Document No.
Audit Title (initials of injured associate-mm-dd-yy)
Date and Time of Incident
Accident Incident Investigation Form Prepared by (full name, employee ID, position)
Date and Time Accident Incident Investigation Form was initiated
Area / Location of Accident
- Shipping/Recieving
- Sheeting
- Press Room
- Finishing
- Maintenance
- QA
- Ink Room
- Plateroom
- Break areas
- Rest Rooms
- Office Areas
- Outside Grounds
- Vehicle
PERSONAL INFORMATION (injured employee)
Employees full name
Date of birth
Enter date and time of injury or accident
Manager / Safety Team Investigation
Employment Category
Length of employment
Time in occupation at time of incident
Time associate reported to work on date of incident?
Type of injury
- abrasion
- laceration
- trauma
- slip
- trip
- fall
- contusion
Does equipment have lockable disconnect?
Name and title of person who assigned task/job
How long since a supervisor was in area of incident and who?
We're there any witnesses to the incident? What are the witnesses names?
Accident Sequence - describe in reverse order the occurrence of events preceding the injury
Injury Event / Accident Event
Describe the preceding events that led up to the injury or accident
Preceding Events
Was PPE required for this task?
Was PPE being utilized?
Was PPE adequate for the task?
Was employee trained?
Was training adequate?
Was equipment adequately guarded? If no describe deficiency
Has employee received training prior to job assignment?
Who performed training?
What was the duration of the training?
Was training adequate?
Was lockout necessary?
Was employee trained?
Was training adequate?
Was lock provided?
Was written procedure required?
Was procedure provided to follow?
Where were you at the time of the incident?
What time did the incident occur?
What were you doing at the time of the incident
What injury resulted from the incident?
Was there any ergonomic (strain/sprain) from the incident?
We're any Pre-existing conditions with the injury area?
If moving a object what was the estimated weight?
Did you ask for help with lifting?
Demonstrate how the task was performed
Could you have done anything different to prevent the injury?
Was there a laceration incident
What type of equipment or tool was used?
We're there any know issues with the equipment/tool not functioning properly?
Demonstrate how the task was performed
Could you have done anything different to prevent the injury?
Was there a trauma incident?
Did a trip, slip, bump, falling object cause the incident?
Was a ladder involved?
What type?
Where were your feet placed on the ladder?
Was the ladder inspected as part of the Fall Protection Program?
We're there any safety restraints in place?
Demonstrate how the task was performed
How could this incident been prevented?
How often do you perform this task?
Are there any specific PPE requirements for the task and were they used?
Was training provided for this task?
Were any safety mechanisms by-passed?
After your involvement with this incident, is there any insight you could share or preventative actions you would recommend?
Enter conclusions
Enter all correct preventative actions that will be implemented
Take pictures of injury/accident including body part(s), location, equipment, tools, etc.
Add drawing
Name / Signature of Employee (required)
Name / Signature of Supervisor / Lead
Name / Signature of Department Manager (required)
Name / Signature of Safety Team Lead (required)