Tow number:
Customer address:
No danger
No dogs
Power is turned off
No asbestos on property
No confined space
Job is safe to start
Are there any other dangers? If so outline them and how to avoid or minimise contact with these.
Customer Details
Installation Date
Has the customer agreed with the location of the NTD or PCD? Or works carried out?
Is the customer satisfied with the workmanship of the installation?
Upload Supporting Photos Here
Tick if your cable is installed with an existing cable
How many blockages
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
How many hours onsite including talking to ttt nsoc etc
- 1
- 1.5
- 2
- 2.5
- 3
- 3.5
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
In depth description of what was done: from struggling to find mpt, missing pits,faulty cable, unable to rod congested lid, stuck fibre, testing for signal At what points and if you have had to discuss with customer for 30 minutes etc and even if it's a built up area if you had to get somebody to help or be extra careful.
Mud map for ^40m with measurements and mpt location (must be clear if it's easier to draw just take a photo)
Materials list below
- 20ext
- 30ext
- 40ext
- 60ext
- 80ext
- 120ext
- 200ext
- 300ext
- 500ext
- pcd
- 1ftc
- 2ftc
- 3ftc
- 4ft
- 3int
- 5int
- 10int
- 15int
- 20int
- 30int
- 50int
- s/plate
- L/plate
- corner
- 3m/10m
- 3m/15m
- 3m/20m
- 3m/25m
Serial numbers:
Contractors Signature:
Customer Signature: