Loria Holdings Inc.

  • Organization

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Supplier Information

  • Name Of Supplier


  • City:

  • Province/State:

  • Postal/Zip Code

  • County

  • Telephone #

  • Fax #/Email:

  • Primary Contact:

A. Additional Company Information

  • Number of Years under current business name:

  • Has your company operated under other business names?

  • If YES, list other name(s) under which your company has operated:

  • Ownership:

  • If subsidiary of another company, provide the name of the parent company:

  • Company Contact when requesting general support (Telephone and Email)

  • Company Contact for Quality related information (Telephone and Email)

Key Personnel: List the principle individuals of your company below:

  • Name:

  • Present Position

  • Years with Company

  • Name:

  • Present Position

  • Years with Company

  • Name:

  • Present Position

  • Years with Company

B. Product / Service Provision

  • Type of Service

  • Approximate square footage of facility:

Identify any major tier subcontractor that you normally utilize.

  • Business Name

  • Address:

  • Telephone / Fax

  • Type / Portion of Work/Services

  • Business Name

  • Address:

  • Telephone / Fax

  • Type / Portion of Work/Services

  • Business Name

  • Address:

  • Telephone / Fax

  • Type of Portion of Work/Services

C. Quality Management

  • Do you have a certified Quality Management System (ISO9000, ISO-13485, or equivalent)?

  • If YES, specified the type of Quality Management System:

  • Name of registering body:

  • Expiration of current registration:

  • Copies of Certification/Letter(s) of Approval etc. attached:

  • If YES, specified the type of Quality Management System:

  • Name of registering body:

  • Expiration of current registration:

  • Copies of Certification/Letter(s) of Approval etc. attached:

  • If YES, specified the type of Quality Management System:

  • Name of registering body:

  • Expiration of current registration:

  • Copies of Certification/Letter(s) of Approval etc. attached:

  • List codes and standards to which your company are qualified/certified (ASTM, API, ANSI, CSA, etc) including any sections/division. (eg CSA 47.1 Di. 2.1)

The company representative below attests to the accuracy of all responses given herein.

  • Name:

  • Title:

  • Telephone:

  • Email:

  • Fax/Phone:

  • Date of Questionnaire Submitted (dd-mm-yy)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.