Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Craft ID
  • Have any issues been reported?

  • What has been reported?

Case Contents

  • DJI M300 fitted with downward gimbal holder

  • 2x Landing leg

  • 1x Foam M300 holder

  • 2x M300 controller

  • 2x DJI controller harness

  • DJI Zenmuse H20T payload with lens and connector cover

  • Payload top mount

  • 4x Spare propeller

  • 2x UK USB power plug

  • 2x USB B to USB C cable

  • 2x USB B to USB B cable

  • 1x Anemometer (wind gauge)

  • 1x Microfibre cloth

  • 1x Ball point pen

  • Laminated packing list

  • Laminated pre flight check list

  • Security tag log sheet

  • Spare security tag (minimum 5)

  • Flight logs (minimum 5)

  • 1x SD card holder

  • 2x 128 GB Gold high speed micro SD card (one in H20T payload, one in card holder)

  • SD to micro SD card convertor (minimum 1)

  • Quick start guide, safety guidelines and safety documents

Spares & Tools

  • 2x Rubber PSDK port cover

  • 1x Cleaning brush

  • 2x Stick covers

  • 4x Gimbal Dampers

  • 1x Rubber 4G port cover

  • 2.5mm allan key

  • 1x 2mm allan key with Philips end

  • M1.6x5 screw (minimum 10)

  • M3x8 screw (minimum 10)

Physical checks - Box

  • Check plastic structure for damage

  • Check hinge for damage

  • Check locks for damage and operation

  • Check all handles for damage and ensure free movement and operation

  • Checks wheels for damage, ensure free motion

  • Check seal is seated and damage free

  • Check internal foam for damage

Physical Checks - Craft

Underside of the craft

  • Visually inspect the underside of the craft for damage

  • All bolts are present and appear secure

  • 2 downward facing cameras are scratch and damage free

  • 3 clear strobes are scratch and damage free

  • 2 dark IR sensors are scratch and damage free

  • Gimbal is fitted firmly, 4 attachment screws are present

  • Check gimbal frame for damage

  • Check 4 gimbal anti vibration dampeners are fitted and damage free

  • Check gimbal anti drop rope is fitted and damage free

  • Check gimbal smart port USB cable is damage free, plugged in and 2 screws present

  • Check gimbal dust cover is fitted and port is not damaged

Landing Legs

  • Check legs for damage

  • Check leg socket for damage / debris

  • Check legs fit tightly with no obstruction

Arms & Motors

  • Check all arm hinges for damage, dirt and obstructions

  • Check all arm hinges for operation and lock correctly

  • Check arm spars for damage and test rigidity

  • Visually inspect motor mounts and test for movement

  • Check motors for damage, free movement with no noise or cogging

  • Check propellers for damage, cracks or deformation

  • Check propellers are attached firmly and screws are all present

  • Check running lights / strobes on motor mounts for damage

  • Check antennae enclosures for damage, cracks or movement

  • Check GPS enclosures for damage, cracks or movement

Upper Fuselage

  • Visually inspect the top of the craft for damage

  • Check for missing or loose screws

  • Inspect battery compartment for damage to plastic or damage to connectors

  • Check battery lock for operation, damage and ensure it is not loose

  • Check front facing sensors and cameras for scratches or damage

  • Check side facing sensors and cameras for scratches or damage

  • Check upward facing sensors and cameras for scratches or damage

  • Check rear facing sensors and camera’s for scratches or damage

  • Check upward facing strobe for damage

  • Check upward facing ports both have rubber seals fitted

Physical Checks - Controller

Pilot Controller

  • Check controller body for damage, cracks or deep scratches

  • Check screen for damage, scratches or marks

  • Check rear handle is not damaged, present and secure

  • Visually check USB, HDMI and SD card ports are not damaged

  • Check all buttons and sliders physically work and are not stuck or damaged

  • Check stick gaitors for damage, cracks or splits

  • Check stick operation and free movement

  • Check sticks return to centre from all directions

  • Check antennae is securely mounted, damage free and rotates freely

  • Check 3 harness mounting points are damage free and secure

  • Turn controller on to check it loads and displays battery percentage

Payload Controller

  • Check controller body for damage, cracks or deep scratches

  • Check screen for damage, scratches or marks

  • Check rear handle is not damaged, present and secure

  • Visually check USB, HDMI and SD card ports are not damaged

  • Check all buttons and sliders physically work and are not stuck or damaged

  • Check stick gaitors for damage, cracks or splits

  • Check stick operation and free movement

  • Check sticks return to centre from all directions

  • Check antennae is securely mounted, damage free and rotates freely

  • Check 3 harness mounting points are damage free and secure

  • Turn controller on to check it loads and displays battery percentage

Physical Checks - Payload

  • Check camera body for damage

  • Check gimbal frame for damage

  • Check gimbal motors move freely and to full range

  • Check connector dust cover is fitted

  • Check connector is damage free and free of dirt / debris

  • Check rubber dust cover for damage

  • Check screws are present and flush on all sides of camera body

  • Check main camera lens for scratches, damage and marks

  • Check FPV camera lens for scratches, damage and marks

  • Check thermal camera lens for scratches, damage and marks

  • Check mirrored lens for scratches, damage and marks

  • Check ventilation screens for damage or obstruction

  • Check micro SD card cover is fitted, damage free and operational

  • Check micro SD card slot for damage and ensure eject mechanism works as expected

Physical Checks - Chargers, Cables & Accessories

  • Check 2 USB chargers for damage and operation

  • Check 2 USB B to C cables for damage and operation

  • Check 2 USB B ro B cables for damage

  • Check anemometer for damage and operation

  • Check anemometer battery level is above 30%

Payload Top Mount

  • Check top mount for any physical damage

  • Check 4 gimbal anti vibration dampeners are fitted and damage free

  • Check gimbal smart port USB cable is damage free

  • Check gimbal dust cover is fitted and port is not damaged

  • Check 4 finger screws are present and damage free

Firmware versions

  • Pilot controller firmware

  • Payload controller firmware

  • DJI Pilot app - Pilot Controller

  • DJI pilot app - Payload Controller

  • Aircraft

  • Payload (H20T Camera)

Flight Test

  • Controllers power on

  • UAV powers on

  • Controllers connect to UAV

  • Check GNSS sensors for operation and that min 7 sats can be found

  • Check IMU data is shown and correct on app (Horizon bars behave as expected)

  • Check compass data is shown and correct on app

  • Check vision system in all directions is enabled and there are no errors

  • Listen to check cooling fans are in operation and are not making any unusual noises

  • Check FPV camera feed is working as expected

  • Check gimbal operation is working as expected

  • Payload controller is able to take control of payload

  • Check payload cameras are working as expected (Wide, Zoom and Thermal)

  • UAV can be armed

  • In P mode Motors start without any strange noises and no error prompt in app

  • Motors stop when throttle is lowered while craft is on the ground

  • UAV can gain and maintain height

  • Yaw control works as expected

  • Pitch control works as expected

  • Roll control works as expected

  • In P mode check craft maintains position – no more than 0.5m drift

  • In P mode check obstacle sensing is working and displays as expected

Flight Hours

  • How many hours of flight are logged for the craft in the pilot app?


  • Final flight test carried out by

  • Final flight test witness

  • Are any spares required?

  • What needs to be ordered?

  • Is any maintenance required?

  • What maintenance is required?

Security Tag

  • Security tag has been added to the box

  • Security tag number

Fitness for service

  • Is the craft now fit for service?

  • What action is required for the craft to be returned to service?

  • Add a red tag to the box and quarantine the craft

  • IMS-FRM-031

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.