Audit Title
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Conducted on
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Does the principal review and approve the month end financial reports in detail each month?
Are unexplained differences that are found in the financial reports justified by the finance technician?
Does the finance technician receive W-9s from applicable vendors (1099 vendors) to send to central accounting with the Local School Payments to Non Employees Report (FS 155) so that 1099's are filed on a consolidated basis (all schools in the school system) for applicable vendors?
Does the principal or the appointed designee approve all fund raisers in writing?
Do the sponsors receive a trial balance reports detailing the activity of the Fundraisers?
Are Fundraisers accurately documented with all receipts and disbursements properly justified?
Are fundraisers conducted by auxiliary organizations (e.g. PTA, Booster Club, Community/Business Partnerships) that support school activities?
Bank Reconciliation:
Are bank statements reconciled by the finance technician each month in a timely manner?
Does someone other than the finance technician receive and open the bank statements?
Are outstanding checks > 180 days investigated, voided, or reissued?
On a monthly basis does the principal or designee review the bank reconciliations?
Cash Receipts:
Are School Finance Deposit Slips (FS 131 or FS 131A) completed for all monies received?
Do School Finance Deposit Slips (FS 131 or FS 131A) account for cash and checks separately?
Is the individual remitting the funds named as the depositor on the School Finance Deposit Slip prepared for deposit?
Does the individual remitting the funds receive copy of the School Finance Deposit Slips (FS 131 or FS 131A)?
Are deposits made in compliance with Regulation 5810.7 (School Activity Funds Management)?
Are voided School Finance Deposit Slips (FS 131 or FS 131A), due to an error or other mistake, clearly marked and retained by the Finance Technician?
If available, are all appropriate support retained with the School Finance Deposit Slips (FS 131 or FS 131A) so that deposits are properly document?
Are all checks received immediately stamped “for deposit only."
Are School Finance Deposit Slips (FS 131 or FS 131A) written for monies received from auxiliary organizations (e.g. PTA, Booster Club, Community/Business Partnerships) that support school activities?
Cash Disbursements
Are all disbursements made by check or Pcard?
Is there a change fund at the school?
Is there a petty cash fund at the school?
Are all Pcards controlled by the finance technician, requiring the cards to be signed out and all purchases to be logged?
Are all Pcards kept under lock and key when they are not signed out?<br><br>Where are cards maintained?<br><br>Who has access to the cards?
Are Purchase Orders pre-approved and signed by the principal?
Does the Principal examine all the supporting documentation before approving a payment?
Are checks ever signed by the principal or designee without review of supporting documentation?
Are checks endorsed by the by use of a signature stamp?
Are three telephone bids received and documented for all purchases greater then $5,000 and less than $10,000?
Are three written bids requested and documented for all purchases greater than $10,000?
Transfers and Adjustments
Are fund transfers and adjustments reviewed and pre-approved in writing by the school principal?
Ticket Managment
Are all tickets maintained in the custody of the Ticket Manager?
Are ticket reconciliations prepared by the individuals selling the tickets and then approved by an authorized official?
Are routine shortages immediately investigated?
Are monies from athletic events submitted to the finance technician in a timely manner with School Finance Deposit Slips (FS 131 or FS 131A)?
Are expenses associated with athletic events always paid by check?
Have expenses associated with these events been paid by gate receipts?