Title Page
Inspection Location
CBL Identity
Serial Number
SWL of Drive Unit (kg)
Test Load of Drive Unit (kg)
Year of Manufacture
Inspection Carried out by
Date of inspection
Guards and Covers
What's the condition of the roller covers?
What's the condition of the emergency brake cover?
What is the condition of the casing and cover of the levelling bar?
What is the condition of the motor brake cover?
What is the condition of the main electrical box?
Mechanic Component's
What gauge is the motor break set at?
Has the brake disk been replaced?
Has the gearbox oil be dropped and refilled to the correct level?
Is the drive pinion tight to the rack and damage free?
Are rollers free of excessive play and free of debris?
Is the Emergency brake operational and well lubricated?
Is the manual decent mechanism set correctly, allowing enough play for the unit to be lowered Safety?
Does the levelling bar pull side to side with ease and have the attachment connected?
Electrical Component's
Is all the wire casing free of damage?
Do all the micro switches function correctly?
Does the rectifier function correctly?
Do the proximity switches function correctly?
Are there any breaks in the 24 core cable?
Structural Elements
Are all structural welds clean and free of cracks and splits?
Is the chassis free of any bends or splits?
Is the floor deck secure?
Is the bottom mast free of damage and are all the bolts tight?
Are the Jacks legs all in place and are the threads in good condition?
Are the out riggers in good condition and functioning correctly?