Operator Observed:
Task being completed by the operator
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Works Assessment
Section 1: PPE & Workwear
Can the employee explain correctly "What PPE they should be wearing in this location"
Observation - Is operator wearing correct PPE [head to toe check?] & is it in good condition
Section 2: Accidents & First-Aid
Can the employees correctly describe what initial actions they should take in the event of an accident and do they know where the fire assembly point is?
Can the employee correctly describe who are the first aiders in the area
Section 3: Competency & Training
Has the employee received all the necessary training to complete the tasks they are expected to carry out
Are there any recommendations for further training?
Section 4: Working Practice
Observation - Is employee paying due care & attention whilst carrying out the task?
Observation - Is the employee working safely and not posing a risk to themselves or others
Detail any follow up action required and who is responsible for carrying it out here:
Unit Leader
Any other considerations / comments