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Conducted on
Prepared by
Restaurant Manager or Shift Manager assessment is completed with
Number of RMs and SMs that have completed MODULE 1
Number of RMs and SMs that have completed MODULE 2
Is there a visible, active Shift Manager?
Has a Shift Plan been completed?
Are the shift targets identified and communicated?
Is the pre-shift checklist complete?
Is the SM in a position to observe and manage danger zones?
Is the SM coaching Team members?
Is the SM delegating tasks?
Is the SM in a flexible position, such as the Expediter position?
Is the SM providing appreciative and constructive feedback and coaching Team members into, through and out of positions?
Are frequent travel paths taking place?
Can team members tell you their targets?
Does the Shift Manager display positive energy?
OBSERVATIONS: Best practice & opportunity
Is the Huddle Board On The Go in use?
Do team members bump orders on VDUs as items are finished?
Do team members understand their shared responsibilities and shift to assist as needed?
Do team members understand and exhibit Last Touch behaviors?
Is there a balance between service and production?
Does the SM react to danger zones?
OBSERVATIONS: Best Practice & Opportunity
Are orders staged on the staging mat until complete?
Do team members double check for accuracy?
Do team members follow the assemble - check - present behaviors on the Expediter deployment responsibilities card?
Are team members calling out FC orders by number when order is fully assembled?
OBSERVATIONS: Best Practice & Opportunity
How do you use the Huddle Board On The Go to communicate shared responsibilities and targets to team members?
Can you explain how the shared responsibilities differ based upon the number of people on the shift?
Do you know what the OPTA model is?
What did you observe when you used the OPTA model today?
How did you use your senses?
Can you give an example of how you used the decision making model during your shift?
Did you give any feedback or coaching today?
How did providing feedback or coaching go?