Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Inspection period. Quarter or Month. I.e. Q2 2022

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Who are the team members on duty?


  • Signage is well maintained. The guests clearly can read the business name

  • The outside of the building is in good repair

  • The front door is free of smudges

  • The windows are cleaned regularly

  • Any out door trashes are not over flowing. Trash receptacles are cleaned regularly

  • There are no cigarette butts present in sidewalk or parking lot

  • Landscaping is in good condition

  • Parking lot is free from debris and trash. Well maintained

  • Hours of operation are clearly posted and accurate

  • Is there a patio?

  • Patio chairs are cleaned and maintained? Including Chair legs?

  • Patio tables are cleaned and maintained? Including table bases?

  • Patio feels inviting. Free from trash and debris

  • Patio lighting is on during appropriate hours


  • The entry way is free of debris. Feels welcoming to come inside

  • Door threshold and handles are clean

  • Floors are swept and mopped daily

  • Floors are spot swept and mopped as needed

  • Chairs are clean including chair legs

  • Tables are clean including table bases

  • Tables and chairs are well maintained. Not wobbling

  • Condiment bar is cleaned, stocked and setup to standard

  • Pastry display is free of crumbs and smudge free

  • Pastries are labeled properly

  • Pastries are within freshness and well presented

  • Trashes are all less than half full. Trash cans are cleaned regularly

  • Internal light fixtures are all working, turned on and dust-free

  • Retail merchandise is well stocked and well represented

  • Retail merchandise is dust free and priced

  • All retail merchandise is fresh (not expired)

  • Ceiling fans and vents are dusted regularly

  • Base boards are cleaned regularly

  • All signage is on chalkboard or company approved. Written neatly and professional

  • Music selection is appropriate

  • Music volume is appropriate

  • Internal temperature is appropriate

  • Promos accurately represent current season

  • Wet floor sign is in use when appropriate

  • Door(s) to BOH are kept closed from guest view

  • Any lobby cabinets are clean and organized

  • BOH storage is cleaned and well organized

Licenses and requirements

  • Business license is current and posted

  • What is the expiration date of license?

  • Health department license is current and posted

  • What is the expiration date of the license?

  • Fire extinguisher is up-to-date

  • What is the expiration date of the fire extinguisher?

  • All team members have current food handler's permit


  • Team members can make quality statements about house blend. Roast profile, process, origin, etc.

  • Coffee is properly dosed for drip or pour overs. Team members know the correct dosage amounts

  • Coffee is properly ground. Team members know the correct grind settings

  • Coffee brewer and basket is cleaned to standard daily and maintained

  • Air pot or shuttle is cleaned to standard daily

  • Coffee is fresh and timed with either marker of time made or timer. Not older than 3 hours.

  • Brewed coffee is within proper temperature range (145F - 205F)

  • Water filtration is working properly. TDS is between 75-250ppm. Ideally 150ppm

  • Team members can make quality statements about espresso: Ristretto, Italian, Roast profiles, Roaster company, Grams in basket, double shot, etc.

  • Top of espresso machine is cleaned and set up to standard

  • Under espresso machine is cleaned and free of spills

  • Espresso is dialed in properly. 20 grams per dose in, 40 grams per dose out. Creating a 30-35 second pour

  • Espresso is tamped to standard

  • Shots are used within 30 seconds of extraction

  • Group heads are purged between each use

  • Portafilters are wiped clean between each use

  • Portafilter towel is dry and used for portafilter only

  • Espresso machine is backflushed daily (check inside group head and take out portafilter basket)

  • Steam wands are clean, free of any milk residue and in good repair

  • Steam wands have their own designated, wet with sanitizer water, towel. Used only for steam wands

  • Milk is steamed to temperature. 135F - 150F degrees

  • Milk is texture is silky, with good micro-foam texture

  • Syrup and sauce station is cleaned daily. Free of sticky syrup residue

  • Syrup and sauce pumps are cleaned daily. Outside of sauce bottles are cleaned as needed

  • Drink build is made to standard and consistent to SOP recipes across all team members

  • Correct number of pumps of syrup are used in correct sizes

  • Non-coffee drinks: tea, smoothies, lemonade, etc. made to standard

  • All "core" syrups are available

  • All "core" milk options are available

  • Cold Brew is made to standard. No expired cold brew (72 hours)

  • Iced tea is made to standard. No expired iced tea (72 hours)

  • All appropriate Bar items are dated and labeled

  • All bar items are within freshness date (no expired products)

  • Bar Quality standards are held. No "cutting corners"


  • Food orders are served within 10 minutes of order

  • All food is served in proper containers and with standard side items when appropriate

  • Guests are given proper utensils when appropriate

  • Guests are given napkins when taking items to-go

  • Team members follow company standard recipes

  • Kitchen line is clean and maintained

  • All food and containers are properly labeled and dated

  • All cooking tools and utensils are cleaned. Utensils are labeled to avoid cross-contamination

  • All food is within freshness dates. Not expired.

  • Fridges are cleaned regularly, door handles are wiped.

  • Team members are wearing gloves while preparing food items.

  • Temperature of Hot food is over 140 degrees. Temp of cold food is 41 or below.

  • Team members are knowledgeable about menu ingredients. They know common allergies and can make recommendations for substitutions.

  • All food items are following company recipes and standards.

  • Hot food is served hot. Seasoned properly.

Health and Safety

  • All refrigerators are 41 degrees F or below. Freezers are 0 degrees F or below.

  • Temp logs are filled out twice daily

  • Employee food and drinks are kept off any prep surfaces. Drinks must be in their own cup with lid

  • Bus runs / Sanitation runs are being done every 15 minutes

  • Sanitation towels are kept off prep surfaces. Kept in labeled, red sanitation bucket.

  • Sanitation bucket is changed out every 4 hours. (Check with test strip)

  • Team members are following hand washing procedures

  • Hand washing sink is used for handwashing only. Handwashing sign is posted

  • Cleaning supplies are kept separate from consumable products

  • All consumable foods and boxes are stored at least 6 inches off of the floor

  • Cleaning supplies bottles are clearly labeled with what product it contains

  • All doors to BOH remain closed

  • BOH to outside remains shut and locked

  • Hot water is at least 110 degrees F for hand washing

  • Fresh hot water is used in the 3 compartment sink for the (washing) part of the process

  • Sanitizer side of the 3 compartment side is changed regularly (check with test strip)

  • Dishes are set out to air dry before they are put away

  • There is no evidence of pests

  • No health codes are being broken

  • No safety issues were observed


  • The fridge gaskets are in good repair

  • Approx. Date of gaskets replaced

  • The air filter has been switched out in the last 3 months?

  • Approx. Date of air filter changed

Service, Hospitality and Team Member Interaction

  • Entrance: Team members are acknowledging guests before they reach the register. Guests are able to hear the acknowledgement

  • Welcome: Team members send a warm and friendly welcome that includes a genuine smile and eye contact

  • Register: Team members are knowledgeable about retail offerings

  • Register: Team members can make quality statements and answer allergy questions about the pastries

  • Register: Team members answers the phone in a warm, friendly and helpful manner

  • Register: Online ordering remains on during business hours

  • Register: Online orders are fulfilled on-time

  • Register: Team members are engaging with each guest. Building relationships

  • Register: Team members are personalizing each guest's experience

  • Register: Team members are mentioning our reward program to each guest

  • Register: Team members are able to make quality statements about coffee and our brand

  • Register: Team members are recommending complimentary items to each item ordered

  • Register: Team members ask every guest for their name

  • Register: The guest is asked if their order is "For here to go"

  • Register: Orders "For here" are placed in proper ceramic mugs and cups. Unless otherwise specified by the guest

  • Register: The guest's order is repeated back to them to ensure great communication

  • Register: The guests are communicated to how to pick up their food and beverage orders upon completion

  • Hand-off: Team members are calling out the guest's names. Stating the beverage and any modifications

  • Hand-off: Hand-off greetings are friendly. TMs ENSURE that guests receive their order

  • Hand-off: Guests are thanked (again)

  • Hand-off: Drinks are handed off without spills on cup or saucer or lid.

  • Hand-off: Drink presentation is to standard

  • Hand-off: Lids are secure on beverage. TMs are careful not to touch the sipper hole

  • Hand-off: Hand-off area is clean and well organized. Items not belonging are not present

  • Team members are all observing company dress-code

  • Team members are representing the company in a friendly and professional manner

  • Team members are well groomed and take care of personal hygiene

  • Guest Recovery: Shift leads resolve guest conflict following L.A.S.T. method. Listen apologize, solve and thank

  • Complimentary coupons are available for guest recovery

  • Team members are doing several table touches per hour and engaging with guests. (When appropriate and for an appropriate amount of time)

Efficiency standards

  • An appropriate number of TMs are working and available for the needs of the business. Breaks are not being executed during busy rushes

  • MOD is directing flow and doing regular position switches when appropriate

  • MOD is keeping "aces in their places" during peak times

  • The TM positioned on register expedites pastry orders immediately then slides to kitchen position after the line has been expedited

  • TMs are working tandem bar to standard. Not crossing over each other

  • MOD ensures good communication is taking place to ensure the best possible efficiency

  • Team members remain cool and collected as well as friendly during peak times

  • Side tasks are only being completed during down times. (Guests come first always)

  • Employees stay off their phones during their shift. They may check their phones at the beginning and end of their shift to check communication channels and during their break

Guest Observations x3

  • The guest was warmly greeted upon entering the building

  • Wait time from end of line to register

  • Guest's wait from end of line to register was under 8 minutes

  • Team members make the guests feel welcomed

  • Team members engaged with the guest

  • Guests are informed about the rewards program

  • Team members can help guest with any menu questions

  • Team member repeats back the order

  • Team member helps the guest personalize their order

  • Team member ask for here or to go and indicates it on the order ticket, as well as the guest's name

  • The guest is thanked and directed to the hand-off area

  • Drink wait time is under 5 minutes

  • Drink wait time

  • Drinks are made to recipe standard and well presented

  • At hand-off, TM uses the guest name, drink and any modifiers

  • Food items are made to recipe standard and well presented

  • Wait time for food items are under 10 minutes

  • Time from POS to food completion

Untitled Page

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.