Title Page
Doc Number Insert Full Vin Number -
The site conducted (the project and vehicle vin last 6 are to be selected)
Prepared by
Conducted on
Pre PDI Checks - Inspection
Is Build Book Complete - Bingo Sheets Stamped For All Jobs
Are Keys present? Confirm 2 ignition keys, 2 fuel cap keys, CES key. Check the key serial number is recorded correctly on the serial number check sheet.
Photo the sign off sheet and CES: Example: Photo added
CES layed out with laminated, signed off complete checklist record failers
External - Front of Vehicle
Front of Vehicle LH
Front Bumper LH check its fitted, secure - check bolts for torque marks.
Bonnet Latches and Safety Systems Check fitment, security, damage and shut lines
Bonnet rubbers Fitment, security and damage
Lights and guards
Lights and guards
Lights and guards checking DRL, and indicator in the front grill and then the Head light, fog light, Side repeater
Antenna Base
Antenna Base Check fitment, security, for damage, earth bonding cable fitted and Antenna cables fitted
Wiring or lose plugs
Check for loose insecure and bare wiring and or plugs
Cab tilt damper and brakes
Check Cab tilt brakes and damper for fitment, security
Front of vehicle center
Winch (fitted with serial no. visible) Check Security and condition of cradle, Lanyard and pins fitted, earthing straps fitted and greased
Front Smoke Disccharger
Front Smoke discharger cable check fitment, security, damage, earth lead fitted and greased
Front Air Line Connectors
Auxiliary and Emergency Air connectors check fitment, security and covers not damaged. colours to be correct, yellow on left, red on right. colours can be faded so long as they are identifiable
Front Tie Downs
Front tie downs Check fitment, security, damage and bolts torque marker
Front Pintle Function
Check front recovery pintle function and security. pin cannot be removed without rotating it so that the spring is out of the grooves in the pin
Check Step - Security and Function
Check Step security and function. stowed, locked and deployed
Front of Vehicle RH
Front Bumper
Front Bumper LR check its fitted, secure, report any damage and ensure bolts are tight
Bonnet Latches
Bonnet Latches and Safety Systems Check fitment, security, damage and shut lines
Bonnet Rubbers
Bonnet rubbers Fitment, security and damage
Lights Front
Lights - Front - DRL - Indicator - Front Grill - Headlight - Fog - Side Repeater -
Lights and guards checking DRL, and indicator in the front grill and then the Head light, fog light, Side repeater
Loose Insecure Wires Front Bumper
Check that there is no loose, insecure or bare wiring/plugs
Cab Tilt Brakes and Damper
Check Cab tilt brakes and damper for fitment, security
External - RHS of Vehicle
Right Hand Side of Vehcile
Wheel Condition - Runflat Markings
Wheel & tyre condition Check for wear, damage, run flat fitted and Paint damage
Wheel Torque
Wheel nut torques 600NM+/50. Check three nuts on each wheel. if one failure found, all wheels to be failed and rework is 100% set to correct torque
Tyre pressure check on all wheels. Ensure that valve caps are secure once checks are complete
Instruction Front Wheel Arch Fitment and Security
Front Wheel arches and spray suppression fitment security, seal fitment, and damage
Instruction Heat Shielding
Heat Shielding fitted
OEM VIN "X'd" out and new vin engraved underneath (A/W New Image)
OEM VIN X'd out and JAL VIN engraved on chassis. Paint repair completed
Instruction Wing Mirror Fitment
Wing mirrors Check rotation, locking mechanism in both directions, and full range of swing can be achieved. Check that the mirror is set to the correct angle as per work instructions.
Instruction Commander Swing Arm - Weapon Mount -
Commanders weapon swing arm check lock wire is fitted and not damaged, check operation and condition
Instruction Door Cab
Instruction RH Cab Door
RH Door Check that the door fitment - condition - damage = FAIL
Check - door quarter glass fitment - condition - damaged = FAIL
Cab step Check for fitment, security, condition
Grab handles Check for fitment, security and condition
Instruction Tool Stowage Cab
Tool Stowage (Handle) check it fitted and condition
Instruction Fuel Filter
Fuel filter and guard check for fitment, security, condition and check for any leaks
Blast plate - Check for fitment and the RH bolts are torque marked
Side marker light 1 (Front to Rear) Check for fitment and damage
Instruction - Twist Lock -
Instruction - Twist Lock 1
Twist lock 1 (front to Rear) Fitment, operation and damage
Instruction -Twist Lock 2
Twist lock 2 (front to Rear) Fitment, operation and damage
Instruction - Bump Stop
Rubber bump stop fitted 1 (front to Rear) Check for fitment, security and damage
Exhaust Fitment, security, condition and the Badge is covered
Fuel Tank and cap operation Fitment security. Sticker removed and ensure there are no leaks Check key locks and unlocks the cap
Instruction Tie Down's
Tie Down
Centre tie down security and condition
Instruction - Jerry Can Holder
Jerry can holder check for fitment, security, rubber matting, straps fitted and damage
Instruction Bump Stop 2&3
Rubber bump stop fitted 2&3 (front to Rear) Check for fitment, security and damage
Instruction Twist Lock 3
Twist lock 3 (front to Rear) Fitment, operation and damage
Wheel Arch Fitment
Rear wheel arch and stay check for Security, condition, gap between interface frame, orientation and position on the wheel >= 15mm Gap Pass, less than 15mm Gap Fail.
Rear RH wheel
Wheel & tyre condition Check for wear, damage, run flat fitted and Paint damage
Instruction Twist Lock No 4
Twist lock 4 (front to Rear) Fitment, operation and damage
Bump Stop
Rubber bump stop fitted 4 (front to Rear) Check for fitment, security and damage
Side Marker Light
Side marker light 2 (front to rear) Check for fitment and damage
External - Rear of Vehicle
RH Rear of Vehicle
Bump Stop
Bump stops and spacer Fitted, security and condition
Rear Air Connectors -
Rear air connection fitment, security and condition check internal rubber seal face for: damage - dirt - Note - fading of caps is ok, but the colour must still be distinguishable.
Rear tie down
Rear tie down fitted and torqued
Sand Ladders and strap
Sand ladders fitted, security and damage. Nylon Blocks are Bolted Down.
Convoy Light
Convoy Light fitted, security and condition
Interface Frame Serial ID Plate
Serial plate fitted to interface frame Record number below
RH Rear Reflector
check Reflector is fitted correctly and has no damage
Cable Routing
Routing and security of all cables
Rear RH Lights
Rear lights and IR lights fitted security, and harness routing
Rear of Vehicle - Centre
Rear Smoke Grenade Discharger Mount
Rear Smoke Discharger Mounting plate fitted, security and condition. check earth bonding strap is fitted, secure and not damaged
Rear Winch Mount
Winch mounting plate fitted, security. Condition, pins and lanyards fitted and bolts torqued marked and dry fit winch Warrior Cradle
Rear Winch Power Socket
Check that the cover is fitted, secured to vehicle via lanyard, can be removed and that the winch power socket can be connected during the dry fit.
Rear Winch Chassis Earth Cable
ensure winch mounting plate earth bonding cable to chassis is fitted, secure and protected from corrosion
Recovery Bar
Recovery bar and retaining plate fitment and security
Towing Pintle
Rear Towing Pintle fitted, check operation using tool from CES, check for damage, ensure it has a serial plate fitted, record serial number
LH Rear of Vehicle
Chocks (rear left) fitted, security and condition of straps and chocks. Ensure Rubber Safety Edging is Fitted Securely.
LH Rear Reflector
Check Reflector is fitted correctly and has no damage
Cable Routing and Security
Routing and security of all cables
Data Plate
Fitment and condition of the data plate
LH Rear Lights
Rear lights and IR lights fitted security, and harness routing
Bump Stop
Bump stops and spacer Fitted, security and condition
LH Rear Tie Down
Rear tie down fitted and torqued
External - LHS of Vehicle
Left hand side of Vehicle
Twist Lock
Twist lock 1 (Rear to front ) Fitment, operation and damage
Bump Stop
Rubber bump stop fitted 1 (Rear to front ) Check for fitment, security and damage
Side Marker Light
Side marker light 1 (Rear to front ) Check for fitment and damage
Twist Lock
Twist lock 2 (Rear to front) Fitment, operation and damage
Wheel Arch Fitment
Rear wheel arch and stay check for Security, condition, gap between interface frame, orientation and position on the wheel >= 15mm Gap Pass, less than 15mm Gap Fail.
LH Rear Wheel
Wheel & tyre condition Check for wear, damage, run flat fitted and Paint damage
Bump Stops
Rubber bump stop fitted 2&3 (Rear to front ) Check for fitment, security and damage
Brake Fluid Reservoirs
Brake fluid level X4 ensure the all bottles are secure, level is between min and Max Line and no signs of leaking
Inter-vehicle Connections
Slave start connections Ensure there fitted and secure and all caps are fitted and secure. remove the caps, check the condition of the connections and then replace the caps
Twist Lock
Twist lock 3 (Rear to front) Fitment, operation and damage
Battery Box
Battery box & lids Fitment, security and damage,remove cover and check earth is connected
Battery Isolator
Battery isolator Fitted, security and damage
Battery Box Earth Bonding Check
Earth bonding plate is fitted to the chassis, secure, greased and all cables present. earth cable is present and protected between the battery box and the plate
CES box Fitment, security, condition, door seal fitted and Lock function
Tie Down
Centre Tie down. security and condition
Mission Module Power Cables
Mission module cable fitment, security and ensure orientation of anderson plug is correct
Mission Module Power Cables
Mission module cable fitment, security ensure protective bag over plugs fitted
Twist Lock
Twist lock 4 (Rear to front) Fitment, operation and damage
Spare Wheel
Spare wheel fitment, security and condition. Valve should be at the 3 o'clock position and accessible from underneath. tyre pressure should be 6.1bar. valve cap fitted and secure
LHS of Blast Plate
Blast plate Check for fitment and the LH bolts are torqued and the Earth cable is present, secure and greased
Pick Handle Stowage
Tool Stowage (pick handle) check it fitted and condition. Brackets should be at 60 degrees from cab wall.
Grab Handle
Grab handles Check for fitment, security and condition
Cab Step
Cab step Check for fitment, security, condition
1/4 and Door windows
Check Quarter window and door window fitted and not damaged. door window has the extended section to cover the join between upper and lower door sections
Wing Mirrors
Wing mirrors Check fitment, security and condition movement and detents
Wheel Arch
Front Wheel arches and spray suppression fitment security, seal fitment, and damage
Front Right Hand Wheel
Wheel nut torques 600NM+/50
Front Right Hand Wheel
Wheel & tyre condition Check for wear, damage, run flat fitted and Paint damage
Cable Security
Cables in LH wheel arch check fitment, security and damage
Cab External
Front of windscreen upper
Windscreens Fitted, condition, security, correct Rev lower screen plates fitted
Glass Check glass for fitment, damage and any issues
Bonnet fitted, condition, security, Grip patch's Present, hinge nuts tight, washer jet handle fitted
Edging fitted at lower part of windscreens
Wipers ensure connectors are locked in position, earth cables fitted, not damaged and greased, wipers fitted, secure and in the park position
Wire cutter Ensure brackets are fitted. Secure and no damage. Check saftey edging is fitted
Canopy, Ensure canopy is fitted, seated correctly, free from dirt and damage, zips and bungie's secure
Roof mounted spare wheel plate ensure spare wheel plate is fitted on the roof, its secure, free from damage and bolts are torqued up
Windscreen socks present, stowed in bag and not damaged
RH Door
Door Operation Check the door function Front the outside ensuring the press button is not stiff
Earth strap Check fitment, security, damage and grease applied
Check strap check fitment, condition and security
Door Seal check fitment, condition and security
Door covers check fitment, condition and security
Door latch check fitment, condition, security correct bolts fitted
LH Door
Door Operation Check the door function Front the outside ensuring the press button is not stiff
Earth strap Check fitment, security, damage and grease applied
Check strap check fitment, condition and security
Door Seal check fitment, condition and security
Door covers check fitment, condition and security
Door latch check fitment, condition, security correct bolts fitted
Cab Internal
Cab Internal LH
Check VIN label is fitted to cab wall LHS. ensure correct marking for month and year of build.
Clutch pedal Check Fitment, security and there are no leaks
Check under dash harness for security and freedom from pedal
Brake Pedal Check fitment, security, note that fixings are within the engine bay
Accelerator pedal Check fitment and security. bolts should be torqed marked.
Door Operation Check the door function From the inside ensuring the handle is not stiff in operation
Shell bars ensure fitted, security, condition and bolts torque marked. 4.00M label on Driver's side .
Windscreen inner handle fitted and secure, Latches fitted and over centre latch fitted and functions
Windscreen ballistic plate, Fitment, security and condition
Dash vents check fitment, condition, security and operation X3
Check fitment, security and condition of the headlight leveling switch. pay attention to the alignment of the switch and label
LH switch plates fitted and secure
Steering wheel check fitment, condition and security. Ensuring the wheels are straight - is the steering wheel aligned correctly. Final Check during Roadtest.
IP ensure weather cover fitted and labels applied. Check for damage and security
Diff switch check fitment, condition and security
RH switch plates fitted and secure
Protected switch's check fitment, condition and security. These switches should not rotate
Handbrake check fitment, condition and security
Floor matts check fitment, condition and security
Seat Check fitment, security and condition
Seat functions Test forward and aft movement, Base tilt and high adjust
Seat belts check fitment, condition, security and operation
Seat Elec harness Check fitment, security and condition
Cab Internal Center
Coms box check fitment, condition and security
Interior Light check fitment, condition and security
Earth leads check fitment, condition, security and grease applied ROPS to Dash ROPS to windscreen ballistic plate
Gear selector check fitment, condition and security
BMS check fitment, condition and security
4X power sockets check fitment, condition and security
Fire Bottle check fitment, condition, security, tab secure, service sticker visible and gauge in green
Ammo box check fitment, condition, security and the latch works and keeps the lid secure.
Weapon rack post check fitment, condition, security, lanyard fitted and bolts fitted
Hot barrel bag check fitment, condition and security
Cab Internal RH
Door Operation Check the door function From the inside ensuring the handle is not stiff in operation
Shell bars ensure fitted, security, condition and bolts torqued
Windscreen inner handle fitted and secure, Latches fitted and over centre latch fitted and functions
Windscreen ballistic plate, Fitment, security and condition
Dash vents check fitment, condition, security and operation X3
Rubber mounts check fitment, condition and security X4
Rosy cable check fitment, condition and security. 2 Labels Visible Indicates Cable is Correct Way Round.
Fuse box cover upper check fitment, condition and security
Fuse box cover lower check fitment, condition and security check contents are as per label
Floor matts check fitment, condition and security
Seat Check fitment, security and condition
Check Seat Belt Rivets Are Secure
Seat functions Test fore and aft movement, Base tilt and high adjust
Seat belts check fitment, condition, security and operation
Seat Elec harness Check fitment, security and condition
Cable cover RH floor Check fitment, security and condition
Earth cables on ROPS fitted, secure and greased. across three joints. one on each upper B Pillar and one on the centre top of the ROPS
Engine Bay
Engine Bay
Bonnet Check bonnet Operation And security
LH bonnet latch Check condition and security
Air valve LH wing Check fitment, condition and security
LH harness (wing area) Check condition and security of harness and routing ready for cab tilt procedure.
Power steering (PAS) Check bottle fitted, security, level and all PAS pipes for damage, routing and clashing
Washer bottle Check fitment, security, Level and condition
Clutch Res Check bottle fitted, security and level
Electric harness below Clutch Res Check fitment, security and condition
Brake valve Check fitment, security, condition and pipes
Handbrake pipes Check fitment, security and condition
Washer pipe Check fitment, security and condition
Coolant bottle Check fitment, security, Level, condition and cap fitted
Rain gutters Check fitment, security and condition
Elec harness RH of coolant bottle Check fitment, security and condition
Heat shielding As per WI
Air filter, Pipes, housing, Cyclone filter and clips Check fitment, security and condition
RH bonnet latch Check condition and security
RH lights Check fitment, security and condition
Radiator and intercooler housing Check fitment, security and condition
Cooling fans Check fitment, security, condition and freely rotate
Aux belts Check fitment, security, routing and condition
Coolant pipes Check fitment, security, condition and pipes
Engine oil Check the Level
Alternator X 2 Check fitment condition, security air pipe routing
Space frame Check fitment, security and condition
Bonnet seal Check fitment, security and condition
General overview for oil leaks
Underneath of Vehicle
Steering system Check fitment, security and condition
front left earth point. cables secure and greased
Front axle Check fitment, security and condition
Front suspension system Check fitment, security and condition
Front axle brake pipe Check fitment, security and condition
Track rod clearance to wheel rim Check fitment, security and condition
Engine Visual inspection for any leaks
Front propshaft Check fitment, security and condition
Exhaust system Check fitment, security and condition
Fuel pipes Check fitment, security and condition
Ensure earth braid is fitted, secure and greased. between interface frame and chassis
Rear axle Visual inspection for any leaks
Rear suspension Check fitment, security and condition
Rear Prop shaft Check fitment, security and condition
Rear axle brake pipe Check fitment, security, condition and any signs of leaking
Body Mounts Check fitment, security and condition
Antiroll bars (including drop links) Check fitment, security and condition
Oil/coolant leaks
Any Other Issues Under the Vehicle
Function Testing
Function Test
System Checks must be completed in the inspection question order
Fit test box to MM 8 way power socket, hand set to be left in cab
Release air from both air tanks at rear to evacuate brake system
Turn ignition on ensuring all dash light illuminate. Check that the centre LED has illuminated on the MM test box
Start vehicle up ensuring the air pressure build back up, dash lights go out and there are no leaks from the lubs or air systems when cranking the engine, the relevant indicator light will illuminate on the MM test box
record image of air pressure reading once fully charged.
Switch A is a two position switch, centre off, top on. Working speed governor ensure it fitted and works
Switch B is a two position momentary switch. The centre position is off and the top on. ABS shut off ensure it works and displays on the dash
Switch C is a three position momentary switch. the centre position is off. working gear/ road should display on dash when operated and solenoid activating should be heard
Switch D is a two position switch, centre off, down position on. wiper speed first push normal speed, double tap switch to adjust wiper speed. Both speeds should be tested with the washers going. the wipers must not leave the glass area
Switch E is a two position momentary switch, centre off, down position on. the washer pump is active when the switch is held on
Switch F is a two position switch, centre off, down position on. Front fog lamp ensure tail tell is working and Front fogs operate. note that lighting switch needs to be in position 2 for this to operate
Switch G is a two position switch, centre off, down position on. Rear fog lamp ensure tail tell is working and rear fogs. note that lighting switch needs to be in position 2 for this to operate
Switch H is a two position switch, centre off, down position on. internal lights ensure tail tell is working and light in centre of cab roof
Brake lights Depress brake pedal and ensure the rear brake lights work
Reverse Select reverse and ensure the rear reversing lights work. check handbrake applied before conducting this test to avoid unexpected vehicle movement.
Switch I is a two position momentary switch, centre off, top position on. 4 wheel handbrake ensure switch works (confirmation on road test)
switch J is a two position switch, centre off, top position on. Hazard's ensure hazard switch works and all indicators work
Switch K Alternator warning light ensure this goes out once started. check orientation of switch
Switch L is a two position momentary switch, centre off, top position on. Rock and roll switch (confirm on road test)
Switch M Drl Cut out Ensure this works when operated. ensure orientation of switch and check that it does not rotate
Switch N is a two position switch, bottom position on, centre off. Heater hot/ cold Ensure heater get hot and cold record temperature acheived at both extremes
Switch O three position switch, centre off, top low speed, bottom position high speed. Fan speed switch two operation switch high speed and low speed
Switch P IR lighting switch operation check IR lights front and rear. ensure orientation of switch and check that it does not rotate
lighting switch Pos 1 following should work Side lights, rear lights, stop lights, Indicators, number plate lamps, Side marker lights, IP & switch illumination, IR lights and interior lights. check that the Illumin LED is on, on the MM test box
Lighting switch Pos 2 the following should work Headlights (Dip beam and main beam), Side lights, Rear lights, Stop lights, Indicators, Number Plate lights, Side markers, Rear fog, front fog, Switch illumination, IR lights, Interior lights
Lighting switch Tag the following should work Stop lights, Indicators, IR lights, DRL, Interior lights
Lighting switch 0 the following should work IR Lights. to get to positon O, you must check that the gate is moved to the left and the switch pressed in
Lighting switch S1 the following should work Convoy light, Black out light Brake and IR
Lighting switch S2 the following should work Black out lights front and IR lights
Lighting switch S3 the following should work Convoy light,Blackout light front, Blackout light rear, Blackout Brake, IR lights
Full black out With the Switch in S3 press the button on the IP to turn off the LCD display. the switch should return by itself the neutral position. Return the rotary lighting switch to the TAG position
Diff lock switch check operation: select and check dash lights indicate function both to engage and disengage (check on-road test disengagement is functioning)
Check horn function should not work in blackout, but should function in all other lighting modes
test 12 and 24 vdc power sockets on dash
Winch bag fitted
Headlight alignment check
check operation of headlight height adjustment switch
Check air pressure reading on guages. has the system lost any pressure?
Is BMS Functioning
BMS Readings
B1 - Engine Volts
B1 - Engine Temp
B1 - Engine SOH
B1 - Engine AHR
B1 - Engine Time
B1 - Engine Amps
B1 - Engine SOC (90%+)
B2 - Engine Volts
B2 - Engine Temp
B2 - Engine SOH
B2 - Engine AHR
B2 - Engine Time
B2 - Engine Amps
B2 - Engine SOC (90%+)
Final Checks - Torque - Road Test - Paint -Water Test
Quality Assurance
OEM fasteners to be visually checked to ensure that they have not been disturbed. Brakes, steering and suspension
Drivers and passengers seat securing fasteners to be torque marked
Drivers and passengers seat belt fixings to be torque marked
Brake pedal fasteners to be torque marked
Tie down point fixings to be torqe marked
interface to chassis fixings to be torque marked
Front and rear winch fixings to be torque marked
Quality Assurance Torque Check Reference Torque Map table
Road Test
Has the road test been completed and the inpsection report completed?
Are there any defects reported?
Paint Inspection
Have you conducted a full paint inspection and completed the report?
Are there any defects reported?
Water Test
Complete the water test as per the instructions
Inspector Name
were there any reworks required?
Have all reworks been completed satisfactorialy?
Inspector Name