Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
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Safety Tour The purpose of a safety tour is for District Managers and their staff to visit the job-sites and discuss safety. This is not a safety audit. The discussion should include "what is working well" and what safety concerns or issues the technicians may have on the job-site. The visit to the field will show management's commitment to safety and provide a clear view of the office safety culture. Below are recommended questions for each manager to ask while performing a safety tour.
Is the job site free of recognized hazards?
Do you remember the last safety training session? If Yes, what do you remember?
Do you know the office safety performance YTD? (example; number of lost-time incidents, number of recordable incidents)
What safety support can we provide the field associates that have not been provided?
What would you do to improve our safety communications between the office and the field?
Do you feel there are changes that could help our office reach World Class Safety? If so what changes do you invision?
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