Document Number
Assessment Title
Member ID
Business Name or Authorised Representative
Number of workers
Date assessment conducted on
Prepared by
Location where assessment conducted
Person/s present at the assessment
Is an electrical test / safety certificate supplied to the customer for each job?
Are electrical test results recorded and retained?
Are contracts completed for work valued at greater than $10,000
Is contractor licence number shown on all advertising material?
Is the contractor licence appropriate for the scope of work performed and company structure?
Are workers appropriately licenced for work performed?
Is licence detail consistent with trading name?
Sub Contractor
Has a record been retained of subcontractors details
Is there a record of Induction for the subcontractor?
Is there a record of the subcontractor being assessed for safety and 'competency'?
Is there evidence of workers being assessed on site in live testing and work procedures and other competencies?
Have apprentices been evaluated for their required level of supervision?
Is there a record of the required level of supervision for each apprentice being communicated to their direct supervisor?
Are apprentice training records up to date?
Is there an induction process for new starters?
Are there records of inductions?
Does the induction cover the following:
Notification of workplace representatives (e.g. Union, Safety)
Emergency Procedure (and Assembly Point if applicable)
Company policies
WHS management system and procedures
Sighting and copies taken of licenses/qualifications
Incident reporting procedure
Issue of PPE
Notification of First Aid Officer and First Aid Kit
Is all mandatory training up-to-date?
Is there a system for ensuring that records of licences/qualifications are kept current?
Are training records maintained?
Is there a system that reminds when mandatory training is due?
Are the company policies current and signed by the Director/Partner/Principal
Do they include an annual review date?
Are the Safety and Rehabilitation policies openly displayed or easily available to all staff?
Safety Management
Is a system in place that tracks and records job details and work done?
Is a safety management system being used?
Are site specific risk assessments or JSA being completed?
Incident/Near Miss
Are accident/incident reports being completed and recorded on the Register
Was corrective action taken and recorded?
Were preventive measures determined and actioned?
Have there been any 'notifiable' incidents reported externally?
Have investigations been carried out on any safety incidents and root cause determined?
Are safety statistics being maintained?
Safety Meetings
Are regular Toolbox Talks and Safety Meetings carried out?
Are minutes maintained and signed off by ALL workers, including those not present at the meeting?
Is there evidence that any issues that arise are satisfactorily rectified?
Do workers have easy access to relevant safety documentation?
Current Copies of Standards AS3000, AS3017, AS4836 and AS3008 has been sourced and acknowledgement form signed by all electrical workers.
Electrical Equipment
Is the electrical test equipment appropriate for its expected use?
Is the equipment in test?
Is there a system in place that reminds when the next test date is due?
Is testing and tagging current on electrical tools? Including portable RCD's used for service/site work
Hazardous Substances
Has a hazardous substance register been established?
Is there a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) that is less than 5 years old available for each hazardous substance?
Has a risk assessment been carried out for each hazardous substance?
Safety Equipment
Is a First Aid Kit available to all workers?
Are all contents within date?
Is there a record of First Aid Kit contents being regularly inspected and replenished?
Is the First Aid Kit suitable for the size of business?
Is a Switchboard Rescue Kit available for use when performing live work?
Is there a record of Rescue Kit contents being regularly inspected and replenished?
Are harnesses in good condition and within recommended service life?
Is there a record of harnesses being regularly inspected for serviceability?
Are ladders that are used for electrical work non-conductive?
Are all ladders rated at 120kg or over?
Is there a record of ladders being regularly inspected for serviceability?
Confirmation Details
Person Conduction Business or Undertaking (PCBU) signature or Authorised on behalf of the PCBU
Authorised Representative
Assessor Signature