
  • Site conducted

  • Audit Title The inspection checklist is designed to help detrmine whether any hazards are apparent in the workplaces under the different elements (its primary design is for Headquaters,Training centres, Group bases,Brigade stations & Units) Any "No" answers will require clarification or rectification on the Hazard Register. The Hazard Register is a separate document on the checklist for local record. Simply note all the no answers in the order they occur & decide who will do what and by when. Hazards identified on the register that have a risk rating higher than "Low" need to be entered onto the on-line hazard & incident reporting module (HIRM) for the ongoing Hazard management.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

1.0 - Access & Egress

  • 1.1- Entrance & steps in good order ( L)

  • 1.2 - Entrances, doorways, stairs, steps etc free of obstruction (L)

  • 1.3 - Aisles & walkways free of obstructions (L)

  • 1.4 - Floor even & free of cracks, dips or holes etc (L)

  • 1.5 - Floor coverings in good order

  • 1.6 - Floors clean & not slippery (L)

  • 1.7- workers with special needs or disabilities have safe access & egress (L)

2.0 - Building and its precincts

  • 2.1- External pathways free of tripping hazards (L)

  • 2.2- External pathways well drained to prevent pooling of water (L)

  • 2.3- External steps & changes of level are clearly delineated (L)

  • 2.4- Hand rails installed at appropriate height (900 -1100mm) where required (L)

  • 2.5- Fragile roofing is protected to prevent a person falling through it (L)

  • 2.6- Adequate working space provided for the task being performed & emergency evacuation (L)

  • 2.7- Fixed anchorage or lifting points displays SWL (L)

  • 2.8- Storage shelving is designed & constructed to be without risk to the H&S of persons in the workplace (L)

  • 2.9- Fixed ladders stairways & platforms conform to AS1657 (L)

  • 2.10- Barriers are in place to prevent unauthorized people accessing ladders of elevated structures (eg radio towers etc) (L)

  • 2.11- Adequate external lighting both security & operational (L)

  • 2.12- Adequate internal lighting (L)

  • 2.13- Buildings that contain asbestos display warning signs (L)

  • 2.14-Fragile skylights are protected by safety wire mesh (does not apply to skylights that meet AS2424)

3.0 - Electrical

  • 3.1- All power leads in good visible condition (L)

  • 3.2- All 240 volt electrical plant & extension leads have current electrical test tags (L)

  • 3.3- Plugs sockets & switches in good visible condition (L)

  • 3.4- Electrical plant in good visible condition (L)

  • 3.5- Power leads are off the floor & or clear of walkways

  • 3.6- Sufficient power outlets available to limit the overuse of power boards (L)

  • 3.7- Power boards are used in preference to double adapters

  • 3.8- Faulty electrical equipment is tagged out (L)

  • 3.9- Electrical circuits are RCD protected at switchboard (L)

  • 3.10- Portable RCD'S are used where no fixed RCD is installed (L)

  • 3.11- Where installed emergency lighting is operational (L)

4.0- Emergency & 1st Aid facilities

  • 4.1- Emergency exits defined (L)

  • 4.2- Defined external emergency exit doors open in the direction of egress if it serves a building (or part) with a floor area more than 200 square meters (L BCA)

  • 4.3- Emergency evacuation plan displayed (Excludes Brigade stations & units with a sole personnel access doors (L)

  • 4.4- Appropriate portable fire extinguisher (s) readily available & properly installed (L)

  • 4.5- Test tags on portable fire extinguishers current (6 monthly frequency) (L)

  • 4.6- First Aid kit appropriate to the workplace readily available (COP First Aid in the workplace) (L)

  • 4.7- First Aid kit is identifiable with a white cross on green background that is prominently displayed on the outside (L)

  • 4.8- Contents of 1st Aid clean & within their 'use by dates' (L)

  • 4.9- contents of 1st Aid Kits maintained consistent with the code of practice (L)

  • 4.10- Location of 1st Aid kit identified by suitable signage in accord with AS1319 (L)

  • 4.11- names of designated 1st Aider (s) displayed (L)

  • 4.12- 1st Aid room where provided is maintained consistent with the code of practice (L)

  • 4.13- Deluge facilities provided based on the risk (eg STC) are maintained for operational readiness (L)

  • 4.14- Hose reels where installed have nozzle in captive interlock with isolation valve

5.0 - Chemicals in the workplace

  • 5.1- An inventory list of chemical on site maintained (L)

  • 5.2- Safety Data Sheets can be readily obtained for hazardous substances if required (Adelaide fire or Regional op's) (L)

  • 5.3- Regional Hazardous substance register, with risk assessments maintained (applicable to region HQ) (L)

  • 5.4- Hazardous substance register with risk assessments maintained. (applicable to STC) (L)

  • 5.5- All containers are labeled with chemical name and relevant risk phrase / symbols (L)

  • 5.6- Chemicals are stored appropriate to the risk. (e.g. separated/ bunded / flammable cabinets etc) (L)

  • 5.7- Gas cylinders stored upright and secure in a well ventilated area (L)

  • 5.8- Gas cylinders within test date (L)

  • 5.10- An outer warning placard sign is displayed where 1000 liters or more of diesel is stored on the premises (ie Hazchem & hazardous class) (L)

  • 5.9- An outer warning placard sign is displayed where 50 litres or more of petrol is stored on the premises (ie Hazchem & hazardous class) (L)

  • 5.11- An outer warning placard sign is displayed where any combination of diesel or petrol is stored on the premises exceeds 1000 litres (ie Hazchem & hazardous class) (L)

6.0- Storage / Human Factors

  • 6.1- Frequently used items are stored within easy access ( between knee and shoulder)

  • 6.2- Heavy items that are manually handled are stored at waist height (L)

  • 6.3- Stored or stacked items are prevented from falling (L)

  • 6.4- Mechanical aids are available to move heavy loads (L)

  • 6.5- Safe- step or step ladder available for access to small items stored on high shelves (L)

  • 6.6- Hand tools & power tools are securely and safely stored

  • 6.7- Office chairs have a AFRDI (1) rating of 5 or 6<br>((1) AFRDI is the Australasian Furnishing Research & Development Institute providing standards, testing, product certification. further information is available at

  • 6.8- Braked castors(2) are fitted to office chairs used on hard surfaces (L)<br>((2) Features an internal brake which prevents wheels from rolling freely when the user stands up. Allows smooth effortless chair rolling while seated. Minimises chair movement when no weight is applied.

  • 6.9- Sufficient leg room beneath the desks<br>

  • 6.10- Frequently used items are located within comfortable reach

  • 6.11- Computer and other cables are secure beneath the work surface.

7.0- Personal Protective Equipment & Clothing

  • 7.1- PPE/C appropriate to the risk is provided to individuals (L)

  • 7.2- PPE/C is stored appropriately (L)

  • 7.3- PPE/C is maintained in good condition (L)

  • 7.4- Supplies of disposable PPE is readily available (L)

  • 7.5- Safety Harnesses are marked with year & month of manufacture (shall not be more than 10 years old) (L)

  • 7.6- All components of protective helmets show no signs of damage or deterioration (harnesses to be replaced, if shell is showing sign of damage or deteroiration - helmet to be withdrawn from service & destroyed) (L)

8.0- Amenities

  • 8.1- Washing facilities are clean and functional (L)

  • 8.2- Clean and functional toilet facilities are available (L)

  • 8.3- Females are provided with adequate & hygienic sanitary disposal (L)

  • 8.4- Adequate supply of cool & potable drinking water is available (L)

  • 8.5- Lockers or equivalent are provided for storage of personal gear

  • 8.6- Meal rooms where provided are clean and tidy (L)

  • 8.7- Rubbish bins are available and covered (L)

  • 8.8- Vermin or pest control is evident where required.

9.0- Plant & their Pecincts (defined in the ohs&w regs 2010)

  • 9.1- Plant in safe operational condition (L)

  • 9.2- Operational control clearly marked (L)

  • 9.3- All safety features are operational (interlocks, warning devices etc) (L)

  • 9.4- Adequate work space around fixed plant (L)

  • 9.5- Gaurds or covers to dangerous moving parts are in place (L)

  • 9.6- Tools are stored appropriately

  • 9.7- Vehicles are maintained in roadworthy condition (L)

  • 9.8- All portable metal ladders are in good condition and are marked with the name of the Australian manufacturer or importer and identified as "industrial" and clearly states its 'load rating' (L)

10- Traffic Management

  • 10.1- Appropriate car parking provisions are provided to allow safe movement of vehicles and people (L)

  • 10.2- The movement of vehicles entering or leaving the workplace is regulated by signs, barriers or warning devices to reduce the risk to emergency services personnel or the public (L)

11- Records

  • 11.1- Asbestos register on site and updated annually (L)

  • 11.2- Electrical test register (L)

  • 11.3- Record of RCD trip testing (L)

  • 11.4- Vehicle maintenance records (L)

  • 11.5- Vehicle stowage checklist (L)

  • 11.6- CABA records are kept as per AS1715 (L)

  • 11.7- CABA wearer cards are maintained

  • 11.8- Hazmat - protective suits - history records are kept as per AS/NZS 4501.1 (Hazmat brigades and CBRN Units) (L)

  • 11.9- Chemical inventory kept and readily available (L)

  • 11.10- Safety harness & life line, ropes inspection record as per AS 1891.4

  • 11.11- Anchorage inspection record as per AS 1891.4 (L)

  • 11.12- Record of Brigade / Unit training activities are Kept.

Items to be added to HAZARD REGISTER

  • Tap to enter information

  • Tap to enter information

  • Tap to enter information

  • Tap to enter information

  • Tap to enter information

  • Tap to enter information

  • Tap to enter information

  • Tap to enter information

  • Tap to enter information

  • Tap to enter information

Sign Off

  • On site representative

  • Auditor's signature




  • hazzard register kept and available?

  • MSDS information readily available for all persons accessing the station?

  • chemical register completed & displayed?

  • risk assessments completed as per hazard register and readily available to all persons accessing the station?

  • maintenence records kept & displayed?

  • safety inspections completed and available for access?

  • items requiring action from safety audits are reported and recorded correctly, review mechanism is in place?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.