Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Site ID

  • Site Type

  • Prepared by

  • Inspection Date

  • Contractor

  • Subcontractor

  • Site Location
  • Build Manager

  • Rigging Manager

  • Have you checked for any new Residual Risks that are not recorded in the CPP/RAMS?

  • Have you made a record of any residual risks that you have identified?

  • Are you working from the latest version of the DD to ensure correct site deployment?

  • Is site layout as per design?

  • Redline & add supporting photos for Design & BM’s

  • Any issues on site that are not build/design issues?

  • Is site suitably protected from unauthorised access?

  • Have you checked for any potential RF hazards on site?

  • Have exclusion zones been demarcated?

  • Is site signage fitted in accordance with project specifications?


  • Site ID/Sign A / Site Safety Signage - Paragraph 18

  • Full site photo

  • Compound (Pan photo of all the compound)

  • Full structure photo (Pulled back photo)

  • Sectors A/B/C / Headframe

  • Cable/Feeder run(s)

  • LPS & earthing & bonding paste applied

  • Cable Point Of Entry(s)

  • Cabinet photos & layout (pulled back photo)

  • Cabinet photos (cab door(s) open)

Safe Access - TD41000 / MBNL WAH V5.0

  • Does design allow safe access for engineer to cabinets and equipment?

  • Please provide photo

  • Please comment

  • Are handrails provided where necessary?

  • Please provide photo

  • Please comment

  • Have slips/trips been minimized in design?

  • Please provide photo

  • Please comment

  • Is route demarcated if not evident?

  • Please provide photo

  • Please comment

  • Is ADC Build up to date with correct access route/procedure?

  • Please provide photo

  • Please comment

Antenna's - RD10010, Section 7



  • All antennas free from damage/dents or marks?

  • Please provide photo

  • Supporting comments

  • Have lightening finales been installed, if required in DD's/Site design?

  • Please provide photo

  • Supporting comments

  • Are all antennas securely mounted with cowling fitted where applicable?

  • Please provide photo

  • Supporting comments

  • Is structure correct for azimuth, sectorisation & North orientation?

  • Please provide photo

  • Supporting comments

  • RF hazard labels/signs fitted as per DD’s?

  • Please provide photo

  • Supporting comments

  • Do antenna types (if visible) match those in the HOP?

  • Please provide photo

  • Supporting comments

External Equiptment

  • Is all equipment accessible?

  • Are all electrical earth bonds fitted with bonding paste applied?

  • Do serial numbers match those in the HOP?

  • Have all ferrules been fitted to EE antenna BoB's, and labelled?

  • Have passive routers been secured, earthed and bonding paste applied underneath earth straps?

  • RRU fibres dressed in neatly with no kinks, crush or signs of damage, including inside RRU's?

  • All ferrules fitted to RRU/BoB's power connectors?

  • Do BoB's show any sign of cross threading on securing screws?

  • All tip tags fitted and wrap around tags applied?

  • All weatherproof boots fitted underneath RRU's?

  • Have all cable ties been flush cut?

  • Have all BoB's been tightened up using hand tools only?

Feeders and Jumper

  • Feeders adequately supported along full length?

  • Have all feeders been earthed (Top/Bottom and at POE) with earth paste applied?

  • Are jumpers within the maximum length permitted?

  • Is there a drip loop before entry to the cabinet or foul weather enclosure? Tie wrap fitted if drip loop not possible?

  • Has weatherproofing been applied?

  • Have unused jumpers and ports been weatherproofed?

  • Are all feeders and jumpers free of damage?

  • Has the manufacturers minimum bend radius (multiple bends) been adhered to?

  • Have end caps been fitted to cut studs where required?

Cable Tray (Where Applicable) - RD10010, Section 12.2.1

  • If the cable tray has been cut have all burrs been removed and cold galvanising spray applied?

  • Is the cable tray supported by mild steel galvanised brackets at regular intervals of 1.2metres and at 255mm from bends and tees?

  • Has the correct size cable tray been used?

  • Is there a minimum of 50mm clearance at the rear of wall and floor mounted trays?

  • Are any cable trays mounted on gantrys above head height?

  • Has all newly installed cable tray(s) been connected in to site LPS?

  • Has continuation bond/braiding been fitted to cable trays?

  • Has any unused cable tray or debris been taken away from site?

Roxtex Entry Glands - RD10010, Section 12.2.3

  • Are all feeders entering via an approved cable gland?

  • Cable gland installed with suitable finishing collar, both internal and external with no sharp edges

  • Confirm there are no visible air gaps in the gland? ensuring all blocks are flush?

  • Have all correct labels been fitted at POE (internal/External?)

LP Systems - TD53002 / RD10010

  • Does the LP system conform with the design drawing?

  • Is the structure bonded to the LP system as per TD53002?

  • Are all conductors secure?

  • Is the main feeder grounded correctly? and bonding paste applied?

  • Are all cabinets bonded to the LP system as per TD53002 and in accordance with the design drawings?

  • Are all cable trays, extraneous metalwork and support poles earthed with adequate cross bonds fitted?

  • If new fencing has been installed have adequate cross bonds been fitted and there is continuous bonding of the fence panels; posts etc

  • Are all lightning protection conductors sized in accordance with BS 62305, (25mm x 3mm)?

  • Are conductors copper or aluminium (to match existing system as required), and aluminium for completely new systems?

  • Are the conductors fixed in as direct a line to earth as practical with any necessary changes in direction in the vertical or horizontal plain formed by connection clamps?

  • Where earth pits/rods are fitted are they labelled, and free from cracks and damage?

  • Has the LP system been tested and certified with supporting paperwork submitted to the Electrical Team?

Electrical Earthing - TD53002, Section 7

  • Are all electrical earths fitted and equipment bonded in accordance with TD53002 section 7?

  • Are earth connections made off correctly and heat shrink has been used instead of tape? Are the colours correct?

  • Have earth terminations been made with no excessive strain on connectors/lugs once in place?

  • Have wrap around labels been fitted to earths on respective technologies?

Cabinets - TD41000 / TD53015

  • Are all cabinets and plinths installed as per the design drawing?

  • Does layout take existing infrastructure into consideration?

  • Are all cabs/equipment fully accessible?

  • Confirm no physical damage to cabinets?

  • Confirm that the door(s) lock and retainer(s) are working properly? (if not raise an OSDS report)

  • Check cabinets are level and fixed securely to the plinth?

  • Check cabinet location does not impede access to other equipment or present hazard to personnel accessing site? or public?

  • Do the cabinet colours match existing equipment and what is shown in the design, Is this within our scope of works?

  • Confirm unused cables entry glands are sealed?

  • Is there only one cable per gland?

  • Check location of cabinets does not render any site structure anti-climb ineffective?

  • Have GPS surge arrestors been fitted/labelled and earthed correctly?

  • Has all cabling to BTS BoB's been dressed in neatly?

  • Has BoB ladder (Where installed) been securely fitted and earthed?

  • inside BTS BoB's are all fibres dressed in neatly with velcro supports & ferrules fitted and labelled?

  • Are respective cabinets fitted with correct voltage stickers on the cab doors, as per DD's?

  • Is power enabling complete?

Labelling - RD10104, RD10090, BS7671

  • Have correct power cable labels been used, in the correct location, correctly annotated?

  • If labels are missing state exactly where or if label annotation is incorrect state exactly why.

  • Provide photo

  • Provide comment

  • Have correct isolator labels been used, in the correct location, correctly annotated?

  • If labels are missing state exactly where or if label annotation is incorrect state exactly why.

  • Provide photo

  • Provide comment

  • Have correct earth cable and earth bar labels been used, in the correct location, correctly annotated?

  • If labels are missing state exactly where or if label annotation is incorrect state exactly why.

  • Provide photo

  • Provide comment

  • Have correct Tx cable labels been used in correct location, correctly annotated?

  • If labels are missing state exactly where or if label annotation is incorrect state exactly why.

  • Provide photo

  • Provide comment

  • Have correct Krone labels been used in correct location, correctly annotated?

  • If labels are missing state exactly where or if label annotation is incorrect state exactly why.

  • Provide photo

  • Provide comment

  • Have correct alarm cable labels been used in correct location, correctly annotated?

  • If labels are missing state exactly where or if label annotation is incorrect state exactly why.

  • Provide photo

  • Provide comment

  • Have correct RF cable labels been used in accordance with RD10010, in correct location and correctly annotated?

  • If labels are missing state exactly where or if label annotation is incorrect state exactly why.

  • Provide photo

  • Provide comment

Electrical - TD41000/RD10090

  • BS 7671 signage required if existing LL fixed wiring old colours?

  • Has new switchgear been installed correctly including labelling?

  • Are cable ratings correct?

  • Has rotary isolator been installed correctly if required?

  • Has surge suppression been installed correctly if required?

  • All electrical hazard warning stickers fitted to power cabling & rotary switch with voltage rating(s)?

  • all end caps fitted to unistrut on isolators?

  • Has all electrical waste and debris been removed from site?

Civils - TD50505

  • Are new headframes, pole-mounts and gantry's secure and installed as per design?

  • Are concrete plinths level and champhered with all shuttering removed? Is the finish adequate with no cracking or other damage visible?

  • Are ducts filled, cut to between 25mm and 50mm and with draw strings fitted?

  • Are there any open trenches around the site which require backfilling?

  • If the design includes an access track has it been built to design?

  • If the gate and fence have been replaced are they secure and as per design?

  • Is the compound ground finished as per design with anti vegetation matting covered by a sufficient layer of gravel? Are all gravel boards fitted and fit for purpose?

  • Has any landscaping work been completed as per the design, reseeded or back-filled with gravel where required?

  • Have components, materials or existing structures been damaged?

  • Where redundant steelwork can't be fully removed has it been flush cut and made good?

  • Where installed, has LPS system/matting/ring/earth pits and correct depths been adhered to? as per DD's?

  • If existing concrete flags have been removed for works have they been reinstated with no cracks or damage?

  • Is the standard of work and finishing satisfactory, and meet the scope of works laid out in design?

  • Has any new steelwork/bases that requires torch wrenching been tightened up to the correct requirements?

  • Has all redundant civils equipment been removed from site, waste and debris?

  • Has there been any deviation from the agreed scope of works/ DD's? If so highlight in detail any concessions and submit redline to the Build Team ASAP.


  • Is transmission cabling suitably routed, secured and made off?

  • Is external cabling protected or of external grade?

  • Check MW dish install and cabling


  • Have all scopes of work been completed? if no, confirm RTS date with the Build Team directly.

  • Please add details on why, any concessions agreed, RTS dates and redlines required to be sent to whom?

  • Any other issues noted at Audit? Only to be used when all other categories have been checked for suitability

  • Has all other installation debris been removed from site? If not identify who the waste belongs to? Civils/Electrical/Rigging/IC&I? or SP/Existing?

  • Have you assigned any Non-Compliances in this report to the relevant Managers for review?

  • Signed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.