Title Page

  • Client / Site

  • Date:

  • Branch #:

  • Assessed By:

  • Name of Company/Address:
  • Client Representative/Title:

  • Staffing Representative:

  • Number of Temporary Staff at Location:

  • Number of Regular Staff at Location:

  • Shift(s) and Hours:

  • Essential Duties and Responsibilities:



  • RATE


1. Accident/Injury Management Information

  • Do you have a COVID-19 Prevention Program

  • Injury and Illness Prevention Program in place?

  • OSHA log maintained?

  • Client notified to report recordable injuries on OSHA 300 log?

  • Modified duty available to contingent workforce per physician’s guidelines?

  • Client is aware of Eastridge injury Protocol?

  • Comments:

2. Training – Check all that Apply

  • Safety orientation?

  • Provided by:

  • Job-specific training?

  • Recordkeeping maintained on safety orientation and job-specific trainings?

  • Safety committee meets regularly?

  • Frequency:

  • Do you have a Workplace Violence Prevent Plan

  • Do you provide WVPP training for Temp Staff

  • System for identifying and evaluating hazards?

  • Comments:

3. Personal Protective Equipment

  • List types required (e.g., goggles, gloves, hardhat, earplugs, face shields, etc.):

  • Providedby:

  • Hearing conservation program implemented?

  • Written respiratory protection program implemented?

  • PPE is Latex-free?

  • Comments:

4. Walking/Working Surfaces

  • Documented, functioning housekeeping program in place?

  • Exits, aisles, passageways and walkways free of obstruction and marked appropriately?

  • Proper and safe storage of materials?

  • Fall safety protection program in place? (i.e., safety harness.)

  • Non-work areas are free of slip, trip and fall hazards?

  • Comments:

5. Fire Protection

  • Fire extinguishing equipment, hoses, and sprinklers regularly inspected?

  • Exit routes free and unobstructed?

  • Annual fire drill performed?

  • Evacuation and emergency plans posted?

  • Comments:

6. Machinery and Safe Guarding

  • Contingent employees using machines on site to perform their duties?

  • Safeguards prevent employees’ body parts from making contact with moving parts?

  • Inspections and regular service performed on machines?

  • Machines have a red emergency shut-off button within reach of operator?

  • Comments:

7. Tools and Equipment

  • Proper use (power tools, hand tools, ladders)

  • Tools are in good working condition?

  • Industrial knives have safety features (auto-retractable, hook-style, etc.)?

  • Comments:

8. Ergonomics

  • Measures taken to safeguard workers against ergonomic hazards?

  • Job requires repetitive motion?

  • Choose one.

  • Tasks are:

  • Body part affected: (hands, wrists, elbows, knees, back, etc.) Bending, stooping, twisting motions, pushing, pulling, reaching motions.

  • Other factors: vibration, temperature, sound, etc.

  • Are workstations adjustable?

  • Stretch and Flex program in place?

  • Comments:

9. Lock-out/Tag-out

  • Contingent employees perform Lock-out/Tag-out?

  • Machinery or equipment capable of movement required to be de-energized or disengaged and locked out during cleaning, servicing, adjusting or setting up operations, whenever required?

  • Sufficient number of accident prevention signs or tags and safety padlocks provided for any reasonable and foreseeable repair emergency?

  • Comments:

10. Contact Agents - Health Hazards - Locked Chemicals

  • Chemicals labeled and stored properly?

  • SDS (Safety Data Sheets) accessible and properly maintained?

  • Airborne contaminants? (i.e., dust, fumes, vapors.)

  • Are controls and/or PPE in place to eliminate employee exposure to hazardous chemicals?

  • Will employees be exposed to allergens (Nuts, wheat, fish, etc.)?

  • Comments:

11. Electrical

  • Does the power supply to machinery appear to be in good working condition?

  • Any power cords damaged, deteriorated or suffering from strain relief?

  • Power cords or extension cords create a potential trip, slip, or fall hazard for employees?

  • All Electrical panels have a clear area of 36 inches by 36 inches?

  • Electrical outlets, junction boxes and other electrical components properly covered?

  • Comments:

12. Material Handling

  • Contingent workers using Powered Industrial Equipment?

  • Contingent employee certified at client’s site?

  • Powered Industrial Trucks inspected on a daily basis?

  • Conveyors guarded, including belts, gears, sprockets, chains and screws?

  • Conveyor emergency cable stop accessible to employees?

  • Any hoists onsite using cables, ropes, chains, or vacuum systems?

  • Inspections and regular service performed on hoisting equipment?

  • Eyewash station within 10 seconds of forklift charging area and serviced regularly?

  • Propane tanks stored in an approved cage 20 feet from emergency exits and ignition sources?

  • Pallet stacks are no more than 6 feet high and separated by 8 feet?

  • Wheels are chocked/blocked prior to entering truck/trailer?

  • Types(s) of Powered Industrial Truck(s) onsite:

  • Comments:

13. Confined Spaces

  • Any work areas which are considered Confined Space?

  • Contingent employees enter or work around Confined Spaces?

  • Provide all necessary equipment (testing, ventilation, PPE, etc.)

  • Emergency action and rescue plan?

  • Comments:

  • Client/Prospect approved for staffing?

  • Photos available?

  • Follow up Tour Required?

  • Corrective Measures Suggested:

  • EH&S Manager/Branch Representative:

  • Is client's signature required?

  • Client Signature

  • The OSHA guidelines for the contingent workforce impose certain responsibilities for Eastridge Workforce Solutions and its clients in order to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. We look forward to working together in compliance with these guidelines.

    Please return the reviewed and signed document with photographs (if applicable) to: allsafety@eastridge.com

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.