Title Page

  • Airline

  • Flight Number

  • Tail/Registration Number

  • undefined

  • Station

  • Location
  • Auditor

  • Audit Date:

  • Shift Lead and Crew

  • Known or Unknown Audit?

1. Setup


  • Does the Shift Lead check all staff for PPE prior to aircraft arrival / engagement? All staff must be wearing all PPE required for their task, standard PPE included safety boots, hearing protection, gloves and Hi Viz.

  • Are all staff wearing approved Maintair branded uniform?

  • Is a pre-arrival FOD walk completed? The entire gate area must be clear 20 minutes prior for aircraft arrival. It is the responsibility of all attendants to inspect the gate for FOD.

  • Is all equipment required for the flight available at the gate, but clear of Safety buffer Zone prior to the arrival of the aircraft? This includes chocks & cones. Are GSE park brakes applied and chocked.

  • Has all possible required GSE been started or warmed up ready for use 20 minutes prior to arrival? Deicers, GPU's Heaters, Beltloaders, Airstart?

  • Are Lav and Water carts ready and serviceable?

  • Does the Shift Lead complete his pre-arrival briefing with the crew? (procedures, tasks, offloads, cargo, etc)

2. Arrival

Arrival at Gate

  • Are Wing-walkers in position and wands used? (illuminated if applicable?)

  • Are proper Marshaling signals used?

  • Are nose gear chocks applied immediately after engine shut down or propellers feathered. The nose gear must be chocked before main gear.

  • Is the GPU connected properly and communicated to the PIC with hand signals?

  • Do wing walkers adhere to the 90 degree rule?

  • Do Ramp Attendants wait for the aircraft to be in a 'Safe' condition before approaching? The anti-collision lights switched off, engines spooled down / propellers come to a complete stop.

  • Are the chocks applied as per the airline requirements? Check the requirements for each airline SOP?

  • Are the cones positioned as per the airline requirements? Check the requirements for each airline SOP.

  • On Q400, Is the L1 door opened as per SOP? Is there a pause to allow the door seal to deflate?

  • Is post-arrival aircraft walk around check performed? Walk around must be performed before any staff are allowed to approach the aircraft. Any damage or concerns must be documented and reported immediately to the PIC and management.

3. Ground Operations

Aircraft Offload / Onload

  • Is the rear of the aircraft offloaded first (if applicable)? To prevent 'Tail Tipping' offload rear first, On-load - load front first.

  • Q400 cargo netting secured for the duration of turn?

  • Is a brake check completed prior to entering the Safety buffer Zone?

  • Do baggage tractors always remain 10' form the aircraft fuselage? No baggage tractors may approach closer than 10' to the aircraft fuselage.

  • Do vehicles pass underneath the aircraft fuselage or wings? No vehicles may pass underneath the aircraft fuselage or wings.

  • Do staff only travel in vehicles where a seat is available? No Seat No Ride - No Passengers without a seat

  • Is the GSE positioned without contacting the aircraft? All GSE must be positioned with no contact with the aircraft. A small gap must remain to allow for aircraft movement.

  • Is the GSE parked with brakes set and chocks applied? Vehicles must be chocked to prevent damage to aircraft from sudden movement.

  • At no point do Staff ride on beltloader? No staff may ride on hi-loader or on moving conveyor on beltloader.

  • Do drivers follow travel path away from engines? Safe Route around the aircraft followed?

  • Is baggage transported on carts only, not in/on tractors?

  • Is baggage protected from inclement weather?

  • Is beltloader lowered when not in use? All GSE must be fully lowered when not in use.

  • Does GSE block fuel truck movement? Vehicles must not block emergency egress route for fuel truck to escape.

  • No 3-way hook-ups observed?

  • Has any AVI been recorded, secured as per airline procedure and segregated as required.

  • Is load documentation delivered and briefed to the PIC with secondary verification? Is time of deliver called in over the radio 10 minutes prior to departure?

4. Departure


  • If load details are adjusted, is this communicated to the PIC?

  • All nets secured correctly prior to departure All nets must be secured correctly prior to closing cargo door

  • Is steering bypass pin installed prior to tow bar connection? Correct by-pass pin must be installed before tow bar is connected.

  • Is the towbar locked in place with the safety locking pin? If applicable - the safety locking pin must be inserted through the head to prevent detachment during pushback.

  • Did a guide person assist in attaching the tow bar? Tug driver must be guided onto tow bar by guide person

  • Are cones only removed after all GSE is clear? Cones must only be removed once all equipment is clear of the aircraft, doors are closed and aircraft ready to depart.

  • Does the POA perform a full pre-departure walk-around inspection? The POA must check the entire aircraft (including wingtips) for open latches / hatches and ensure all doors are secure. They must also inspect for any damage.

  • Are Nose chocks removed only once aircraft is ready to pushback? Chocks must only be removed once the pushback tug is connected to the aircraft.

  • Does the Shift Lead or POA perform a Pre-pushback briefing?

  • Is an operational headset used for pushback?

  • Are wands used for pushback, illuminated?

  • Is the pushback performed at walking speed? The speed of the pushback must match the wing walkers speed.

  • Is the tow-bar disconnected following SOP?

  • Is bypass pin displayed to flight crew? All Clear' signal clearly shown to flight crew once by-pass pin and all staff clear of aircraft.

5. Conclusion

  • Did the Shift Lead and key crew members communicate with their radios for the duration of the flight

  • Were all vehicles driven at walking speed? Max speed - Walking pace around aircraft

  • Did employees use electronic devices?(PED's)? No Personal electronic devices are to be used on the apron, especially within the fueling zones around the aircraft.

  • No running or horseplay observed?

  • Is all equipment returned to the correct parking spots? The gate must be left clear ready to service the next aircraft. Equipment must be returned to designated parking space.

  • Flight observations and comments

  • Were Observations and Finding discussed with the crew?

  • Corrective Action Plan

  • Auditor

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