be improved to be in place. These topics should come up spontaneously during conversation with staff as they will demonstrate pride in their work and achievements in the area, where a strong and positive food safety culture exists
Are repeat Critical/Major Nonconformance raised in the second audit because the Root cause has not been properly addressed?
- Major
- Minor
- N/A
- Satisfactory
- Questions Specification
- Observation
- Critical
If a repeat Critical/Major Nonconformance is raised in the subsequent audit because the Root cause has not been properly addressed this will result in an additional Major Nonconformance being awarded for Food Safety Culture